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    Dubious Recipe




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  • Face off Sisterhood vs Prelacy

    Face off: Sisterhood vs Prelacy




    duran at rest

    Star Trek TNGDS9 Divided We Fall

    The miniseries features the TNG cast after the events of STAR TREK: INSURRECTION and the DS9 crew from the Pocket Books relaunch novel series, from after the final episode What You Leave Behind

    Yesterday for dinner my wife and I watched an episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine where some random crazy Trill decided that he alone deserved to host the Dax symbiote. He took control of the station and forced the transfer, only to be ultimately defeated by the DS9 crew, then sent off on his way without the symbiote.

    Today, incidentally, I got to a Star Trek Mini series that I bought at a comic book convention six months ago and sure enough, there was that same random Trill again, this time out for blood and wanting to kill all of the symbiots, since if he can’t have them, no one should, and after all, aren’t they just parasites that took control of their civilization years ago?

    It’s a fun story, but made more fun by the random happenstance.

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    Directed by Dan Scanlon. With Tom Holland, Chris Pratt, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Octavia Spencer. Two elven brothers embark on a quest to bring their father back for one day.

    The worst performing Pixar film in recent memory, but that’s not due to anything about the film, as this is a fantastic story about dead parents and how we go about dealing with our lives without those parents that died and are dead and will never be there for us again, even though we desperately need them to be in our lives.

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