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  • go right to go left

    I’m angry


    Small site updates = big improvements

    TL;DR site will be faster and you can share images to facebook easily.


    I’ve made some small changes to the site behind the scenes:

    • changing the next/prev links to use different / updated code.

    I’ve also made some small updates on the front end of the site

    • removing the next/prev links that were hugging the left and right
    • added “share to facebook” and “share to twitter”.  I remember removing these for [insert reasons] but for the life of me I can’t remember what those reasons are. So now you can share to social media again?  it looks much more obvious on mobile, but is present on both views of the site.


    The reasons for the next/prev links being removed?  Confusingly these two bits of built in code in WordPress were using up a shit fuck ton of resources just figuring out what post was next.  Apparently WP isn’t optimized for sites with 100,000+ post, 400,000+ comments, and over 177,000 images.  Sorting through all those to figure out which one was “next” and which one was “previous” was taking a toll on the site, so I’ve replaced the default next/prev with something that does all that figuring out, then stores it on the post so it’s part of the post data that’s sent back in the default native query.

    If you’re seeing long load times, please log out and try a few other posts, then log back in and try the same pages.  it should be pretty quick now.  If it’s not, let me know in the comments.

    apple time

  • Picnic Titties

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