She Hulk

She Hulk.jpg


she looks more like a skrull to me actually.

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  • Belial Summon

    Belial Summon.png

    sports bed

    sports bed.jpg

    Sony Gaming Pad

    Sony Gaming Pad.jpg


    I was going to sell my ps3, but then I played Infamous and then the deal fell through and I’m thinking that I want to keep it and play through some more of the backlog.  Anyone else on the Ps3 and know of good exclusives?  Want to add me as a buddy, which I have no clue what it’s good for?  SN is tgiokdi

    Bad lawn care

    Bad lawn care .jpg

    Busty Lunch

    Busty Lunch.jpg


    looks like she got some melons to go with that salad!

    The Alliance Fleet under Black Jack Geary – Bombarding the Syndic planet of Sutrah

    The Alliance Fleet under Black Jack Geary - Bombarding the Syndic planet of Sutrah.jpg


    I read this book series back when I was spending a lot of time in the hospital, it was good and moved quickly, but dear god it was a long series…like 9 or 10 books?  Happy to see some art from it though!

  • Billy Idol – Eyes Without A Face

    Guess we know who was Spike modeled after.

    Good Night Sweet Prince

    Good Night Sweet Prince.png


    sorta spoilerish.

    Alien Prom

    Alien Prom.jpg

    Stacey’s Mom

    sbpmj-logo.png (725 KB)

    Postmodern Jukebox.


    tumblr_nozmutOe6o1tjzng1o1_1280.jpg (84 KB)

    by the pool

    FIvkfko.jpg (484 KB)

    Oota, Goota, Solo?

    greedotaxidriver-final-by-joopadoops-d8xhq5t.jpg (707 KB)


    06-2-1.jpg (574 KB)


    What-a-Side-View-Imgur.png (514 KB)


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    Trust me I’m a priest…


    …of a death god.

    Kangaroo looks like is about to put someone’s lights out


    Looks pretty capable of doing it too.

    Good fact


    Don’t Open the Door

    corridorIraybloodfog.png (1 MB)

    You’ve been warned

    Has Been – Common People

    hasbeen.jpg (51 KB)

    Apparently WW and WS reconciled after this, SOMEHOW.

    Gothic architecture

    image.jpg (1 MB)

    I designed this for a church in Toronto. It’s a transom above the main entry. While I did the artistic and technical design, there was a crew of six guys who did an incredible job of not losing fingers during the construct. It was made entirely with handheld power tools. No C&C machinery.