It wasn't designed to shoot bad guys with. It was designed to be light to carry and to keep your stomach full. I wouldn't want to eat a rabbit that was shot with an MP7.
SurvivalNerd (2924)
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Registered 2008-03-27 23:29:04 Comment Karma: 0 Featured Comments: 0 Member of : |
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- Comment on AR-7 Survival Rifle (2008-03-27 18:59:19)
It wasn't designed to shoot bad guys with. It was designed to be light to carry and to keep your stomach full. I wouldn't want to eat a rabbit that was shot with an MP7. - Comment on AR-7 Survival Rifle (2008-03-27 18:32:08)
The Ar-7 is a bad ass little rifle. Eugene Stoner (the guy that did up the M-16) designed it for downed pilots as a survival rifle.