Flickerdart (2110)
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Registered 2008-01-20 03:11:06

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Recent Comments from Flickerdart

  • Comment on moral high ground (2011-09-24 20:14:52)
    [sitation needed]
  • Comment on robot lady (2011-09-23 17:34:38)
    Nope; Chuck Testa.
  • Comment on ruined sex toys (2011-09-20 16:22:05)
    Those are mannequins.
  • Comment on 30 years of innovation (2011-09-18 16:40:10)
    Phones: iPhone can't make calls if you're holding it. Cars: They don't make 'em like they used to. Consoles: Atari didn't get your credit card information stolen. Computers: The Air represents a fundamental devolution in functionality, features and power. Shuttles: Holy crap we actually managed not to screw something up in 30 years? Sweet.
  • Comment on sex or money (2011-09-17 18:59:06)
    Derp, thought I cancelled this one in time.
  • Comment on sex or money (2011-09-17 18:58:09)
    $20 a day is $7300 a year. Assuming your investment return on the money is just enough to counter inflation, between the age of majority (18) and death (~80), you get $452,600. Nearly half a million bucks can buy you many, many hookers, and then take them all into space. On the other hand, if absolute submission means you can make them give you all their money (can "getting a million dollars" be considered a fetish?), then you can have both.
  • Comment on sex or money (2011-09-17 18:55:22)
    $20 a day is $7200 a year. Assuming your investment return on the money is just enough to counter inflation, between the age of majority (18) and death (~80), you get $446,400. Nearly half a million bucks can buy you many, many hookers.
  • Comment on The Amazing Spider-Man Poster (2011-09-09 03:11:29)
    So amazing they had to put the title on the poster twice.
  • Comment on downloading communism (2011-09-06 13:24:40)
    I bet Dernaziking downloads Communism.
  • Comment on sniper vs. spy (2011-09-06 02:06:31)
    Snipin's a good job, mate.
  • Comment on Not My Daughter (2011-08-27 15:29:40)
    Looks more like an angry raver.
  • Comment on Bible Contradictions (2011-08-23 14:25:50)
    Gritty reboot of the Old Testament?
  • Comment on kratos fights christanity (2011-08-18 03:31:16)
    The reason the swords are bloodied is cause he already did in the Holy Ghost.
  • Comment on crab cowboy (2011-08-17 21:23:26)
    Need a cowboy? Why not Zoidberg?
  • Comment on idle stargate (2011-08-17 17:33:55)
    Serpent Guards were never useful past the first couple of episodes, though.
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