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  • Valuable plate space

    Valuable plate space.png

    X-Men Wallpaper

    X-Men Wallpaper.jpg

    9-11 is now known as Patriot Day?



    totally forgot about 9-11 until about 5 minutes ago, so I did a quick search and apparently everyone’s calling it “Patriot Day” now, which is kinda nationalistic and weird.

    Anways, here’s about 10 years worth of 9-11 images, both interesting, funny or weird.

    a10 at rest

    a10 at rest.jpg

    mario level 1

    mario level 1.png

    No Peeing Sign

    No Peeing Sign.jpg

    NES Game Pad

    NES Game Pad.png

    halo 4 sexy

    halo 4 sexy.jpg

    I always want sex

    I always want sex.jpg

    Life it too short

    Life it too short.jpg



    Social Logins

    Funny Pictures

    Minor programming notes:

    1 – added the ability to log in with various social media sites.  All of them should only be looking for your email address and permission to use their services to log in.  If you already have an account on MCS and want to take advantage of it, you have a couple options: A – log in with your MCS account and attach your social media account on your profile page or B – if you have the same email on both MCS and social account, just log in with the social one.  it should be smart enough to automatically attach itself but YMMV.

    2 – changed out the ad provider yet again.  The previous one had popups, videos and paid 1/10 of the one prior to that, so I’m pretty interested in finding one to pay the server bills.

    3 – speaking of paying the bills, I spend a good bit of my life curating the stuff that shows up here.  Thinking of setting up a Patreon account, but that seems really fucking ausentacious, and I have no clue what the interest would be.  obviously I would set a level for people to be MCS and to just remove all ads on the site completely at another.


    Thoughts on these things?   I thought I was going to be able to download and play some Destiny tonight, but an hour and a half later, I’m still only at 15% download, so I guess I can forget that.

  • grapelady


    Down the silo

    Down the silo.jpg

    Finder, Fucker, Forgeter

    Finder, Fucker, Forgeter.jpg

    or Fidem, Fuckem, Forgettem?

    Batman v Superman – The New Batmobile

    aAFCbHQ 1NhiBwY hplfztM


    Obviously Alfred is no longer around to wash the car.


    Or robin for that matter.

    bike and gun

    bike and gun.jpg

    Lady Blackhawk

    Lady Blackhawk.jpg

    My 4 Moods

    My 4 Moods.jpg

    Miley 23

    Miley 23.jpg

    halo reach fall

    halo reach fall.jpg

    It’s Working

    It's Working.gif

    I swallowed some food colouring

    I swallowed some food colouring.jpg

    Cloudy Fields

    Cloudy Fields.jpg

    Waking up

    Waking up.jpg



    The Robins

    The Robins .jpg

    Star Trek Seekers

    Star Trek Seekers.jpg