The accused rapist will probably win


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    23 Responses ttto The accused rapist will probably win

    1. Gropegrope says:

      Conservatives really don’t do humor, do they…

      • MalcoveMagnesia says:

        Or maybe it’s thin skin on the socialist/communist/progressive side?

        • Gropegrope says:

          Biden isn’t a socialist or communist.
          It would be a stretch to call him a progressive.

          So…no, that’s not it.

        • songofsickness says:

          The nine downvotes on this comment to one that got only four upvotes really says it all, doesn’t it? They really love dishing it, but as soon as it comes back…

          • tiki god says:

            I think the number is total votes and not an indication of ups or downs.

            speaking of downs, how you doing buddy?

            • songofsickness says:

              I’m the best thing to happen to up the engagement on this site for months and you know it. If I didn’t exist, you’d pay to have me invented.

            • jediadept says:

              You being a self absorbed piece of shit neither makes you great, nor improves this site.

            • songofsickness says:

              You’re here tell me how wrong I am.

              ENGAGEMENT, BABY!!!

            • jediadept says:

              Your immaturity is showing; and you are way too excited and full of yourself to waste time on. Go play in the freeway little boy.

              Life can be hard, and it’s even harder because you’re an idiot.

            • songofsickness says:

              With every reply you prove me right. Every ill-conceived comment you vomit forth is more engagement and pushes this post further and further up the algorithm, but you can’t stop yourself. You can’t stop yourself because in your fevered brain not having the last word means you’ve lost… and I’m the immature one?

              It won’t be long until you see this post in the highlighted section with all this engagement. You’ll see it there and think ‘Fuck. That is my fault’. I’m to blame’… but I’m the idiot?

              Please… keep going. Tell me I’m wrong. If you don’t have the last word, you’re losing!

            • Gropegrope says:


    2. Jac says:

      We sail the grand ships of Victory on oceans filled with the tears of Conservative Snowflakes.

      • MalcoveMagnesia says:

        Storefronts and buildings in major cities weren’t boarded up and locked down on election day because people were worried about “Conservative Snowflakes”, but whatever comforts widdle you to peaceful slumber at night it’s okay Jac.

    3. songofsickness says:

      Not one single defense of Biden not being racist, corrupt, or a capitalist plutocrat. Instead what do we get? “SHUT UP! NOT FUNNY! NUH NUH NUH…!”

      That’s why it’s funny.

      • tiki god says:

        it’s such a silly trope that no one’s going to go out of the way to combat it, much like when people call him a socialist

        • songofsickness says:

          When when he talked about putting “those people” in prison when talking up the crime bill in the senate, who do you think he was talking about? Locking up “those people”, as he put it over and over again.

          Was he talking about criminals? Because not one Wall Street executive who caused the big crash was even arrested under Obama and Biden. Maybe he was talking about people like Brock Turner or Jacob Walter Anderson? Nope, they’re walking free…

          When he was talking about “those people”, do you think maybe… maybe?… he was referring to a demographic a bit more… dusky? What do you think? Who was he talking about? Tell. Us. Who.

          • tiki god says:

            no, I don’t remember that. are you referring to something from when he was a senator?

            • songofsickness says:

              You don’t remember that. Outstanding. The president-elect building the mass-incarceration industry just… slipped your mind.

            • tiki god says:

              I’m sure it’s slipped your notice, but he ran on undoing all that and taking the money out of the private prison system

            • songofsickness says:

              I’m sure that’s going to be a huge relief to all “those people” who had their lives ruined by minor drug charges between 1994 and whenever he decides to get that done. Just so you know, Clinton’s second biggest corporate donor in 2016 was the privatised prison industry. We don’t know who Biden’s corporate donors are because he keeps that information secret.

              Really makes you think.

      • Gropegrope says:

        Capitalist plutocrat….? I thought he was a “socialist/communist/progressive”….?

        Are you righties always this confused…..?

        And the only one using capslock is you….

        • songofsickness says:

          Who here is saying Biden is socialist/communist/progressive? Who?? Why are you trying to invent people to argue against? Are they less threatening to you?

    4. Saborlas says:

      Fucking Stonetoss. Talentless on every level.

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