I am really tired of this site layout

thinking of completely redoing the way the site is set up.  what do you think?  what do you like, and what would you like changed about the current MCS layout?

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    103 Responses ttto I am really tired of this site layout

    1. jpmct says:

      Lose the stupid Ponies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. przxqgl says:

      it doesn’t matter to me, because i get the site on RSS… although it has been significantly faster over the past few months, so don’t do anything that will change its loading speed… 😉

    3. traptin85 says:

      fix the donate button

    4. Andy from Beaverton says:

      It’s too confined

    5. Reaper_ says:

      New layout/less ponies.

    6. draikyn says:

      make it more like Facebook Timeline /troll

    7. I’ve been through Facebook redesigns (before I deleted my account), and a half dozen Fark redesigns (but I still keep my account there), so I’ve become used to redesigns even though I might complain. As long as you do not increase the number of ads on M[C]S, I won’t actually care despite what sort of complaints I might leave. Just do what you think is right, Tiki, and the posters here will get over it because most of us do not have any sort of online community beyond Facebook, and the people that the other M[C]S posters associate with on Facebook are real people and thus there are repercussions to posting activity (like look at NK and Maggie, real life people would be extremely unhappy to find out they know trolls like NK and Maggie). Just do what you need to do since you are the owner of M[C]S and we will either get over it or leave.

    8. kezia347 says:

      <3 this site… only suggestion.. dont like it when an add pops up for randomly clicking on page….ohhh and DRUNK TIKI T-SHIRTS!! wannt

    9. goatsgomoo says:

      I think mixing up different people’s posts would alleviate the problems people are having with ponies, which is really just a specific instance of a whole bunch of similar content being submitted by one person at once and then being posted sequentially. I’m not sure how things work on your end, but if it’s not too difficult, maybe have a limit of the number of sequential posts one submitter has?

      Also, as for the layout, as long as things still work and load quickly, it’s fine. I suppose my main complaint with the site currently is that the low-rated comments and their child comments are perhaps a bit too greyed out. I can see the low-rated comments being greyed out a bit, but it doesn’t necessarily make sense for the child comments.

      Also, you have the tag cloud there, but no new posts have tags. That just seems a bit strange to me.

      • Rotatebilly says:

        You could allow user to place their own tags on images
        I understand this could cause problems with users tagging images under things that make no sense, but mods could fix that stuff

        • crewmanguy says:

          ^^What Rotatebilly said. Maybe make the tags a drop down list so there would be less goofy tags.
          Banhammer any pony posts.
          Also, any anon posts should default post as either Cartman or Poly Prissy Pants as the posters name. I bet more of them would register.
          Negative stars would be nice.

        • goatsgomoo says:

          Actually, most of the tagged posts were from when users could type in their own tags for each post. It seemed to work out mostly well. And honestly, even the occasional post with poor tags is better than no tags at all.

    10. notspamming says:

      – less ponies,
      – less stars (I mean ability to give negative ones),
      – don’t touch loading speed,
      – don’t touch ads,
      – moar good shit (as in images).

    11. Jonathantrott says:

      Build it and they will come.

    12. Demon says:

      why don’t you make a seperate pony site, let the coon mod it, and it will disappear as fast as Casemod’s site did. Then finally, the stupid fucking pony overload will stop.
      Even I stop checking the site, when I see it’s only going to be that shit for the next two days.
      More pony equals less clicks.
      put a link to NSFW back on the main page like it used to be.
      and, comments don’t drop down on NSFW, be nice if that worked.

    13. Queensly says:

      Don’t worry about the ponies. Like any of NK’s other fascinations, it will pass once he remember how to masturbate.
      Don’t know if it’s just an issue with me, but commenting in the MCS+ posts doesn’t work.
      I know Internet-D is more suited to videos now, but I’d look that way for inspiration. It’s quite minimal and easy on the eye.
      Just don’t fuck upt the main page comment view for the +ers!

    14. teezy weezy says:

      Less trolls, more awesome, no more than 2 posts a day to stop the fuckin pony/pokemon shit/casemods/TD garbage.

    15. Luke Magnifico says:

      You should get rid of the cloud of tags on the right hand side, shit’s ugly and pointless.

      Also you should bring back the thing in the forums that tells you who’s online.

      Also rotate everything 90 degrees to the right.

    16. YY says:

      make it so it is possible to track what is the last post you have seen, and continue viewing posts from there without looking for it.

    17. Aquaman43 says:

      i just took 2 0.5 xanaxs and now im drinking a sam adams double bock ( 9.5 alc). wake me when you decide.

    18. JimsShip says:

      I agree with the whole pony problem. Lose them. They are not funny, interesting or worth the bandwidth. If I must be forced to endure stupidity, bring back Casemods. I’d rather look at a jackass than a pony.
      Also- lose some of the ads. M[C]S has more pop-up and Maleware alerts on my computer than any other site i’ve visited. It sounds like a friggin’ 1980’s arcade game every time I visit.

    19. HoChunk says:

      Whatever you do, ABSOLUTELY keep the random-pic thumbnails at the top of the page –I’ve come across a fuckton of interesting shit in the months since you installed it, and it keeps the reposts down, too (also, minor mention: the page-number links at the bottom of the page, could they be at the top as well? At one point they were @ both…just makes navigation slightly easier.)

      Keep the 1-5 stars pic rating (neg stars? howzabout just not giving something you dislike any stars?) and the thumbs-up/down post rating. I agree with goatsgomoo about the greying of child comments, although it’s something I can live with if tweaking it’s too complicated.

      Get rid of Anon posting. Making them enter more info in order to post will only encourage the more dedicated trolls to stick around. I mean, has it really helped at all, in terms of increasing participation/posting volume? Seems to me that it just encourages more dickishness. And this is coming from someone who is hereby admitting to using it a few times just to be dickish.

      My 2¢.

    20. HoChunk says:

      …and a third ¢, about the ponies: it’s not like this is the first time m[c]s has been crapfloodspammed with images of a certain type that gets on people’s nerves. Casemods? Atkinson? Avril? Lindsay?

      My attitude: Meh. It’s here, it’s most definitely queer…get used to it.

    21. dogma says:

      I love this site. My wife and I have gotten some of the best Wallpapers from here. Don’t change a thing! Thanks!

    22. DMYTRIW WDS says:

      Eh. Zombo.com has everything this site has but without the lag, ads, and faggotsexual Canadian trolls.

    23. Korinthian says:

      Fix how the watermarks sometimes ruin .gifs and how large pictures can’t be zoomed into readability.

      Other than that, the current layout is fine.

    24. Luke Magnifico says:

      I had assumed when Tiki said layout he meant the appearance of the site. Not the mechanics of the site.

    25. in a white dress

      this one is over 4mb
      what is the new limit tiki?

    26. Reppy says:

      I’m here for the content, not for a slick design.

    27. Puulaahi says:

      So everything is going to go to shit again? Why is everything loading so slow now?

    28. frogurtx says:

      i miss the fast loading

    29. compasseagle89 says:

      get rid of anon, faster loading again, and votes don’t register immediately

    30. Brett says:

      Get rid of ANON!

    31. chairmanmeow says:

      As incredulous as this may sound, not all of us are into guns and girls. It would be nice to go directly to photos that appeal to our unique tastes.

    32. Dyon86 says:

      Don’t change too much Tiki G, love the site.

    33. dr.house says:

      Free the ponies, stay with the rest.

    34. crewmanguy says:

      I think the ponies are responsible for the site being so slow.
      Side note: What happened to Internet-d? It’s been down for days now.

    35. twitch says:

      make some sample layouts maybe 3 or 4 then let them vote which one is the best OR I think some of the members are creative enough to make a layout that they want to propose then we’ll vote which one is the best then use it.

    36. Jonathantrott says:

      Bring back casemods, the hero everyone publicly hates but secretly loves.

    37. Puulaahi says:

      What’s wrong with Internet – D?

    38. Chrysis says:

      I miss being able to select which page you go to, instead of just forward and back… Placing your own tags would be nice.

      It would be cool if registered users could personalize their own backgrounds. But that is asking alot.

    39. crewmanguy says:

      I notice that there hasn’t been many pony posts the last couple of days and site speed is back up. This isn’t a coincidence.

    40. IronicApple says:

      I have an associates degree in web design, I would love to help!

    41. IronicApple says:

      I meant a masters degree,

      sorry, I’m not internet savvy.

    42. Angel of Death says:

      Can we see the whatever new layout you come up with before you change it? Because honestly, I don’t mind this one at all.

    43. figosound says:

      I demand the comments back in main page (so we don’t need to open a new tab to read them).
      I demand to fix the +/- buttons on comment rating, because, at least for me, I can cast votes but not display them unless I reload the page.

      Also, fuck the anons.

    44. jeffapotimus says:

      One more for better post moderation, other people have bitched about the ponies, but what about the fucking graphic of obama in a noose thats on the front page right now? You trying to get on the news or something? I love you tiki but WTF?

    45. casemods says:

      I am really tired of this site


    46. sws4420 says:

      I check in on this site a couple times a day just because it’s part of my daily routine, but there’s other sites out there that provide more content and more to look at that I go to first. As an example, thechive.com has the same type of content, but far more of it. Certainly far less of those retarded pony cartoons.

    47. Jonathantrott says:

      What ever happens could you give me $20?

    48. DrakenImmortal says:

      However you choose to revamp the site, don’t fix what isn’t broken.
      MCS never fails to make me chuckle with the pure amount of random to be found, though could do with fewer ponies ^_^

      Take care and thanks for a great site. I visit every day for a laugh and a great pic or few

    49. bbcversus says:

      Keep it as it is, is PERFECT! Why changing something that works so great??

      Anyway, if it must be changed, DONT MAKE A STUPID WEB 2.0 CRAP!!!

    50. HoChunk says:

      Who will make this post’s 100th comment ??!?!!??!!????

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