I vote Republican to prevent idiotic Democrats from pawning this lie off on uneducated Americans about the real problems our society faces…which is entitlements, handouts, wellfare, and the assumption that anyone on the left has the moral high ground. Obama. One and done.
You’re not going to avoid that issue simply by voting Republican. Lemme lay out a big part of that issue that no one seems to want to address:
Democrats seem to want to help those who can’t help themselves, and that pisses Republicans off because people who could be getting their shit together get handouts instead.
Meanwhile, the Republicans seem to want to help people who do help themselves; which pisses off Democrats because people with no ability to help themselves are mercilessly screwed over.
However, under both systems of management, there same people find a way to either do just enough, or fuck off just enough, to qualify for money that they don’t deserve. Regardless of whether the people who do help themselves or people who can’t help themselves are screwed over, the people that just DON’T help themselves are taken care of just fine.
That’s what keeps this bullshit going; no one addresses the central problem – it’s not profitable to politics.
“Democrats seem to want to help those who can’t help themselves”
Operative word: seems
Socialism benefits government employees and government employees alone. It’s the guise of helping the unfortunate while you help yourself.
Republicans do what they say and say what they do. Democrats lie to their voters and use propaganda to manipulate people. If they were right they wouldn’t have to use some deviant practices.
This. I would hate democrats a lot less if they didn’t think their opinions were the only sane and valid opinions, and everyone who thinks differently must be shouted down, ridiculed and demonized at every opportunity.
Also known as the “Why won’t you stupid, cousin-humping rednecks vote for us?” syndrome.
Obama, one and done? Hell, in this election you’re gonna have a choice between TWO Obamas, the white one and the black one. Doesn’t really matter, since the country is being run by the banking industry either way.
I completely agree with luminary. Liberals love to talk about free speech, and open debate to get everyone’s opinion on an issue and are then shocked and appalled when your opinion is different from theirs. Perfect example: Anything coming out of Keith Olbermann or Paul Krugman.
Our country is not run by the banks. That myth is ridiculous …unless you are speaking of the disastrous strategies of Fannie and Freddie that were pawned off on us by none other than Frank and Dodd…who to this day…still defend the terrible mortgage backed chaos that helped create AND burst the bubble.
If we had at least a President ….who acted in the interests of the nation (not his own reelection campaign) we’d get somewhere. (i.e. See Chris Christie for the best case in state government). The reason Clinton got reelected, if you remember, is that he completely abandoned his liberal political machine and moved to the right far enough to make people think he was at least partially reasonable.
If we had a conservative President who abandoned both far extremes for the middle we’d be ok as a nation. Vote Romney.
So with all the sense you made just there. You cap it off by asking me to vote for a guy that wears magic underwear and fully believes that Jesus came from Missouri? Is that what your asking?
You just nulled out your own entire argument.
What a waste a time you turned out to be, you must be great around the Thanksgiving table: I have an uncle like you; he makes a ten-point argument that has everyone convinced and then ends by saying something like “and that’s why reindeer can fly.”
From now on we’ll now refer to you as Uncle coolerking.
Every day I read absurd self centered political rubbish like this and thank my lucky stars I do not live in America. You folks should read more and opine less.
It doesn’t matter where I live. American politics has become an international laughing stock, we thought you had crossed the line with Bush but this presidential season the republican party has lost the plot.
12 years ago
The pic typifies Liberal political arguement.
Mock, lie and misrepresent.
That way all of the idiots who were unfortunate enough to be educated by your liberal universities and have no capacity for analytical thought will vote for you.
Once you reach a critical mass of idiots (which we seem to have done in this country) it will work every time.
and heavy on the ‘mock’ part. I think it pertains to the complete absence of self-awareness that makes a lib i.e. “Have I answered the premise or question? … or will others discern that I just chose to fling poo in response?”
Really, dude, if you wanna vote to screw over minorities and support the plutocrats– yer gonna have to vote Democrat.
I mean, it’s the Democrats who have a Grand Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan as a leading member.
Party with the most trust-fund multimillionaires? Democrats.
Party that voted FOR the Jim Crow laws and AGAINST the civil rights movement? Democrats again.
Party that blew through more of your money in three years than every administration in American history combined? And most of it in mega-handouts to their rich party contributors and union buddies? Give yourself 100 bonus points if you guessed DEMOCRATS.
I mean, I get how you’re all for the poor, and minorities, and women, and all that; I just can’t get why you SAY that and then you go out and vote for the party of tax cheats, cronyists, racists, and rapists— the Democrats— every election year.
I vote Republican to prevent idiotic Democrats from pawning this lie off on uneducated Americans about the real problems our society faces…which is entitlements, handouts, wellfare, and the assumption that anyone on the left has the moral high ground. Obama. One and done.
i vote my fucking gun.. since both parties have failed this nation miserably
You’re not going to avoid that issue simply by voting Republican. Lemme lay out a big part of that issue that no one seems to want to address:
Democrats seem to want to help those who can’t help themselves, and that pisses Republicans off because people who could be getting their shit together get handouts instead.
Meanwhile, the Republicans seem to want to help people who do help themselves; which pisses off Democrats because people with no ability to help themselves are mercilessly screwed over.
However, under both systems of management, there same people find a way to either do just enough, or fuck off just enough, to qualify for money that they don’t deserve. Regardless of whether the people who do help themselves or people who can’t help themselves are screwed over, the people that just DON’T help themselves are taken care of just fine.
That’s what keeps this bullshit going; no one addresses the central problem – it’s not profitable to politics.
“Democrats seem to want to help those who can’t help themselves”
Operative word: seems
Socialism benefits government employees and government employees alone. It’s the guise of helping the unfortunate while you help yourself.
Republicans do what they say and say what they do. Democrats lie to their voters and use propaganda to manipulate people. If they were right they wouldn’t have to use some deviant practices.
i added an extra s there. excuse the typo I’m typing on a phone
This. I would hate democrats a lot less if they didn’t think their opinions were the only sane and valid opinions, and everyone who thinks differently must be shouted down, ridiculed and demonized at every opportunity.
Also known as the “Why won’t you stupid, cousin-humping rednecks vote for us?” syndrome.
Obama, one and done? Hell, in this election you’re gonna have a choice between TWO Obamas, the white one and the black one. Doesn’t really matter, since the country is being run by the banking industry either way.
anti semite
I completely agree with luminary. Liberals love to talk about free speech, and open debate to get everyone’s opinion on an issue and are then shocked and appalled when your opinion is different from theirs. Perfect example: Anything coming out of Keith Olbermann or Paul Krugman.
Our country is not run by the banks. That myth is ridiculous …unless you are speaking of the disastrous strategies of Fannie and Freddie that were pawned off on us by none other than Frank and Dodd…who to this day…still defend the terrible mortgage backed chaos that helped create AND burst the bubble.
If we had at least a President ….who acted in the interests of the nation (not his own reelection campaign) we’d get somewhere. (i.e. See Chris Christie for the best case in state government). The reason Clinton got reelected, if you remember, is that he completely abandoned his liberal political machine and moved to the right far enough to make people think he was at least partially reasonable.
If we had a conservative President who abandoned both far extremes for the middle we’d be ok as a nation. Vote Romney.
So with all the sense you made just there. You cap it off by asking me to vote for a guy that wears magic underwear and fully believes that Jesus came from Missouri? Is that what your asking?
You just nulled out your own entire argument.
What a waste a time you turned out to be, you must be great around the Thanksgiving table: I have an uncle like you; he makes a ten-point argument that has everyone convinced and then ends by saying something like “and that’s why reindeer can fly.”
From now on we’ll now refer to you as Uncle coolerking.
i vote republican because Ron Paul is the only person i would like to be president
… and you as Uncle natedog.
Every day I read absurd self centered political rubbish like this and thank my lucky stars I do not live in America. You folks should read more and opine less.
So where do you live?
It doesn’t matter where I live. American politics has become an international laughing stock, we thought you had crossed the line with Bush but this presidential season the republican party has lost the plot.
The pic typifies Liberal political arguement.
Mock, lie and misrepresent.
That way all of the idiots who were unfortunate enough to be educated by your liberal universities and have no capacity for analytical thought will vote for you.
Once you reach a critical mass of idiots (which we seem to have done in this country) it will work every time.
….until all that is left is the idiots.
I hope you all have had wilderness training.
and heavy on the ‘mock’ part. I think it pertains to the complete absence of self-awareness that makes a lib i.e. “Have I answered the premise or question? … or will others discern that I just chose to fling poo in response?”
Really, dude, if you wanna vote to screw over minorities and support the plutocrats– yer gonna have to vote Democrat.
I mean, it’s the Democrats who have a Grand Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan as a leading member.
Party with the most trust-fund multimillionaires? Democrats.
Party that voted FOR the Jim Crow laws and AGAINST the civil rights movement? Democrats again.
Party that blew through more of your money in three years than every administration in American history combined? And most of it in mega-handouts to their rich party contributors and union buddies? Give yourself 100 bonus points if you guessed DEMOCRATS.
I mean, I get how you’re all for the poor, and minorities, and women, and all that; I just can’t get why you SAY that and then you go out and vote for the party of tax cheats, cronyists, racists, and rapists— the Democrats— every election year.
You *are* aware that the Republicans supported segregation?
You do know the parties switched places in the 60’s in regards to civil rights, correct?