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  • Cash Dress Barbie

    Cash Dress Barbie.jpg

    Weiner Bondage

    Weiner Bondage.jpg

    A First Look at Jason Momoa as Aquaman

    Zack Snyder released this picture of Jason Momoa as Aquaman very late yesterday night on Twitter with the caption “Unite the Seven,” which likely refers to the seven members of the Justice League.

    via GAS.

    Um, no, Seven = Seven Seas. He’s fighting to reunite his broken empire and Batmans and Supermans are popping up everywhere getting in the way.

    Open Containers Prohibited

    Open Containers Prohibited.jpg

    Star Wars Jawa Cosplayer

    Star Wars Jawa Cosplayer.jpeg

    Arch Truck

    Arch Truck.jpg

    Stark vs Skrull

    Stark vs Skrull.jpeg

    Stretchy Butt

    Stretchy Butt.jpg

    There are 15,755 untagged posts on MCS!

    Just a few short 7 months ago there were 30,922 untagged posts on mcs, I’ve reduced that number down to 15,755.

    here’s some brief stats on this personal project of mine:

    There are 232 days remaining until my goal of getting these done by the 10 year anniversary of MCS, which means I’ll need to do 67.909 posts per day to be done in time.


    At the moment I’m taggings posts all the way back in 2010 when casemods was running rampant.  I wonder whatever happened to that guy?

    sailor slut


    leather pants


  • kick jump


    biker chick


    Better Call Saul

    bcs.jpg (40 KB)

    bcs1.png (172 KB)

    OMG. Episode 2. Epic.


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    Sylvester Stallone


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    Bad Batman

    badbat.jpg (62 KB)

    Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit

    tomtom.jpg (86 KB)

    Sky Walker

    sky-walker.jpg (43 KB)

    Lego Firefly Mule


    UCS MF-813 Flying Mule, and crew.


    Well Halo There

    hallo.jpg (55 KB)

    Photo Invasion 1

    Photo-Invasion1.jpg (55 KB)

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    Steam Trooper

    steamtrooper1.jpg (74 KB)

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    steamtrooper3.jpg (97 KB)


    download-22.gif (1 MB)

    Strange Cumberbatch

    Cumberbatch-Strange-art.jpg (31 KB)


    Taking a Punt

    taking-a-punt.jpg (62 KB)

    Photo Invasion 2

    Photo-Invasion8.jpg (136 KB)

    Photo-Invasion9.jpg (54 KB)

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    Rob Roy

    robroy.jpg (998 KB)

    Rob Roy. Dry, with an orange twist, and bitters. Served up, in a flared coupe.


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    Slippery Slopes

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    Grand-Snow-3.jpg (233 KB)

    Grand Canyon 1st Jan 2015


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