we WILL rebuild

va quake.jpg (53 KB)

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    tiki god

    didn’t feel shit here in florida.


    So true.


    Cracked the top of the Washington Monument.


    Knocked some spires off the top of the National Cathedral, too…coulda taken someone out, “Omen”-style.

    Kik Dogg

    Washington disappoints us again.


    RIP Ant Colony living on those rich sons of bitches land. NEVER FORGET!


    5.8 isn’t that big of a deal. Just enjoy the ride


    It’s Virginia, if a tree falls down, it’s a terrorist attack.


    “I felt that earthquake last week”
    -Brooklyn Hipster


    Choice tweets:

    California smirks as Eastern Seaboard falls into the ocean.

    Yo dog, we heard you like disasters, so we sent you an earthquake in front of your hurricane so you could have disasters in your disasters

    Not to panic anyone in NYC, but a screaming John Cusack just drove by in a limo that was missing a door.

    In retrospect, I resorted to cannibalism rather fast after the earthquake.

    On the plus side, rebuilding D.C. after earthquake devastation could stimulate the economy.

    If you are reading this, you are the last humans left on earth. Do not panic, the TSA will take care of you.

    Everyone in quake area: go to an open area and “Stop, Drop, and Roll.” Not for safety, it’s just funny to watch.

    Signs that La is no longer cool: even the earthquakes are moving to DC and Brooklyn.

    Kik Dogg

    They will go out on the lawn and SET THAT CHAIR UPRIGHT AGAIN!
    Of course, they will need a large amount of federal relief monies to do it…….


    My god…. Where will the tea sandwiches go?!

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