“The Forgotten Man”

the_forgotten_man.jpg (591 KB)


To fully understand this, please see the above link. He provides explanations for all of the symbolism.

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    29 Responses ttto “The Forgotten Man”

    1. poor white men, those assholes politics only care about the niggers and beaners

    2. Luke Magnifico says:

      Maybe if the Forgotten Man spent less time lounging around on benches looking morose and more time doing something productive he’d have a much better time of things.

    3. Animus says:

      I went to the site and read his explanation, the worst thing is that he claims to be non-partisan but the first lines of his explanation ID him as tea party or other far right-wing group.

    4. Mcavity says:

      the sad thing is he believes he is “non partisan”
      a lot like some people will think “I’m not racist but them colored people are ignorant”

      //cracker barrel is my favorite ethnic restaurant.

    5. Puulaahi says:

      That’s a ton of white people. Looks like they are going to lynch Obama. And why would the Constitution be just laying there on the ground? This artist is clearly a dumbass.

    6. nathanj37 says:

      I think the paintings of nude Obama riding a unicorn might actually be more factually accurate.


    7. bytehead says:

      Bush fucked over the Constitution more than Obama.

      • crewmanguy says:

        We’re going to have Military UAV’s flying over civilian areas soon, Obama wins the Constitution fucking contest.
        Obama had two years with a Democratic congress and didn’t undo a damn thing Bush put in place. Keep blaming the guy that started it, but start blaming the guy that was supposed to fix it also.

        • the facts says:

          just for your information the predator drones or as you put in COD terms “UAV” were put into action over civilian areas back in 2000 in other countrys and even in “high suspect area’s” with in the United states.
          Bush also is wanted by the hieg(German court system who carry out charges of war crimes(UN appointed after WW2) ) and they are trying to extradite him to be brought up on his charges. Does no one watch world news because GWB is not allowed out side of the untied states because of the fact of unwarented war and infringement of the Geneva convention. he also had illegal wire taps. did i mention that on BBC they have all ready shown footage of mercenaries hired by halliburton shooting in to trucks full of young women and children… and oh my god the hieg is also trying GWB for that as well since his family just happens to be in partial control of the company…. mhm since Mr. bush was such a good president why is he wanted around the world isnt that crazy xD people like you should learn some facts befor you go ahead and shoot your mouth. your not smart allright because of bush and his dumb ass friends in office the US’s dept tripled in only 2 years isnt that crazy.. now go stick a shotgun in your mouth and blow your head off

          • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

            Holy fuck you’re stupid.

            Bush isn’t allowed outside the US? Are you fucking retarded? He’s barely in the US. He was just in Africa ffs checking on all THE WORK HE DID TO COMBAT THE AIDS EPIDEMIC THERE.

            And ‘just for your information’ (which made you sound like a faggot btw) there are no drones flying over any first world nations.

            Did I mention your BBC story is complete bullshit?

            Take your fucking meds. Your impartial media with it’s irresponsible left leanings has fucked your brain in its ass.

            Why should the poster before you “learn facts” or in fact how can he when you’re completely making everything up out of your busted little brain?

            Do you even know what the Geneva Convention is?

            George Bush isn’t wanted by anyone other than sensible Americans who would like to see him back in power or really anyone other than president affirmative action that’s fucking things up for you right now.

            Grow up. Get a therapist. But mostly fuck off.

          • crewmanguy says:

            I’m not defending Bush or Obama, they BOTH are responsible. At At what point did I say Bush was a good president?
            Obama hasn’t done shit to stop it. Bush did a lot of things wrong, but Obama went in on the promise to correct it. Letting something like this happen when he has the power to stop it is just as wrong as ordering it to be done.
            Do you have a link to your BBC article? There is NOTHING that matches what your saying on their site.
            What the fuck is the haig??? Are you referring to the Hauge?
            Your so busy attacking one guy that you can’t see the wrong the other guy is doing. If can’t spell or read properly before you comment you should take your own last line of advice.

            • dre says:

              thats because moron liberal devotees on this site see in absolutes.. like the Sith.. if you’re not with us, then you’re against us. if you say anything mildly close to being anti-obama then you’re automatically a tea partier, ultra-con, or o’reilly follower and fox news watcher. liberals are a disease. now i’m gonna be labeled an ultra-con even though i hate both sides. but i hate the liberals much much more for that particular reason.

        • Hum4nAfterAll says:

          Yeah because you know what it’s like to be president of the United States and how easy it is to fix 8 years of shit in 4 years.

    8. crewmanguy says:

      Except for the guy on the bench, everyone depicted is/was a President and/or Founding Father. The Constitution is where it is because the artist wanted to show Obama stepping on it. There’s room for a few more past Presidents to put a foot on it, wonder why he didn’t depict that since more then one of them has done so.
      Another thing to note, if you look at the various Presidents, you’ll see that Republicans are looking toward “the Forgotten Man” while several Democrats are clearly looking away. So I doubt this is unbiased. I have no idea why Clinton, Johnson and Teddy are clapping.

    9. elzarcothepale says:

      Two things:
      This is about as “Symbolic” as a South Park Episode. This is a political cartoon that took longer to create.
      More importantly, however, is that this artist missed the best possible moment for Sad Keanu. Unacceptable.

    10. repairmanjack says:

      Love that his other artwork is jesus-in-the-constitution bullshit called “one nation under god”

      I’m sick of this revisionist bullshit.

    11. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

      The fact that everyone is so quick to defend that stupid nigger should illustrate just how fascist he is.

      In fact I don’t think most of you weak little shits would mind a dictatorship as long as that half wit were the one dictating.

      Of course the whole country would fall apart very very quickly but what do you care? As long as your white guilt is alleviated.

      Congrats American media. You really have fucked a lot of people up.

      • elzarcothepale says:

        I’ve been reading all of your comments in Donald Duck’s voice. It actually lends you a bit of credibility.
        Upon review, even you must agree that your first sentence here is retarded, regardless of your political or racial opinions.

        • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

          Oh he’s not trying to dictate how America should be in?


          I’m pretty sure that’s EXACTLY what he’s been trying to do though you’ve been fed this as ‘congress is blocking him because for no reasons we swears’.

          Even you must be able to understand just how much sense that sentence makes. Though since you’re one of the people described it’s not surprising that you won’t accept that.

          • elzarcothepale says:

            Jane, you ignorant slut.
            The fact that someone has inspired loyalty does not make them a fascist.
            I’m actually not “one of those people.” I voted for Obama, but not because I “believed in change”(for the same reason I didn’t believe that the 6th grade class president was going to put chocolate milk in the drinking fountains) but because he was the better *politician.*
            I don’t amble into these little chats with your dumb ass because I feel a need to white knight for a fucking world leader. I’m just not that invested.
            I talk shit to you because you speak from a flawed position, nearly every time you open your mouth. And I apologize- I meant Daffy Duck earlier. Donald is too hard to keep in a running dialog.

            • dre says:

              then you get what you deserve. fucking dumbass. just wait and see what your barry will do to you and your country.

            • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

              You just admitted you have no point after that much desperate reaching and an initial attempt at making a point.

              You voted for Obama because he was the better politician? Meaning you admit he worked the race card on you and your stupid ass fell for it and now you are at least in part to blame for your own misery.

              The fact that someone has brainwashed little turds like you IS fascist. Or are you under the impression the dictating comes first?

              You can imagine my voice any way you want but I’ll bet good money you have an actual speech impediment possibly caused by your possible autism.

              Amble out of your own asshole.

    12. foog says:

      You made a spelling mistake in the original post: “To fully understand this, please see the above link.” should actually read: “To fully understand this, please stick a knitting needle into your left ear canal and keep pushing until it comes out the other side.”

      You’re welcome.

    13. Jac H says:

      Yes, I feel so sorry for the victim here, the true victim – The poor, downtrodden White Male. Why is Obama not helping him? He is such a sorry son of a bitch, rendered useless by the potency of the Socialist Black Kenyan Brotherhood. He should have never cuckolded with his wife…

    14. elzarcothepale says:

      Of course I have a point- it’s that you’re an idiot.
      The race card can’t be played on me- I have exactly zero white guilt.
      You’re saying he’s popular because he is a fascist. That is dumb.

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