brisingre (3327)
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Registered 2008-04-25 18:51:19

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Recent Comments from brisingre

  • Comment on Just do it. (2010-05-12 17:18:54)
    Surprisingly good.
  • Comment on Slowdown! (2009-08-19 12:10:16)
    That snail is almost 100 times the size a snail should be relative to a turtle. Either it's fucking enormous or that's a tiny-ass turtle or it's shopped. Given that the texture scale doesn't line up, I've gotta say shopped, unfortunately. But yeah, cute!
  • Comment on multiwinia (2009-04-13 17:07:16)
    Love this game...
  • Comment on efficiency has no soul. (2009-04-07 19:56:50)
    OM FTW
  • Comment on Robots on Public Broadcast (2009-04-01 20:48:08)
    Two of my all-time favorite shows here. Red Dwarf and Doctor Who FTW!
  • Comment on Braindog vs. Braincat (2009-03-26 21:55:43)
    Braindog is scary as fuck. Braincat is just odd.
  • Comment on Beer In The Shade (2009-03-26 21:54:45)
    And yet all I can think about is the fact that this illustrates ambient occlusion better than anything I've seen in a long time...
  • Comment on Action Hero Turtle (2009-03-25 22:17:54)
    Hells yes.
  • Comment on Wizard of Oz Reimagined (again) (2009-03-22 15:05:34)
    Interesting, to say the least. I really like this reimagining.
  • Comment on Alien versus Predator (2009-03-21 22:41:17)
    It looks like the Alien is making the first move. With black. Whups. Awesome pic, though.
  • Comment on Arkham Asylum Box Art (2009-03-16 19:50:36)
    I want this to be good, but I bet it won't be. Superhero games always look so promising. Superhero comics are BEGGING to be made into video games, yet, somehow, the games always manage to suck. Yeah, swinging around the city in Spiderman was fun, but that's the most fun I think I've ever had playing a superhero game. It's mostly that the licenses tend to go to the lowest bidder, really.
  • Comment on Tim Burton\'s Alive In Wonderland Concept Art (2009-03-16 19:41:34)
    I really want this to be good. The question is whether the fact that Disney is still involved will bring it down. Nah, Tim Burton'll pull through. I'll love to finally get a good movie of one of my favorite stories.
  • Comment on Portal(s) (2009-03-16 01:06:23)
    Thanks to the Internet, my generation still has "Don't Cross the Streams." @Jicty You want Portal to be longer? Well, while Valve is taking their sweet time about making a sequel that will probably make the universe explode from pure awesome, the games fans have created hundreds of hours of content, of varying qualities. There's a little bit on ModDB, but the rest... Just search around. I think I started on the Narbacular Drop forums, but that doesn't mean you have to.
  • Comment on World War II in Short (2009-03-11 22:18:47)
    Me too. That was four weeks of that stupid course in about two minutes.
  • Comment on R2D2 (2009-03-11 00:23:12)
    Classic for a reason.
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