out of clean spoons

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  • Peter Clines’ bestselling Ex series

    I recently burned through the first two of these, if you’re a comic book fan, this series of book is for YOU:


    Ex-Heroes: “The Avengers meets The Walking Dead with a large order of epic served on the side…” a review that I wholeheartedly agree with.  The zombie bits are interesting, but that’s just the scenery for the real story.



    Ex-Patriots: Our Ex-Heroes find other survivors, is this good for the future of humanity? Likely not. . .


    Ex-Communication: “…there’s more than one way to come back from the dead”


    Ex-Purgatory: The madness of George.


    I highly recommend this series, it hits all the key points of what I’m interested in, super powered humans, other worldly beings, zombies, super heroes, super villains, post apocalyptic settings and balls to the wall excitement from page to page. The first book is clunky in getting started, but once it’s rolling, it really gains speed quickly.

    To be clear though, this is not a comic book series, it’s


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