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  • Blue Eye

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    Team Jaguar

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    Custom Camper

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    tina barrett

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    Wombat erections

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    Iron Man 3 Sucked


    Went and saw Iron Man 3 today. Obviously there’s going to be some spoilers in this post, so click to read more:

  • Waldensian Sabbath

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    Jean Tinctor, Traittié du crisme de vauderie (Sermo contra sectam vaudensium), Bruges ca. 1470-1480.

    Paris, BnF, Français 961, fol. 1r

    N[e]SFW – asian

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    Sloth dolphin

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    Big Bonsai

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    Hike shorts

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    3 hands

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    Yet another installment of “What’s This From?”


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    in the water

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    Strata island

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    Vida Guerra

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