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    This image makes no sense at all.


    We can trust the gov’t to take care of us, right?


    Its because you’re too dumb to understand the play on words, so to speak. The Nazi and Hitler weren’t just about killing the Jew’s. They socialist Marxist. Nazi were anti-big business, anti-bourgeois, and anti-capitalist. The Volkswagen founded 1937 by the Nazi trade union. Volkswagen Means “people’s car”. So if you compare Obama and Hitler they are pretty similar.


    Don’t go criticizing someone else’s comprehension when your own is suspect. Seriously, read your own post, English isn’t your strong point.


    Thanks but I corrected myself, before you said anything. Thanks Grammar Police! Or should I say Grammar SS?


    The simple fact is that if Obama was a socialist he would have nationalized the auto industry instead of loaning it millions and preserving one of the nation’s bastions of capitalism.

    And of “socialist Marxist Nazis” in 1930 Hitler said: “Our adopted term ‘Socialist’ has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true (Nazi) Socialism is not.”
    In 1942, Hitler privately said: “I absolutely insist on protecting private property … we must encourage private initiative”

    In fact, Nazism had nothing to do with the popular socialism of the time or now, it was just Fascism with a made-up name to make it sound more appealing.


    *It’s because you’re too dumb to understand the play on words, so to speak. The Nazi’s and Hitler weren’t just about killing the Jew’s. They were socialist Marxist. Nazi’s were anti-big business, anti-bourgeois, and anti-capitalist. The Volkswagen was founded in 1937 by the Nazi trade union. Volkswagen Means “people’s car”. So if you compare Obama and Hitler they are pretty similar.

    Sorry grammar errors.


    Are you even paying attention to what Obama is doing? Obama is nowhere close to being a socialist, he’s basically been the most conservative Democrat that has ever taken office. Obama has very few policies that I would consider socialist, he’s nowhere near socialist enough to draw this comparison.

    Let’s face it; the real reason people create images like this has nothing to do with Obama’s policies; it’s actually to do with Obama’s race. I’m sure whoever made this is laughing their head off right now at the thought of comparing the leader of the free world to one of the most reviled dictators history has to offer.

    Besides; what’s wrong with being a “marxist socialist” nation anyway? That time in Germany’s history was one of the most economically beneficial in that nation’s history; Hitler’s guidance helped them pay off large amounts of the Treaty of Versailles. If Hitler’s economic policies had never happened it is estimated that Geramany could have been paying off that until the 1980’s.


    Now THAT ^^^ makes sense. Good job.


    “Helped them pay off large amounts of the Treaty of Versailles” by first dropping out of the contract and then occupying France. Economically beneficial my bleeding hat. Germany would have gone bankrupt if they hadn’t found that famous and smart way to get more money (and free workers).


    Silly anon user thinks I give a shit what they think…


    Not really, I could careless about you!


    Youmissed a space there buddy, but keep trying; you’ll get there eventually


    Well I missed a space too, so I guess we’re even….


    Just careless typing –


    He is no where near the Nationalist Socialist level that Hitler was. I should know I used to be him.


    Well, I guess he’s responsible for the deaths of lots of people in the middle east, right?

    But at least he closed down the prison where people go without a trial to get tortured and stuff.


    No gitmo is still open.


    I’m surprised there hasn’t been a “horrible fire” that kills all of them and resolves the problem once and for all.


    caseys back 5 fucking minutes and look what happens. cum drunk mother fucker.


    He is a national treasure.


    I object to this image simply because that is the worst fucking photoshopped mustache I’ve ever seen in my life.


    Does Godwin’s law apply to images? Seriously, if either side in this race invokes Hitler, it’s a clear sign they’ve run out of arguments


    do you people even know the definition of fascism? fascism is when private corporations or individual takes over the govt. that’s pretty much whats happening ever since clinton. with big banks and huge conglomerates running america. obama didn’t start this, he’s just following in the footsteps. and so will fucking romney. fuck both these pigs and lets take our nation back you liberal assholes


    Maybe you should read this:


    and romney is any better?

    i don’t think so. 😐


    Living and working abroad in Europe (20 yrs) most of that time in “Socialist” countries. I’ve come to have enough understanding about what is and what isn’t Socialism – and I can thoroughly conclude that if Obama is a Socialist then Marilyn Monroe was a Pope. It makes a nice talking point but repeating it simply perpetuates the pure stupidity of it.

    I’ve heard him labelled with “Nazi”, “Marxist Socialist” and my favourite “Socialist Nazi”… that one still gets my colleagues giggling with laughter about “FOX educated” American’s shallow understanding concerning basic political structures and movements. A skewed one-sided education with no questions asked and the result is an image of Obama as Hitler. Believe me, there are are whole groups of people outside your borders not laughing with you but at you.

    If Obama has been anything he’s been too far right for most Democrats and not left enough for Republicans. No, the only fault this guy has had: he’s a “black” man occupying the highest office in the land; even then he couldn’t get that correct either – he’s half white.




    So if you say Obama equals Hitler you also say Trump equals Stalin. That explains why the Russians were so very helpfull in his election.

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