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  • Armageddon Auckland 2014 BW

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    The Best BW picks of the weekend

    Armageddon Expo Auckland 2014

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    Best weekend of the year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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    There are hundreds of gods I don’t believe in…


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    Trekkies at Armageddon expo Auckland 2014

    Cos play af Auckland

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    More Cosplay from Auckland Armageddon

    Bureau 13

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    The real reason we haven’t gone back to the moon lately…

    Role Playing

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    When you can make people believe you really are Elvis alive and well, you’re good.
    If you can make people believe you are really JFK alive and well and black, you are a master thespian.

    Color of life

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    lip gloss

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    big foot runs


    gas fight


    flower skirt


    Lego Batcave

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  • Shorts

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    Art by Simon Bisley


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    Art by Stepan “Nebezial” Sejic.

    Cthulhu Investigator

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    From a branch of P&P Cthulhu horror gaming…both standard and widescreen formats.

    Golden Axe 1&2

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    Pz.Kpw II

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    Tiger Turret

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    Scumbag Stacey

    I wanted to file an abuse complaint for two websites that you host, &, both have the same domain owner. I am seeking the removal of the infringing material, located below. Please see attached copyright registration documentation for the image. The image is part of a copyrighted set taken in 2005. Let me know if you need any further documentation from me. I could not locate any contact information for the domain owner. I am providing this notice in good faith and with the reasonable belief that rights I own are being infringed upon.

    Under penalty of perjury, I certify that the information contained in the notification is both true and accurate, and I am the sole owner of the copyright involved. White & Williams LLP is the law firm currently representing me and they also share the rights and permissions of this copyright. If possible, please reply back to this email to confirm the permanent removal of the images. Thank you for your help and cooperation in this matter. The copyright registration of the original work can be found at:
    Type of Work: Visual Material
    Registration Number: VA0001935083
    Application Title: Photos – AS1 – 2005
    Date of Creation: 2005
    Copyright Claimant: Amber Stratton
    Rights and Permissions: White and Williams, 1650 Market St. Suite 1800, Philadelphia PA, 19103


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    ex machina

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    What interests me about the title is that isn’t the more familiar phrase, deus ex machina, (god from machine) but ex machina (from machine). My instinct is that this will have some bearing on the storyline of the film. The phrase is usually connected to drama and a plot twist that comes out of nowhere. I suspect that the experiment outlined in the synopsis is not what it seems. I’m going to predict that the robot has much more control over the proceedings than we imagine, and may even be the instigator of the action.


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    Gatchaman or Battle of the Planets (1978)

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    I watch that show sooooo much when i was a kid!


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    Sd.Kfz 234

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