incarcerated americans 1920-2006

incarcerated americans 1920-2006.gif

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    Yes, the war on drugs has been a failure.


    Agreed. 100%.
    The powers that be need to legalize marijuana and cocaine and heroin and let people do what they are going to do anyway without the assistance of cocaine cut with rat poison and heroin cut with drain cleaner.
    The money from a modest tax on recreational drugs would pay for some serious educational improvements for everyone.


    whats the percentage of US population then and now?


    Yes, that would be interesting. I wouldn’t be surprised if the increase of incarceration is steeper, but it would certainly help with perspective.


    oh come on, of course it is steeper. The US has a way higher prison pop per head than anywhere else.
    And no the war on drugs hasn’t failed, all those slaves (oh sorry prisoners) are proof of that.


    It’s a pretty similar situation.



    Kik Dogg

    It’s a very lucrative business.


    It`s just that in many states.Privatization.


    We have more laws to break. It makes governments money. We elect congressmen and presidents that like money and laws. That wont change because people will vote for “security” over freedom every time.


    “More laws to break”? I’d like to see some corroboration on that.


    There are two major judicial movements that started this trend. The failed “War on Drugs” and heavy handed “Three Strikes” rules. Both of which
    incarcerate a lot of “non-violent” offenders. People that would benefit more from being put into a (drug/job) rehabilitation program than they do from being locked away.


    ^ this.


    Those are both in service of privitization of prisons.
    Money, money, money.
    And you wonder why your taxes are so high….?


    I don’t, but I do wonder why Republicans never bring up prison costs when they piss & moan about higher taxes.

    Actually…no I don’t.


    As true as the above, we also saw a dramatic decrease in violent crime during this period. I was reading a scientific paper earlier today that essentially stated the cause and effect of 50% drop in violent crime starting in this period was: 25% more prison space, 25% abortion becoming legal, and 50% removing lead from gasoline 20 years prior.

    Also of note: we do house a large amount of prisoners compared to the world, but there are places where they dont keep count, and they just kill law breakers, or mutilate them and let them go.


    I agree with this guy: we should abort criminals.


    Interesting graph – but it’s the wrong colour. Change the red to black & it’ll be more accurate.


    … but I don’t know how or why I’m adding to a 9-yr old debate. Why is this post presented at the top of page 1?

    tiki god

    there’s a “live posts” section there now that shows posts that people are currently looking at.

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