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  • LEGO Millennium Falcon

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    A 10,00 piece LEGO Millennium Falcon by Titans Creations.



  • Speed Trap Road

    Speed Trap Road.jpg

    Feather Cat

    Feather Cat.jpg

    Mercedes Benz 540K

    Mercedes Benz 540K.jpg

    racist us president

    racist us president.jpg

    Turn in my essay



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    just iWatch things

    FNV fanart



    IMO Cazaclaws are scarier.

    Penny Dreadful: Season 2

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    It’s the return of the Eva Green Intensity Hour! But so far the most important plot development thus far is pink guy lined Victor Frankenstein’s erotic/romantic interest in the companion he’s created for The Creature aka John Clare. So far, Vicky Boy’s been implanting false memories into her about their past lives as cousins (very Rachel in Blade Runner), changed her accent, cut of her hair and dyed it blonde. (to avoid recognition he says, but more likely to allow La Piper freedom from a ginger wig and a Northern Irish accent) WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG? Well, for one thing, in Season 1, the adorable Mr Proteus was starting to get his memory back before he was so rudely torn asunder by Rory Kinnear (badly miscast in my opinion). Secondly, there’s the sticky problem of her having a werewolf boyfriend in her previous incarnation. This could get messy…

    The mystery of that dress SOLVED?

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    This is interesting. I’m definitely a night owl and I read it as blue and black.

    Britannia Hospital

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    This poster (although awesome) is completely inexplicable, as no such thing happens in the movie. (The other inexplicable thing is that Mark Hamill’s in it!) I urge you all to seek out this extremely weird movie and be on your guard for what happens to Malcolm McDowell. Nasty.

    Creative brain.

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    It’s a long article (sorry), but well worth a read.


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