what in the world is going on

I can see nothing obvious, but wtf is going on around here?  no comments in hours, site traffic is 1/3 of what it should be…


omg guys, don’t leave.  come back.

Edit: Ok, so I’ve been told there’s pop ups on MCS.  This is bullshit, agreed?

There’s currently three networks showing on MCS:

  1. AdBrite
  2. YieldBuild
  3. ProjectWonderful

I’ll bet you nickels to dimes that it’s YB that’s causing them, but I’ve been wrong about this type of thing before.  I know that PW does all their own hosting and doesn’t farm it out like the other two do, so I doubt it’s them doing anything nefarious.  I’ll give free MCS+ to the first 5 people that give me screenshots of the pop ups with the only stipulation is that you have to be able to grab the URL in the image as well.  Upload it to www.imageleech.net and post the link below.

Also, free MCS+ to any three people that can make a comment reply thread that counts to potato.

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    82 Responses ttto what in the world is going on

    1. Luxan_Warrior says:

      I’ve been having trouble getting onto the website it just sits there thinking away with nothing happening. something is wrong with the site I think

    2. [b][size=90]NOT MY FAULT[/size][/b]

    3. dr.house says:

      Slow as a year ago.

    4. It was a bit slow today, but the reason why the site is slow is because (a) the internet is fickle and sites will rise and fall according to the whims of people and (b) because Nobody Knows/Casemods keeps on posting those stupid images with incorrect titles. It is fucking stupid and will turn people away. If they want to see that sort of stupid shit they will go to /b/, which has somehow survived a much longer time than M[C]S.

    5. WistfulD says:

      Well now it loads, so we’ll see how it goes. Tiki, every time you turn something on, the site goes wonky. Assuming that you’re not inept at basic site maintenance, is it possible that there is some error in the original architecture that keeps causing all these problems?

      He asks, knowing nothing in particular about web hosting.

    6. jpmct says:

      The site takes about 1 1/2 minutes to load. When you hit the second page, you are greeted with a Lexus pop-up ad that will NOT close when clicked and you have to leave the site and start over. Very frustrating…actually, it’s a business killer.

    7. crewmanguy says:

      It’s been a bit slow. How often does the page update? It seems like I’ve been out all day, but only see a few new pics.

    8. Guest says:

      Maybe you should change the site’s name to faceconfinedbook.com or something.

      Maybe post more ponies. Being slaughtered to make glue.

      Or have a gay wedding or something. Everyone’s doing gay weddings now to raise viewership. It’s like the new thing or something. Did you know straight women enjoy watching two guys kissing as much as straight men enjoy watching two girls kissing? It’s crazy but true, man. Who would’ve guessed it, eh?

      Maybe you should add a rug somewhere. It’d probably tie the site together.

      Or post pictures of someone kicking Casemods in the nuts. That’d be great.

    9. d says:

      There IS no url on these. They pop up, take over the site, both video/audio ads.
      There’s no “skip ad” button. the url stays as myconfinedspace.com.

    10. d says:

      nsfw has a chaterbate popup overlay with no “skip ad” button, either.
      THIS one was brand new tonight on regular MCS:

    11. d says:

      rebelyell is right.
      “because Nobody Knows/Casemods keeps on posting those stupid images with incorrect titles. It is fucking stupid and will turn people away. If they want to see that sort of stupid shit they will go to /b/”

      except /b/ has less typos.
      Tiki, you should inform your little rabid coon friend that he either learns to spell or you will not approve his submissions.
      It’s unprofessional and just plain tacky. Not funny, tacky. Tacky as in people are leaving.
      latest example was a HEART cartoon that he titled “Confused hearth”.
      if you want to make the site completely fold, keep approving his 1st grade typing.

    12. storminator says:

      I keep running into a pop up when I go to a page- and there is no way to get around it. If I go back- it doesn’t refresh the page, so I have to go back to Favorites and hit the link AGAIN… (ARGH!!) Then I can get to the photo / comments. Please make it stop.

    13. storminator says:

      And it’s MUCH slower.

    14. Rotatebilly says:

      I only get popup ads when I return to the homepage

    15. Anonymoose says:

      I don’t count outloud for a chance to win MCS+ … but when I do, I count to potato.

      Where was this offer back when NK had to actually post a picture explaining to me how to not have the pop ups evade my pop-up blocker anymore?!

      • Anonymoose says:

        Wow, way to delete the word always for being inside of code brackets. Should have just gone with always. As you can see, I also sometimes count to potato through public failure, which is almost as good.

    16. Jonathantrott says:

      I get no pop ups, just unconditional love.

    17. notspamming says:

      Did a test with IE, Opera, turned off (standalone) ad blocks, and shit – no pop-ups, but a crapton of ads (but from those companies you mentioned). Don’t know, maybe I got something else blocking shit.
      Load time is somewhat longer than usual.
      As for other things, it was done to death in other threads.

    18. Snow says:

      adblock plus is good for pop ups. i dont remember having had one since installing it.

      it does mention third party ad blocks such as project wonderful etc 13 in total. if i turn it off screencap the url and send it to you do i win MCS+?

    19. Dreth says:

      It’s weird, I have Adblock but it’s disabled on MCS, and I never got these weird popups.

    20. gx5000 says:

      Seems pretty good now, faster than it’s been for a long time…not many new posts though ;-(

    21. Luke Magnifico says:

      Tiki, I am entangled in quite a sticky wicket.

      It would appear that I “acciedentally” reverted to one of the older themes and now I can’t reverse the process no matter how many times I punch my monitor.

      Please help.

    22. blowbags says:

      I can see how the every 3rd image is a pony thing is fucking annoying but the badly titled posts? If people’s time was so precious they wouldn’t be skimming through an image blog – I’d hardly attribute a drop in traffic to that.

      Firefox user with Adblock pro – no ads

    23. RSIxidor says:

      I hate that I can’t use my right-click context menus to search images on your site with TinEye and Google Image Search. I’m sure you have some reason why you don’t allow it, and that’s great, but I don’t care. I’m tired of trying it and instead searching for “cool abstract background.”

      • tiki god says:

        wait, what? why can’t you do that? I can do that just fine. are you getting an error msg? if so, which one? there’s no right click javascript bullshti on the site, oh god, what’s going on.

        • RSIxidor says:

          No, I can right click.

          When I right click an image and try to use it through TinEye or GIS context menu, it says I’m searching some bullshit background image. If I copy the URL of the image after drilling down to it, it either still shows me searching the background image, or it just fails outright saying invalid URL or similar.

        • RSIxidor says:

          And it works as expected ONLY in NSFW.

    24. Jonathantrott says:

      When I click on NSFW it hits me with some anti virus bullshit then sends MS Essentials into hyper spaz.

    25. jpmct says:

      Here’s the Lexus pop up link. Url not too helpful and there’s pages of code on the page that I don’t have time to sift through. Hope this helps.

    26. dysan819 says:

      and-a one
      and-a four
      and a ching chong potato

    27. reptilecobra13 says:

      I’m pretty sure that potato comes somewhere after pi.

      • Anonymoose says:

        Any number more than 3.14[etc.] (and lower than -3.14[etc.] if you wanna be a dick about semantics) is after Pi. That excludes like… 3.13 numbers, and those already have postulated names. (one, two, and three for whoever’s counting.)

        Therefore, yes, I’d say it’s a pretty safe bet that potato comes after Pi.

        However, numbers extend into infinity. If you combine this fact with the fact that numbers must have a way to be pronounced as well as expressed in a numerical representation (1,000,000 pronounced “Mill-yun”, for example), then it stands to reason that EVENTUALLY you will get to “potato.”

        Whether or not they’ll ever assign pronunciations to postulated numbers so high that using names that stupid is considered acceptable remains to be seen (they did go with “google” though, so you never know). Still, “potato” is out there, god damnit, and if you can count to it that’s pretty motherfucking impressive.

        I wonder if a million potatos is a potatillion… or if potatillion is so stupid they’ll delay its use even longer than they delayed potato. SOMEONE CRYOGENICALLY FREEZE ME SO I MAY LIVE TO SEE THAT GLORIOUS DAY.

        so… uh…

        That’s MCS+, right? ‘Cause I’d like to think I didn’t type that for nothin’ – especially this guy’s 3.13-number-excluding-tip-using ass.

        • HoChunk says:

          Except that potato is singular, therefore = 1, therefore < ?.

          • Anonymoose says:

            Potato is singular when that pronunciation is representative of a foodstuff. However, used as a representative of a number, it would simply be a homonym of this foodstuff; totally unrelated. One potato would actually represent a great deal – one potato’s worth in fact! Many, many zeros.

            Infinity is fun, because it means there is a 100% certainty of… everything. Therefore, if you assign a verbal representation to every single number tier… (one, one hundred and one, one thousand and one, etc.) then eventually you must by necessity arrive at … EVERYTHING.

            One potato and one.
            One santorum and one.

            One hochunk, two hundred and fifty tikigod three potato two hundred and forty google six quintilion five hundred and fifteen million six hundred and thirty seven thousand seven hundred and fourteen. POINT POTATO.

    28. Emily says:

      I use ADBlocker, no problems at all after installing it.

    29. skyrimjob says:

      -Been viewing but not participating here for about 3 years at least.
      -No problems with ads or pop-ups. (Use google chrome with AdBlock. GF uses safari with no pop up trouble either. Don’t even think she has an adblocker.)
      -No problems with site being slow.
      -Updates have drastically decreased. I’ve been seeing about 1 page of new content daily for sometime. Are there more posts per page nowadays? (Don’t visit NSFW section on here very often, those updates count?)
      -Ponies caused me to visit 3-4 times a week instead of 3-4 times daily.
      -Don’t care about typo’s.
      -Used to love /b/. Too scared to make an account for fear of being labeled a hacktivist, pedophile, or some other creepy shit.
      -Fuck ponies. Get some dragons up in this bitch.
      -Nobody-knows is mostly funny. (Minus the racist bigotry shit. Who cares if someone is black, gay, or green?)
      -knows how to embed mislabeling titles is fine if that’s his thing. If it became a trend with others it would be annoying.
      -Registered just to post this comment.

    30. hamm172 says:

      Still here and haven’t bailed yet. Didn’t have plans to either. I understand why you have ads, they don’t bother me… much.

    31. HAPPY POOP says:


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