@Caio: Though now it seems the job's for whoever'll help most with the election; everything else is tangential.
Max (868)
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- Comment on Gov. Palin Holding Her Special Needs Child (2008-09-10 08:26:37)
@Caio: Though now it seems the job's for whoever'll help most with the election; everything else is tangential. - Comment on Burn Notice Season 2 Promo (2008-09-10 08:21:29)
Great show, but I don't get to watch it as often as I want :( - Comment on Snow Creature (2008-09-08 10:41:39)
little do you know that it could replace your eyeballs with your testicles in less than a second. - Comment on Frightful Four (2008-09-08 08:29:12)
NO U - Comment on Might be too goth for santa (2008-09-08 08:10:50)
"I hate this fucking guy". - Comment on The GOP Platform (2008-09-04 08:14:10)
@Abno: nothing twotone said was about loyalty to country vs. loyalty to gov't. If some "Militia" or other club of gun nuts tries to take on the ARMY, they would die. Simple as that. How is bigotry involved? now you're just making up insults with no backing at all. - Comment on X-Men With Dragon (2008-08-29 10:30:56)
Gambit has a lot of potential as a character, arguably as much as wolverine, he just doesn't have miracle grow in his blood and ZOMG CLAWS. Don't get me wrong, Wolverine kicks ass, and Codename: Wolverine is a helluva good book to those who haven't read it, but discounting Gambit? Please. - Comment on Awesome Marvel Character Drawing (2008-08-29 10:28:24)
lol shweet. Ghost Rider rules :P (OK not so much the movie :( ) - Comment on Son Hates Being Homeschooled (2008-08-29 09:48:19)
lulz. - Comment on Super Carnage (2008-08-29 09:47:07)
I loved Separation Anxiety for SNES. Though maybe the fact that any coop spidey game at that time would've made me crap my pants had something to do with it... - Comment on Space Marine Tattoo (2008-08-17 05:19:48)
"If they weren’t pussies they’d be fighting the republican guard on equal terms. Not with technology 40 years ahead of the opponent." I know this is a ways back, but still I have an issue with it, as you say. Using technology that's better than your opponent when you've got it (regardless of topic) isn't being a pussie, it's not being a fucking idiot. If some guy tries to mug with with a knife, and i have a knife and a gun, I'm gonna draw the gun and tell him to fuck off, not get out the knife cause it's "fair". - Comment on Rad Skyway and Mongoose Promo Gear (2008-08-15 17:07:59)
lol'd @ Marrock - Comment on Chicken Potato (2008-08-15 16:59:58)
I would eat the shit out of that. Figuratively of course. - Comment on Batman < Lesbians (2008-08-15 13:46:27)
:( Guess I lost the game then. Like you just did. - Comment on Otakon 2008- cosplay of me as Gundam Deathscythe (2008-08-15 13:41:41)