More truth


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    18 Responses ttto More truth

    1. Soong says:

      Better to preemptively burn to death all gun owners and their families.

      • Old Tofu says:

        and how do you think you’ll do that with a few holes in your head?

        • Soong says:

          Gun tards think bullets solve all problems. I like to talk about burning gun tards to death to illustrate that guns are powerless against caveman tech. Gun tards cling to guns just like the religulous cling to god. Put your faith in most bombastic thing you can get your hands on because you’re weak and you know everyone can see it. You’re scared prey making a meaningless threat display.

          • Old Tofu says:

            tell all that bullshit to the 2 guys I shot when they tried to rob me. all 3 are in prison now. I put my faith in me not inanimate objects or imaginary friends. you sad little troll.

            • Soong says:

              Were they smart enough to burn you to death before robing you? no. Your guns still can’t beat caveman tech.

    2. Bolthorn says:

      So what he’s saying is that if no one had guns then the duration of a gun attack would be NULL because there wouldn’t be any gun attacks. Huh, okay, sure, I’m on board for that I suppose.

      • GrandAdmiralThrawn says:

        If you passed a high school shop clash you can build a gun. It’s significantly easier than forging your own knife.

        • Bolthorn says:

          How is that relevant to my comment? You like to do this non-sequitur thing in your replies a lot. I don’t know why.

          But to address your point. Someone with a little basic chemistry teaching and the internet can make meth too, but that doesn’t mean they should have it.

          • Old Tofu says:

            there is no world where there are no guns. no matter what laws are passed or who’s in charge there will always be guns being made. try google image search for “china homemade guns”, or “brazil homemade guns” both of these countries have hugely restrictive guns laws and yet it hasn’t stopped the criminals from getting them. just like the meth , making it illegal doesn’t remove it from society , it just makes it more profitable for the bad guys.

            • Bolthorn says:

              So you concede the point that it makes it harder to obtain guns in those countries. So not a bad thing.

            • Old Tofu says:

              wrong again, that’s why murders are through the roof there , if YOU think it makes it safer then move you and yours down to sao paulo and see how long you last. what I said is the laws don’t stop criminals , maybe if you had graduated elementary school I wouldn’t have to explain it a second time.

            • Bolthorn says:

              You resorted to personal attacks because you can’t defend your position. I’m done with you.

            • Old Tofu says:

              if you blatantly ignore what I say and try and twist my words then you’ve already left the realm of reasonable discussion for your world of delusion, goodbye and good riddance

      • Old Tofu says:

        actually he’s saying when the bad guy starts shooting , the arrival of other guns is what stops them

        • Bolthorn says:

          1. Not always.
          2. If the “bad guy” never had a gun in the first place, wouldn’t need the arrival of those other guns.
          3. Too many of these “bad guys” are lawful gun owners up until they decide it’s murder time.

          • Old Tofu says:

            as already explained , YOU CAN’T STOP CRIMINALS WITH A PIECE OF PAPER. get your head out of your ass. we just had the largest month of gun sales in march and you think your utopia without guns is going to happen. GROW THE FUCK UP, you can’t punish people because they might become a criminal one day. what are you 12?

    3. Saborlas says:

      Las Vegas shooting had plenty of guns. Didn’t stop the attack.

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