Donald Duck Cosplay

Donald Duck Cosplay.png

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  • Bobcat Enclosure

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    Working on the Edge

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    Pluto and moon

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    Devil’s Attorney game review

    71KOaaAGdKL. SL500  Devils Attorney

    Devil’s Attorney is a turn-based strategy game set in the 80’s where you play as Max McMann, a defense attorney that’s high on charm but low on moral fiber.

    Your objective is to free all of your clients and use the money you earn to buy accessories and new furniture for your apartment; boosting your ego and unlocking new courtroom skills in the process.

    This is the first mobile/tablet game that I didn’t think was utter shit.  It’s fun, it’s playable for a few minutes at a time and the voiceover work is top notch.  I’ve yet to beat the final (maybe?) fight, but I’m getting there.

    It’s only $3 on amazon.

    Limitless Power Supply


    I have been REALLY enjoying Limitless up to this scene, nice to see Deb back on the force, and the whole concept is pretty cool to me.  But then the black cop says “and we got their hard drives right here…” and pulls out the PSU with the cables dangling off of it, I had to skip back to see if what I just saw was what I thought…and good grief.

    I’m hoping they get the opportunity to poke fun at themselves for this.

    If you haven’t watched any of it yet, it’s about a Guy that gets a Drug that makes him Smart.  Sadly, they didn’t have any of the drug for the cops.

    Wooden 911

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    Keg Tosser

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    would you pay to see a movie with this lead?

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    Jar Jar Awakes!

    10 Years is a hell of a long time to keep a blog open!


    10/21/2005, I was bored at work and decided to start a blog on blogger, (it’s still out there too!), then about 6 months later I got pissed that blogger didn’t support tags or categories so I tried out a couple other blogging systems and landed with wordpress.  Fast forward to today and there’s been so much that’s happened since then:

    • 91,788 Posts
    • 165,189 Image Attachements
    • 418,323 Approved Comments
    • over 100,000,000 Page Views

    I’ve loved working on this site and have really enjoyed everything that it’s taught me. I’d like to think there’s a huge community of people out there that are still actively visiting and not commenting, but if I’m being truthful, the traffic and commenting on the site has been on a steady decline for a fair bit of time, it was right around when I finally got everything stable and didn’t have any significant downtime. Even with less traffic though, there’s still a good community here and I love each and every one of you!

    So that being said, let’s talk about what my vision was, what it morphed into and what it’s going to change into in a relatively short time period:

    When I first started: Shit son, I wanted to make me some money! That worked until the site was kicked out of Google’s Adsense program because of America’s Shame of the Female Body. We showed one too many boobs, nipples or butts and got kicked to the curb and the site’s struggled to pay for itself every god damn month. I have something in action that’s going to solve this, but that’s going to have to be vague and unspoken of until it actually goes through. End result though will be the removal of all third party ads and only loading ads that I’ve created myself for my own sites. Originally I was going to be the only one making posts and adding images and I was only adding like 4-5 a day.

    What it turned into: Lots of people wanted to add pictures and it was easiest to just give everyone accounts and let them post them and I would approve them. It worked well until one of the image submission engines I was using got a bit too complicated and old and is now pretty much just a broken piece of shit that’s a security and convenience hassle. It’s impossible to move images/posts from the SFW side to the NSFW side and there’s always someone posting the wrong shit to the wrong side. The site isn’t making money, there’s god damn popup ads on mobile and I’m having to either delete quality submissions on both sfw/nsfw or post them and hope no one wonders why there’s some political cartoon wedged between a topless blonde and a topless brunett getting railed by a octopus.

    What I’m working on (still?): it’s going to have the image submissions, blog posts, forum entries, and everyone/anyone can post whatever the fuck they want to. Want to post a movie review? Awesome, go for it. Want to post a picture series of you and your wife trying out adult toys? Go for it! Want to just dump 100,000 images of ponies? bob’s your uncle. Obviously there’s going to have to be some things done to keep it a relatively sane area, but it’s going to be a mix of sfw and nsfw content that will then be moderated out to the two different parts of the site.

    1. Forums
    2. Blog Posts
    3. Image Gallery

    What’s the hold up?  The custom code it’s going to take to move images and shit from plus to other places.  I have it for the most part, but there’s still a couple niggling issues that are keeping me up at night.  Here’s where I have to give some mad props to Trello, without their system of task management with checklists and board I think I would have gone insane with what I’m trying to do with this.  With their help, I can actually see what’s on my plate and what it’s going to take to get it done.

    God I love you guys, here’s to 10 more years of #blessed MCS time!

  • Aliens

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    Star Trek

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    Get Well

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    two faced

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    For Girls


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    No pretty woman for you!

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    Star Wars

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    Good luck at college kid

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    Bloody Mary

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    The magic of books



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    Waiting For The Perfect Man