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    12 Responses ttto Who would win if the rules changed

    1. it’s pretty close
      also fuck cnn

    2. dogsurfer says:

      Bernie maintained the integrity of not accepting super pacts. However the present game required it. We lost a significant chance at campaign reform and reversing Citizens United.

    3. notspamming says:

      “If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.”

      • Saborlas says:

        Voter ID laws. Designed to make sure low income people can’t vote. The GOP gerrymandered their way into power and know they can’t win if everyone votes.

    4. bytehead says:

      I think Bernie got further than he ever could imagine he could get. His trouble is, as this graphic shows, he always came in second. And close doesn’t count here, it’s neither a game of horseshoes, nor is it a thermonuclear device. The has been plenty of talk about how he might possibly win over super delegates. His problem with that is that he never came in first in any measure that he could show those people that he was actually better than Hillary. The only measure that he could show was that he beat Trump by more points. It’s going to be a blood bath for the Republicans, even if the Democrats were running Jimmy Carter at this point. So I don’t understand how that is supposed to be so great. He’s done. What’s truly amazing is that without Bernie running, Clinton would have been called too far left for most. Instead, he’s driven her even further left. And people are drinking it up.

      Also, fuck Bernie dudes and dudettes. I’m tired of the #NotHillary shit. It’s time for them (and Bernie) to grow up.

      • tiki god says:

        something that most charts like this forget is that Hillary is pretty damn close to being arrested / charged for the illegal server farm that she was running from her own home.

        I’m sure Bernie is trying to make the point that if she’s not in the running, he’s the obvious next choice.

    5. RalphTheDog says:

      I’m full Bernie. I think he was the only game changer on the field of play, and the only one who really spoke to the heart of what makes America great. You aren’t going to see anything like him again. He was your last chance at democracy. I’d say send Bernie up here (to Canada) but he wouldn’t come. He’s too damn loyal to your god and country.

      Hillary is that she represents a vote for the establishment and old guard. I feel like that is already a win in many respects. A win in the sense that the the idea of a female president is dwarfed by her old boys club membership. Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister in 1979. It’s old news. I’m thinking her slyness (that she is hated for and Trump loved for) is something you might actually want on your team. Someone has to deal with Russia, China, etc. and having some House of Cards savvy is needed.

      And Trump – I love that now that he’s alone on stage and has no one to beat up, he just keeps running his mouth spouting nonsense. The only think he had to stand on was beating on others, and without them to hate on, his rhetoric is incoherent and he gets twice as long to ramble on stage. Everyone’s now realizing he has no idea what he’s doing, has no platform, NOTHING. How the f*** do you lose after winning the nom? Hilarious.

    6. GrandAdmiralThrawn says:

      Yea. GOP Rules? The GOP rules are set by each and every State Party, and are different in nearly every State. To suppose that CNN bothered to do the research to see how it would come out is laughable.

    7. Animus says:

      one major issue here is that in 12 states independent voters cannot vote in democratic primaries, in NY alone 3.2 million independents were denied the right to vote for Bernie Sanders, who knows how that popular vote would have turned out if people had actually been allowed to exercise thier rights

      • tiki god says:

        why would people that aren’t in that party be permitted to vote in their closed primary? these are private political parties, not some communist ‘everyone gets a voice’ party.

        If the independence really wanted to vote for someone, they should join that party. The party shouldn’t be forced to allow the unwashed masses to change their internal selection process.

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