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    12 Responses ttto PBSO traffic stop turns ugly, driver says ‘no wonder you people get shot’

    1. Nelson says:

      In a year with record low killing OF cops and record high killings BY cops she says that cops are “under fire”

      Great reporting, nice

    2. skndrbg says:

      In a year of random executions OF cops (some would call that “under fire”) it’s a wonder the double tap hasn’t replaced the verbal warning. Thank you Barack for bringing post racial to America!

      • tiki god says:

        this is certainly more of a response to minorities thinking they have a place in society and the police being pissed they’re no longer saviors of the community.

      • Gropegrope says:

        That’s quite a narrative you’ve got going there skndrbg.

        • skndrbg says:

          Fact isn’t my narrative. It belongs to anyone with an interest. 7 cops were gunned down in the US in 8 days in August. Many others have been executed this year for being white and cop as a result of the black lives matter narrative (which is a narrative because it suggests by omission that other lives don’t). Sheriff Goforth being a recent victim. Narrative will also be apparent when the wailing and lamentations occur on the eve of the executions of the cop murderers. Rather than address the cop shooting premise though, you elect to mock me. I assume you will at some future date, as you have in the past, play baffled, wobbly-lip victim when I make some pointed personal observations?

    3. skndrbg says:

      I never disputed downward trend. I never spoke to downward trend. What statistics did I make up FFS!? Are you suggesting the August cop cull never happened? Even Google will cough it up (if you’re stubborn with their narrative filtering and plow on for a few pages). I guess I mock you back for your affection for fantasy.

      • Gropegrope says:

        I mocked you because you seem to want to link Obama to this “narrative” of yours.

        Of all the possible “narratives”….and there are many causes to a number of unrelated (that is not coordinated) shootings….blaming Obama is quite possibly the one most rooted in paranoid fantasy….or just plain silliness.

        Quite deserving of derision.

    4. skndrbg says:

      obama is eager to jump into the fray (before the facts are in – twitter style) whenever cops arrest a professor buddy or whenever some black guy is schooled for attacking a cop eager to explain root cause, but is oddly silent when cops are murdered for being white and can’t figure out years after what motivated the islime shrink shooter of Ft Hood. Not agenda compliant? He touts himself as The One who will unite and has done anything but. His will be the post racial presidency says he. How TF are you oblivious to all that? Are the fingers you have jammed into your ear holes touching at the tips?

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