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    9 Responses ttto Lady Captain America

    1. Saborlas says:

      In before loser virgin whining.

      • notspamming says:

        I got no problem with his\her\it sex\gender.
        I do got a problem with the blue eye, blond hair überfrau\mensch-ness.
        And to think that it was conceived as an antinazi symbol…

        • Soong says:

          There were probably more blond haired, blue eyed people involved fighting the germans than there were in Germany. You’re presupposing that a persons genetics aligns them with a political stance; an association that Nazis advocated. You’re basically a victory for the Nazis.

          • fatherdougal says:

            Lemme get this straight… suggesting that maybe they shouldn’t be using Nazi iconography for the anti-Nazi hero is somehow a victory for the Nazis because said iconography was an idealized symbol instead of an accurate one. Riiiiight. That’s some smurt thinkin’ ya got goin’ there!

            • Gropegrope says:

              Or maybe someone just has blonde hair…..

            • Soong says:

              The Germans say “The Aryan is superior” and here is an Aryan standing up to say “no, we’re not”. And you’re all like “That person can’t speak for people that look like them. Only someone who doesn’t look like them can say that.” That’s like saying a black person, because they are black, can’t speak out against people who say that blacks are inferior or even blacks are superior. Try to grasp how brainwashed to hate whites you are to say that a white person cannot fight white supremacy. Idiot.

            • fatherdougal says:

              The graphic looks like it was ripped from an “Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS” poster. And you think people are complaining because it’s an image of a white person? Jesus wept! Are you seriously THAT fucking dense?

            • Soong says:

              In what sense does it look like it was ripped from a Nazi poster, other than she’s white, blonde, and blue eyed? Did you miss my entire point in my previous post?
              Since you clearly can’t understand this on any other level and can’t see the contradiction, I’ll try again. If you want a black kid to consider a STEM career instead of a basketball player or gangster, he needs to see more Geordi La Forge’s on TV and in the movies. People identify with and are more influenced by people that look like themselves. That’s tribalism. That’s the precise, exact, and very real reason progressives want to see more representation of minorities in media.
              Who do the white supremacists want on their side? White people. What’s more likely to sway a white person on their opinion of white people’s status and place in the world? Another white person. You want a white person to think Nazi’s are bad news, show them a white person speaking out against and fighting Nazi’s.

              You say she looks like something Nazi’s idealize so she can’t contradict that. That’s blatantly dumb.
              You say I’m missing a point? You aren’t even trying to make one, you’re just being disagreeable and contradictory without supplying any reasoning.
              You say it’s not about what she looks like. Scroll up, that’s what notspamming said was the problem and that’s exactly what you’ve said.
              The graphic looks like it was ripped from an “Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS” poster.
              You say she looks like she’s from a nazi poster
              And you think people are complaining because it’s an image of a white person?
              Then you say it’s not about what she looks like.

              You’re fundamentally dumb and radically outclassed in this discussion.

          • notspamming says:

            A fine example of making “assumptions”.

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