Presidential Address

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Hello, my fellow Americans. As your President, I feel it’s important that we have a talk about faith. Oh you’re busy? That’s alright. I’ll just pass an ass-load of thinly veiled Christ-centric laws.

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    26 Responses ttto Presidential Address

    1. AustinDav says:

      Yeah, it’ll be just like that time Harry Reid tried to convert everyone from the Senate floor, and that time Steve Young tried to convert everyone at that post-game interview, and that time Ken Jennings tried to convert everyone on Jeopardy, and that time Jon Heder tried to convert everyone at that movie premier, and that time Donny and Marie tried to convert everyone in the 70’s, and that time….

    2. crewmanguy says:

      I don’t like Romney, I don’t see anything about him that is genuine, and the whole “dog on the roof of the car” thing tells me that he could care less about anyone that isn’t him.
      He flip flops on decisions and seems to take whatever views will get him the most support, until they don’t anymore.
      All that said, what does OP have against Mormons?

      • cottonpicker says:

        Postmortem Babtism, gay-bashing, illegal political financing which should have made them lose their tax-exempt status (shady as fuck that they haven’t)

        Not to mention the complete crock of shit that is the supposed history of the book of Mormon.

        • crewmanguy says:

          This makes it no less bigoted or bogus then the other major religions. I’m not saying it’s right, it’s not, but OP has posted Romney’s head on a few pics now while making fun of the religion.
          The Book of Mormon isn’t anymore BS then talking to a burning bush, zombie Jesus, ascending to heaven at the Dome of the Rock, or Xenu.
          It is a really good play though.

          • cottonpicker says:

            I’m Atheist all the way and agree that they’re all bogus. This isn’t about putting down Mormons – they’re already thoroughly disrespected. Even other religious groups look down at Mormons, sometimes as much as they do at Atheists. This is about making people resent seeing this fucker’s face as much as they hate seeing Mormons knocking at the door.

      • bstaples says:

        “and the whole “dog on the roof of the car” thing tells me that he could care less about anyone that isn’t him.”

        Okay sorry. I don’t like Romney either, but i’m sick of hearing about this. Fuck Romney and fuck his dog. He could’ve had the damn thing pulling the station-wagon while he whipped it like a Siberian Husky for all I care. IT’S A DOG. He could’ve left it tied up in his backyard with an open bag of kibble, a puddle of water and a broken-fucking-dog-heart and I wouldn’t bat an eye at it because IT’S A DOG and more importantly, He’s Mitt Romney. His policies and the stands he’s taken/switched/taken again are damning enough. That’s what we should be talking about.

        In the course of Political Discourse, “he didn’t treat an animal like a human” has no place.

        • crewmanguy says:

          You must have skipped the part where I said: I don’t like Romney, I don’t see anything about him that is genuine” and missed the part where I said “He flip flops on decisions and seems to take whatever views will get him the most support, until they don’t anymore.”
          For the dog thing: Most people treat people and animals they know better then they would a stranger. So if that’s how he treats his pets, how’s he going to treat us?

          • bstaples says:

            “You must have skipped the part where I said: I don’t like Romney, I don’t see anything about him that is genuine” and missed the part where I said “He flip flops on decisions and seems to take whatever views will get him the most support, until they don’t anymore.””

            No, I got that part, that’s why nothing in my post is directed specifically to you. But I hear it everywhere, hence the “I’m sick of hearing about this”.
            It really isn’t the end of the world, but it gets brought up like it’s some kinda sex scandal. This says nothing about Romney. I personally would’ve made the damn thing get off the roof and push our car. Fuck dogs.

            “For the dog thing: Most people treat people and animals they know better then they would a stranger. So if that’s how he treats his pets, how’s he going to treat us?”
            He doesn’t have a history of animal abuses, or your point would be solid gold. It’s one dubious, isolated, incident. Dog owners make worse decisions daily when they toss unhealthy human food to their pets, they let them run on the street without a leash, or when they decide their text is too important to watch Fido lap at some mystery liquid on the ground.

            Romney wants to be PotUS not a dog-sitter. We need to judge him on what he plans to do with that office, and you’ll find you have enough ammo against him.

            • cottonpicker says:

              Wait… Are you saying that a examining a sex scandal DOES have it’s place in politics?

        • cottonpicker says:

          Being a nationally registered animal abuser has no place in political discourse?
          And people wonder why we laugh at the term “Compassionate Conservative”

    3. MalcoveMagnesia says:

      didn’t people say the same thing about “Catholic” JFK when he was running for office?

      (not that anybody here was even a sperm in yer daddy’s loins at the time)

      • cottonpicker says:

        “Catholic” JFK said outright that a Catholic President should not answer to the Pope, and was pretty damned good about it. Mormon Romney openly pushes plenty of Christ-based policies.

    4. WhiskeyTango says:

      Fools. Mormons aren’t Christians, why would a Mormon pass Christian laws?

      • cottonpicker says:

        Ever heard of the “No true Scotsman” logical fallacy?
        If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and swims like a duck…
        They’re on the same branch of the family tree as Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists and such… Just a weird throwback/mutation. Mostly just because it’s new made-up bullshit that doesn’t mesh so well with the old made-up bullshit.

        • WhiskeyTango says:

          I’ve got a buddy, Evangelical, who is absolutely convinced Mormons aren’t Christian. Of course, he also thinks Catholics aren’t Christians. Me, I don’t give two tugs of a dead dog’s dick because the whole thing smacks of charlatanry to me anyway.

          • cottonpicker says:

            And many Catholics and Mormons would say that your Evangelical buddy isn’t a Christian… That’s the point of the “No true Scottsman” fallacy. If every Christian group that’s ever been accused of not being true Christians really wasn’t, there would be no Christians. From within Christianity, the definition is as open to interpretation as the Bible itself. From outside, it’s far more simple than that.

    5. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

      At the end of it he’s still the lesser of two evils in a two party system.

    6. James says:

      We have a Muslim in the WH now,can’t see
      how a Mormon could be any worst,

      • cottonpicker says:

        And how much of this Muslim’s policy-making has been based around Muslim faith, both before and during his presidency?
        All the while, Romney will gladly say things to the effect of “That’s not what marriage is in the Bible, that’s not what marriage will be in America.”

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