Restroom POV

what-casemods-sees.JPG (54 KB)

–the M[c]S edition–

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    23 Responses ttto Restroom POV

    1. mavplays says:

      So whats the story behind casemods? Like in detail. Is he specifically from here? I see pics of him on /b/ sometimes too.

      • HoChunk says:

        Casemods…where to start? He was one of these guys who figured out early on that if you never, ever, EVER admit that anything about yourself is lame, mediocre or outright blows, you’ll never be disappointed. His trick was to twist this life-tactic into an internet (or, at least, an MCS) persona that waxed enthusiastic about things that most other people wouldn’t even admit to, let alone give a flying fuck about; narcissistic to the point of schizophrenia. Beyond that he was pure, classic troll, enthralled by the shit he stirred up just by being a camwhoring puznut, and willing to milk it long past its shelf life. And in a weird symbiotic twist, the general MCS rank-and-file genuinely enjoyed scorching the earth he stood upon at the merest provocation, like posting endless pics of his latest graphics card upgrade or minibike paint job. But it was his restroom fashion shoots which drew out the most poison –even inspiring a camwhore theme day several years ago– and to which this pic alludes.

        Is he actually still posting on /b/…?

        • slimnoche says:

          Give the man his due, Epic Troll was more like it. Ever once in a while you will see shades of casemods on other poster which lead people to wonder if its him. There was a whole section for a while called casemods. I always thought casemods camwhoring was a ploy to cover up his deep self loathing.

        • natedog says:

          oh, pls

          we were the only cool thing about casemods

          and he was tolerable until he started shitting everywhere. like everywhere. he pretty much destroyed the forums–it was a beautiful place once–on a weekly basis, and he posted so. much. shitpost. that Tiki had to give him his own domain or risk losing so many members.

          you can call it epic trolling, but really, if someone walks into anywhere and starts flinging shit, people are gonna bitch. but if you do that in a place people love and regularly gather, you’re going to be hated

          it’s shit-tier trolling at best

          • HoChunk says:

            Yeah, I completly missed out on the whole forums shitblizzard.

          • slimnoche says:

            I don’t know, dude would 50 thumbs down before you read what he did. And yeah he got his own area because of the rage but I mean Tiki coulda just kicked him. Last I don’t use the word “troll” with any respect, if you are just pissing people off just to piss people off, then you are acting like a pre-teen child. All I was saying by epic troll was that he was piggy from lord of the flies and he was annoying just by being there.

        • Zenmetzu says:

          Isn´t casemods -nobodyknows- and maybe some others (probably magnus also) the same person? After lurking this place for several years I started thinking that it was the same troll with different sock puppets, different characters from the same troll, probably tiki´s sockpuppets?

        • mavplays says:

          Here’s me on Argo’s DVD cover! from movies

          Is this him? I saw it on reddit today. The op is replying to every comment.

      • natedog says:

        the Legend of the Casemods can be found by ingesting the Forums. the story is there, but you wont get it easily. you’ll have to work for it if you want it. it’s almost like a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure-Circlejerk where the antagonist (not to be confused with dieAntagonista) is a lovable trainwreck who devolves into the most gigantic faggot evar

        SOURCE: i once accidentally casemods’ mom

    2. natedog says:

      no towelrack?


    3. and all it toke to drive him out was a few days of ponies,
      your welcome

    4. katsushiro says:

      so casemods reference… welcome back to 2010 right?

    5. Luke Magnifico says:

      His name was Graham Wellington

    6. Caio says:

      Every good site needs some kind of gone-but-not-forgotten troll icon.

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