why the ‘World War Z’ movie will suck

water zombies?

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    32 Responses ttto why the ‘World War Z’ movie will suck

    1. shiroinohi says:

      Running zombies. What the shit.

    2. audsmaud says:

      Zombies have no limitations until rot sets in. But yea, the CG looks cartoonish. Humans are biologically capable of running up to 40 mph: study

    3. GreedyDrunk says:

      I think calling this movie World War Z was a marketing blunder. Sure it attracted attention but now everyone will be comparing it to the book, and it appears to be nothing like the book.

      I cant stop watching that guy on the right side of the second picture face planting into the wall.

      • HoChunk says:

        If it attracts attention, it’s no “marketing blunder”.

        • HoChunk says:

          Also, not everybody’s read the book.

          • GreedyDrunk says:

            The name will probably only have recognition value to people who have read the book.

            So from a marketing stand point you are trying to get their excitement first to build from there.

            While I agree with you that attention is good, I think positive attention would be better and its not hard to generate interest in zombie movies.

            • HoChunk says:

              Is it really that much of a stretch for someone unfamiliar with the whole thing to see a “World War Z” poster, likely with some other zombie reference (like, I dunno…pictures of zombies) and make the leap to “Oh yeah…this is gonna be about zombies”?

              And using the name means you’re hitting both the familiar & unfamiliar markets at once. Otherwise, those who’ve read the book might glance at an altered-title ad such “World of the Dead” and just assume it was another George Romero flick. That’s lot of unpiqued interest you’re letting slip away just for the sake of accuracy.

              And yeah, it’d sure be nice if it stayed faithful to the book. But slavish devotion to source has never been a top Hollywood priority unless it’s as huge as, say, Harry Potter. Marketing for action/horror films is far more interested in getting asses in theater seats and opening-weeked grosses than critical acclaim and overall legacy.

              Finally, let’s face it: “World War Z” is a TERRIFIC title for either book or movie. Why would you want to fix what ain’t broke?

            • GreedyDrunk says:

              hochunk I dont appear to be able to reply to you anymore, I dont know if there is no reply button or I am just blind but either way I will reply here:

              1. Your first paragraph is right but you could have named it anything and got the same result from unfamiliar people.

              2. Using the name causes expectation. I could make a brilliant movie and call it Transformers but if I make Optimus turn traitor and make Spike a black guy I am going to have fans of the series lining up to tell me I am a huge piece of shit and writing terrible reviews. If I had made the same movie and called it anything else it would probably do worse opening weekend but better overall because the movie stands on its own and not weighed down with expectations.

              Now I have not seen the movie obviously, and I have read the book and I will watch the movie and maybe I will find it brilliant. What I have a problem with, and what many people will have a problem with too is that Hollywood ties a movie to something familiar like a book or a legend and then make that carry a movie that wouldnt be able to stand on its own otherwise.
              You dont have to look very far to find the level of negative press about this movie already.

              As for the name being awesome you will get no disagreement here.

      • sleepyjoe256 says:

        I couldn’t stop watching that either!
        And I’m pretty sure in that .gif that his brains just explode out of his head and splatter everywhere.

    4. ColdWarBatman says:

      I personally can’t wait..

    5. Korinthian says:

      At least it’s somewhat of a fresh take on zombies. Might be worth watching.

    6. notspamming says:

      “water zombies?”
      Nah, probably just using a swarm template.

    7. Browncoat101 says:

      Dunno, I think it looks good.

    8. HoChunk says:

      Looks pretty awesome to me. We’ve yet to see stupendously large (as in 1000+) zombie hordes of the fast-moving variety. That last ant-colony-attack shot is brilliant.

    9. Aquaman43 says:

      i cant tell if you guys are serious or not. ive read the book probably 6 times or more, and this looks fuckin sweet to me man. i do perfer slow zombies, but as audsmaud said, their speed depends on their physical condition ( seems logical ). i mean if a world class soccer player was bitten, died and came back in an hour or so, he’d have to be far faster than my fat ass would. idk. i cant fuckin wait, in fact im gonna read it again tonight.

    10. anon says:

      I see the GOP has its base all worked up again…

    11. Luke Magnifico says:

      I don’t know . I’m still looking forward to it, and I’ll probably go see it one of the first nights it’s out, but a lot of the charm of the book for me at least was that it was a retrospective look at what had happened during and after. From what I’ve heard this pretty much drops that, and basically chronicles Brad Pitt’s race against time to save the world.

      Granted the book would have been impossible to film, but still.

    12. Aquaman43 says:

      I hear ya Luke. The hook of the book for me, was its “after the fact” documentary style. The perfect approach would be focusing on Pitt as the author/interviewer , but avoiding the “action hero” component.

    13. fast says:

      The zombies looks a lot like “I am legend”. That movie took a great short story and fucked it up. Zombies don’t turn into superman.

    14. THE HAPPY POOP says:


    15. THE HAPPY POOP says:


    16. boggart says:

      you think it gonna suck because it shows fast zombies mindlessly zerging? they got to shamble around and just stop at a wall? not crawl all over each other? show some self-preservation?
      That movie would suck. WWZ looks pretty cool.
      i have read the book and loved it.

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