SFPD put rape victims’ DNA into database used to find criminals, DA alleges

DA cites arrest of woman who had rape exam years ago—chief plans investigation.

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    19 Responses ttto SFPD put rape victims’ DNA into database used to find criminals, DA alleges

    1. Saborlas says:

      American cops require some of the least amount of training in the developed world… largely because American policing is based on high school bullies continuing to be bullies.

    2. Soong says:

      A struggle snuggle should get you a free pass? What about people already incarcerated who then get poked in the pokey, is the free pass only for future crimes or is it retroactive and we have to let them out?

      • tiki god says:

        I don’t think I’m understanding what you’re saying here, but to be clear, the problem is that they were running the rape victims through the system.

        • Soong says:

          When law enforcement is matching DNA, it’s not for unpaid parking tickets or shoplifting. What kind of crimes gets the CSI team out collecting samples? If they catch a kid-murderer because she got raped, you going to donate to her defense or actually fly out and protest holding a sign? To what level of crime is a rape victim entitled to a blind eye? Serious question.

          You’re going to scream 4th amendment. A rape kit is not collected against the victims will unless there’s a warrant. They’re knowingly handing their DNA over to law enforcement. It’s more on the up-n-up than when people with warrents get arrested because they get a postcard saying they won a new TV and come to such-n-such address.

          • tiki god says:

            I guess I did understand, that’s a super hot take on the situation. You’re incorrect about the warrant situation, rape kits are nearly universally collected willingly and adding “victim DNA” to a database used to prosecute people is only going to have a chilling effect on reported rapes and will lead to more rapists just walking around raping with impunity.

            • Soong says:

              Honestly, please share your thoughts on my point about what kinds of crimes have DNA evidence involved. Rape, of course. Murders. Paternity cases. Now just as POC’s can’t be racists, women can’t rape so no concern about a victim getting in trouble for doing the same. While typing this, I went looking for other types of cases where DNA is used and I found mention of robberies where DNA evidence was collected and used… to tie the robber to murders. I don’t think many women are going to fall in the middle of the rape victim-murderer/rapist/robber Venn diagram. Tell me how wrong it is for her to be convicted for a crime she committed because she was wronged. It’s not as if they match her DNA to something else and toss out her attackers sample. Justice for all.

            • Soong says:

              going to have a chilling effect on reported rapes

              This presupposes that a large number of rape victims are themselves guilty of crimes or criminal intent for which they will fear prosecution and therefor not come forth. This left wing hysteria is entirely not unlike the right wing hysteria about illegal immigrants being rapists and murderers. It’s just a nonsensical fantasy to justify an attitude.

            • Gropegrope says:

              No…it only presupposes people’s mistrust of cops.

            • Gropegrope says:

              I guess if you trust the cops you wouldn’t understand….

            • tiki god says:

              your thoughts don’t matter, it’s obvious that they’re throwing all dna they possible can into this database, victims, perpetrators, suspects, DNA kits from third parties, doesn’t matter. hell, they caught someone from a DNA test they got from his sister’s aunt or some shit.

            • Soong says:

              Why is it bad to catch people who have done bad things?

            • tiki god says:

              You’re conflating “bad people” with “victims of a crime”.

            • Soong says:

              No, you are pretending they can’t be the same thing. That’s called a false dichotomy.

            • tiki god says:

              A “false dichotomy” is exactly what you’re trying to say, lmao. I wouldn’t have thought to use that argument, but sure, it’s exactly that. You can be both a victim AND a criminal, but does that mean you treat one class of person differently than the other when a crime is committed against them?

            • Soong says:

              You’re exercising strong double think here. Someone gets injured in a car accident because another person ran a red light; the police create a report. While doing so they discover that injured person has a warrant for their arrest. They are simultaneously a victim of a someone running a red light and they are someone who did something to get arrested for. By your reasoning, they shouldn’t be arrested because they were the victim of a crime. Why the fuck shouldn’t he go to jail because a car hit him?

            • tiki god says:

              that’s a vastly different situation, here’s my own version of your strawman:

              A woman is raped, then beaten. She’s hospitalized with life threatening injuries. You’re saying that instead of giving her medical aid, they should run her DNA through the criminal database to see if they should handcuff her to the bed that she can’t even get out of because of the broken legs, broken ribs, and blood loss. Should she be treated like this because her DNA was found at the scene of a murder 20 years ago, collected by an intern with no training in proper DNA collection?

              In this same situation, a migrant woman has her DNA collected at the border. She’s provisionally released into the US interior, but is raped by an Uber driver. Should she have her DNA run when she reports the rape? What consequences will she face if she reports that rape?

              Also, you’re throwing around some pretty big phrases and words, but they seem to be exactly what you’re doing yourself, it’s a very weird type of self gaslighting that you’ve got going on. You’re also calling this “left wing hysteria”, but I’m pretty sure both side of the fence agree keeping DNA databases is problematic at best.

            • Soong says:

              No, I said justice for all. In my scenario, both people receive justice. The person who ran the red light should be arrested and the person who was hit should receive medical care and be arrested. I’m sorry I didn’t specify they should be treated humanly; as a human I just presume that would be done. The rape victim/criminal should be arrested too, handcuffed to the hospital bed while continuing to receive care.

              You say I’m straw-manning but then you interject into my scenario an intern preforming an arrest and a rape victim being left to die in a hospital. Nope. We don’t even do that to people convicted of crimes. That crap about the migrant woman, well if she’s released into the US interior… why the fuck would it matter if her DNA is run? She was released into the US presumably by US athorities. So what would be the issue? They’d kick her out for being raped? Cuz she’s now unclean and we’re all pure Christian? Like if she’s released into the US and raped… what? WHAT?

              Then you talk about gaslighting. Motherfucker I was raised by narcisists. I know more about gaslighting than most and I can say you’re real fucking bad at it. Real gas-lighters don’t put shit in writing. Don’t tell me I’m leaving a woman to die untreated because she’s a criminal in my scenario when my scenario is in writing above yours. You’re the gass-lighter, and an ass-hat.

            • tiki god says:

              Ok, I’ll just put you down as “not gaslighting” then.

              also, “not getting it” and “head up butt”

      • amandag says:

        A struggle snuggle‘ meaning rape then? You’re pathetic.

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