Goodbye Moot, Hello Hotwheels!

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4chan’s Moot has sold out to the social justice terrorists, so 8chan’s Hotwheels has stepped up with the new promised land. All hail based Hotwheels!

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    38 Responses ttto Goodbye Moot, Hello Hotwheels!

    1. WistfulD says:

      Can someone who does 4chan explain this controversy for the rest of us? Thanks!

      • tiki god says:

        remember the fappening? well due to that, now 4chan censors any images uploaded that fall within a particular narrow segment of those pictures.

      • Chet Manley says:

        Moot became one of those SJW losers (this decade’s Scientologists) through his girlfriend and started censoring 4chan, particularly of anything to do with #GamerGate. Of course since then the Streisand-effect has kicked in and there’s even a documentary being made about these SJW losers called “The Sarkeesian Effect” (

        For a more detail, see:

        • Deleted_User says:

          That and Moot replaced all the mods with SJWs. Most oldfags have migrated to MasterChan or as of today and all that’s left behind on 4chan is what are called “cancer” (ie. shit posters).

          Basically it’s like what happened a decade ago with bittorrent. The MPAA & RIAA shut down Suprnova and a few of the other main bittorrent sites, resulting in many more new sites popping up which were now harder for them to go after. Now it’s the SJWs trying to shut down 4chan, resulting in even more new free-speech sites popping up.

          • 1eyedking says:

            Where the process will start all over again.


            • Chet Manley says:

              Gonna be kind of hard for the SJW idiots to guilt trip a guy in a wheelchair for having too much “privilege”.

            • 1eyedking says:

              No, because they are trolls, and they’ve out-trolled all the other trolls on 4chan, and they’ll do the same on any new site under different names, like all trolls do. Wash, rinse, repeat. That’s the only thing anybody’s angry about. The rest is window dressing.

            • Chet Manley says:

              Sounds like you’re the one that’s upset to discover that free speech continues.

            • 1eyedking says:

              On the contrary, I find the trolling of so-called defenders of the 1st amendment hilariously funny, and laugh every time you trouble yourself to hide my posts with downvotes while you pretend to champion it.

            • 1eyedking says:

              Don’t forget to get the last word in!!!


            • Chet Manley says:

              The SJW’s tried to suppress #GamerGate, and resulted in a full on Streisand-effect. I get it you’re trying to redirect this to be about trolling, but 4chan was always trolls trolling trolls. What changed was the loss of free speech on a specific subject that some cultists were sensitive about. It’s backfired and only magnified the exposure. Like this recent expose:

            • 1eyedking says:

              If you all got so thoroughly owned by opinionated, organized, tech-saavy women that had to turn tail and run off to another board, it doesn’t sound like it “backfired” at all.

            • Chet Manley says:

              Moot has a vagina?

            • TheStone says:

              Wait, you need to make up your mind. Are you’re saying the SJWs are “tech-saavy women” or just “the other trolls on 4chan”? Which is it? You seem pretty upset so I can understand how you’d lose track of what tact you’re attempting.

            • Gropegrope says:

              Moot’s getting vagina.

            • Chet Manley says:

              Yeah but with his micro penis and her leg fat, he’s barely able to get the tip in. It’s why most SJWs are so miserable. They’ll never get to know what penetration feels like.

            • 1eyedking says:

              Look at all the sockpuppet accounts! Somebody’s mashing that keyboard and switching accounts in a flurry of activity. Looks like I’ve got them a little hot under the collar, all by pointing out that they’ve been run off their favorite site by a bunch of women.

              And try to keep up: the tech-saavy women ARE the trolls that ran you off. Nice try at a false dichotomy, but maybe that’s why they own you so thoroughly: you can’t argue worth a shit.

              There’s nothing funnier than seeing how badly they’ve whipped you into a froth.

              Last-word chance again! Make it count!

            • Chet Manley says:

              I love how butthurt you SJWs are these days. I mean it’s a lot more than usual. Worried?

            • Chet Manley says:

              I love it, a downvote within a minute! 1eyedking is trolled hard.

            • 1eyedking says:

              Do you see me submitting blocks of butthurt pics, crying that the playground girls and dirty hippies made you share your toys?

              The evidence speaks for itself.

            • 1eyedking says:

              Awaiting sockpuppet army…

            • Chet Manley says:

              And 1eyedking replies immediately. I love it! Making SJWs butthurt is not only easy, it’s great great fun.

              Hey, how have you been enjoying all those gore pics that have been posted on Tumblr to the most popular SJWs tags the past few months? You know a lot of them were actually uploaded back in July but with a time delay. The ride never ends!

            • 1eyedking says:


            • 1eyedking says:

              Hadn’t heard about the gore pics. Was that you?


            • Chet Manley says:

              Old reaction pic is old. What did that one finally make it to Tumblr? Here, have a fresh one from 8chan:

            • 1eyedking says:

              Nah, I prefer the ones that tell a story:


    2. JediaKyrol says:

      Or maybe they could all just go back to 2chan.

      • Chet Manley says:

        8chan is partnered with 2chan.

      • WistfulD says:

        There’s also a 2chan? Okay, that just shows how much I don’t know. Are these all manga-loving image boards with lots of trolls, or is there a distinction (other than one has enacted policies that some people disapprove of)?

        • Chet Manley says:

          4chan was an offshoot of 2chan, and 8chan is an offshoot of 4chan. I’m sure someday we’ll all migrate to 16chan after Hotwheels grows mad with power. Basically the trolls are the content, and if you don’t let the trolls have things the way they like, they’ll go somewhere else, along with your site revenue.

    3. 1eyedking says:

      This entire thread:


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