Austerity Survival Guide

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    It’s always amusing when the kind of people whose greatest contribution to society is that they haven’t robbed, killed or raped anyone in at least a month claim that they are being oppressed because those who actually maintain society don’t give them 90% of their income.

    It’s almost as amusing as when they claim that the rich, who pay every year 10000 times more in taxes than they will pay in their whole life, aren’t paying “their fair share.”


    careful obama’s death panels might read your post

    tiki god

    you think the rich got that way simply because they were smart? that they didn’t use anything that our society has to offer, and that they did it on their own? that the US military had no role in protecting them from the unwashed world around us?

    show me someone that did it ALL on their own, and I’ll agree that person shouldn’t pay back into the society that got them to where they are. Until then though, I expect anyone that gets rich to give a good chunk of it back to the rest of their community to help bring EVERYONE’s standards of living up.


    Its nice to know that you support slavery. That’s what it is when the fruits of one’s labor are seized and given to someone else. No one should be obligated to support someone else. Nearly 50% pay $0 in income taxes, the bottom 40% contribute around -4% of income tax revenues, due to refundable tax credits. The bottom 40% contribute something like 5% of all revenues to the federal government and the top 20%contribute something 85% of all revues. When is it enough? How much is enough? What is a “fair” tax rate for the wealthy? What is a fair tax rate for the poor?

    Have an Evil day


    It amazes me how many people have swallowed “persecuted rich” story the right is pedaling. It’s just sooooo tragic that the richest 1% pays lower tax rates than everyone else.

    What’s even worse is how shamelessly people are using the recession to swindle the country. Here’s a time line of the rhetoric for those not keeping track:

    2008: OMG the sky is falling. If we don’t bail out the rich WE’RE DOOMMED!!!!

    2009: Corporations rebound and profits rise. Sorry, they still can’t make any new jobs. Oh yeah, you want Health Care reform so you won’t go bankrupt if you get sick? FUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKK YYYYOOOOUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!! How dare you suggest working class people should get the the health care they pay for, you communist. BTW guys thanks for the bailout 🙂

    2010: If we don’t keep the Bush tax cuts, Patriotic Job creators won’t be able to create the jobs they haven’t been creating while they had the tax cuts. You follow that?

    2011: The last of the stimulus funds run out, and growth and job creation slow accordingly. Funny correlation there. Corporate America is sitting on 3 trillion dollars of loose change. However, the Patriotic Job Creators need more tax cuts so they can continue not making any more jobs.

    2012: The peasants need to learn who run the show and stop sucking at the teat of the John Galts of this country. It’s too hard for American companies to compete if they have to pay their employees. We should let companies pay their employees in scrip they can use at the company store. Furthermore the economy has tanked again, so we need another bailout, suckers.


    Its nice to know that you support slavery. That’s what it is when the fruits of one’s labor are seized and given to someone else. Even when its for a “good” cause, defined as one you support. No one should be obligated to support someone else. Nearly 50% pay $0 in income taxes, the bottom 40% contribute around -4% of income tax revenues, due to refundable tax credits. The bottom 40% contribute something like 5% of all revenues to the federal government and the top 20%contribute something 85% of all revues. When is it enough? How much is enough? What is a “fair” tax rate for the wealthy? What is a fair tax rate for the poor?

    Have an Evil day


    My god you’re an idiot. By your incredibly loose definition of slavery, having a job is slavery.

    Guess what, when you do your job, a portion of the fruits of you labor are taken and given to someone else. Usually it’s given to someone higher up the food chain. This is actually where the massive unbalance of wealth comes from in this country. The elite few reap the benefits of the hard work of the majority.

    You might know who I’m talking about. They’re the people you characterize as people whose greatest contribution to society is that they haven’t robbed, killed or raped anyone in at least a month. They’re the ones doing all the work while corporate CEOs keep all the money. I know you like to pretend that the very wealthy are maintain society, but it’s the other way around. It’s the middle class in this country that does all the work.

    This is why we tax the rich more. Companies will have thousands of employees, make billions of dollars a year, and hardly pay their employees enough to keep them above the poverty line. Meanwhile the top 1% keeps the vast majority of the profits.

    The few exploit the many. Taxing the rich higher is a way to equalize the system.

    But it seems you’ve drank the libertarian koolaid, so let’s see if this makes any sense to you.

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