Killer Whale – Type of dolphin; also, kills/eats whales (Whale Killer?)
Butterfly – More of a flutter-by; flies but is not a fly, doesn’t like butter
Anteater – Eats termites
Jelly Fish- not a fish and i dont advise spreading one on bread
Silver Fish- not a fish and not made of coin
Star Fish- not a fish and not a 27,000,000° gas giant
Woodchuck- not made of wood and they cant all be named chuck
Mantis shrimp are one of the most badass feats of evolution ever. It can see in 12 colors as opposed to our 4, it can perceive circularly polarized light, and can punch faster than the speed of sound with armor capable of withstanding those forces
yeah, I remember reading a thing saying getting thumped by one is like getting shot by a .22 at point blank range. And there’s videos all over of them shattering clams…and fish tanks.
12 years ago
All this did was piss me off. Biologists are idiots. If the majority says it’s a Mountain GOAT, it’s a fucking GOAT. If we say it’s a King COBRA, it’s a fucking COBRA. Changes in scale arrangements, coloring, and 0.00000001% of it’s DNA doesn’t warrant the hassle.
What about a 2 percent shift? I believe that’s all there is between us and Chimpanzees.
Still, it looks like a LOT more then 2% when you put a human and chimp side by side. Maybe there is a reason to look at that 0.00000001%
Killer Whale – Type of dolphin; also, kills/eats whales (Whale Killer?)
Butterfly – More of a flutter-by; flies but is not a fly, doesn’t like butter
Anteater – Eats termites
Horseshoe Crab — Very difficult to nail onto hooves
Jelly Fish- not a fish and i dont advise spreading one on bread
Silver Fish- not a fish and not made of coin
Star Fish- not a fish and not a 27,000,000° gas giant
Woodchuck- not made of wood and they cant all be named chuck
Sea Star is now the accepted name for the third one there.
Mantis shrimp are one of the most badass feats of evolution ever. It can see in 12 colors as opposed to our 4, it can perceive circularly polarized light, and can punch faster than the speed of sound with armor capable of withstanding those forces
yeah, I remember reading a thing saying getting thumped by one is like getting shot by a .22 at point blank range. And there’s videos all over of them shattering clams…and fish tanks.
All this did was piss me off. Biologists are idiots. If the majority says it’s a Mountain GOAT, it’s a fucking GOAT. If we say it’s a King COBRA, it’s a fucking COBRA. Changes in scale arrangements, coloring, and 0.00000001% of it’s DNA doesn’t warrant the hassle.
What about a 2 percent shift? I believe that’s all there is between us and Chimpanzees.
Still, it looks like a LOT more then 2% when you put a human and chimp side by side. Maybe there is a reason to look at that 0.00000001%