what if it’s a big hoax

what if it's a big hoax.jpg

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    13 Responses ttto what if it’s a big hoax

    1. LoBo_ktj says:


    2. DCr says:

      …and what if it’s a scam to make Al Gore more rich and doesn’t do a thing for the environment because we haven’t come up with a working dimmer switch for the sun?

      • WistfulD says:

        That makes almost zero sense. The atmosphere is what retains heat, not the sun. Explain a substantive point or admit that you know nothing about the subject.

    3. Fen says:

      What’s telling is the admission its a hoax.

      I would ask them if they care about starving the 3rd world on the way to their “better world”, but we already know the answer.

      Go ahead. Be a little nazi and censor away. It won’t make any difference. No warming in 15 years, broken models, EU governments clamouring for cover. In 5 years you’ll be pretending you never bought into this hoax.

      • WistfulD says:

        Who admits that it is a hoax, the detractors? Do you even understand the concept of a straw-man argument? Good job proving you don’t understand logic.

        • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

          This guy is a tool.

          A major fucking tool.

          Do you even understand the concept of taxation without reason?
          It’s been outed as a hoax by everyone who first claimed it was real you douche rag.

          Those ice caps? refreezing. yup. Gee I wonder why your CNN didn’t tell you that? Now how can you know if it’s true or not?

          Here’s a fucker for you: Fox News is more honest and accurate than MSNBC, CNN, and CBS News combined. That’s a fact, faggot. Back to you brainwashing with you. It’s cold out here in reality huh?

      • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

        this guy gets it

    4. DCR says:

      …and what if it’s a scam to make Al Gore more rich? And what if it wastes massive resources in a scheme that those pushing it KNOW doesn’t work because there’s no working dimmer switch for the sun?

      • WistfulD says:

        How the **** is a dimmer switch for the sun remotely relevant? The entire concept of global warming (real or not)is about heat retention, not heat generation. What logic does your argument even stem from?

      • Gropegrope says:

        If the sun is part of the cause, then our reaction may have to be greater than the climate changer’s recommend.

        We can’t change the sun’s heat output……but we can affect the greenhouse effect on earth.
        If we we want to retain the status-quo, climate wise.

        Maybe you need to do twice as much as Al Gore says…….

    5. przxqgl says:

      do not feed the trolls

    6. ruralcounsel says:

      A comment thread without any substantive knowledgeable discussion about AGW theory. (And the comic isn’t really about that anyway.)

      Heat generation and heat retention are BOTH significant to the end result. Only an imbecile would think otherwise.

      The scientific weaknesses of AGW theory revolve around complex nonlinear feedbacks involving water vapor, cloud nucleation physics, solar output which alters gamma radiation flux which alter cloud nucleation, among a multitude of other issues. The models have failed to predict directions of trends, let alone magnitudes, for the past 17 years. The data does not appear to support the theory (but nothing is conclusive yet!) Too many people want to advocate or denigrate without knowing what they are talking about. Deniers are fools. Proponents are fools. Doubt is the only defensible position.

      As for the cartoon … the stupidity of it is that nobody knows if some of those issues listed on the screen are good goals or not, or if the proposed solutions will make us better off or worse … what is a “green job”? What id renewables is a greater waste? What will make cleaner air and water … economic prosperity or heavy-handed regulation? What if healthier children requires plentiful cheap energy so their parents can afford health care and medicine? What if energy independence requires using coal and frack-gas, so we don’t get embroiled in a nuclear middle east war? Stupid, stupid oversimplification makes for bad cartoons and ignorant comment threads. Bleh on the bunch of you.

    7. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:


      pop into MCS

      drones whining at normal people over bullshit because they’ve been conditioned to do so. as usual

      pure eco bullshit and hippy fag nonsense that will be remembered as fondly as disco or the plague. you fucking gay as shit simple pricks. Al Gore deserves to be beheaded.

      back to your dick sucking

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