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    55 Responses ttto proving atheists wrong with science 1

    1. Insanely Rational says:

      What a piss-poor argument.

    2. Russ says:

      Um… water = renewable resource… it doesn’t go away when you drink it. It doesn’t all stay in your body. It goes through your body and back to the rivers and oceans…

    3. FullofStars says:

      Wow, just wow. That hurts, my, head, just with how wrong that is.

      Either, it demonstrates how if you want to argue any point, you take a tiny nugget of truth and rape it in a German Sex Dungeon(tm),
      Successful Troll is successful.

    4. Twosixteen says:

      You forget, or don’t know, that there is a drag to our atmosphere. Much of the water vapor passes out into our orbital ring. Some get vaporized by solar winds into smaller molecules and some of which fall “inward” toward the sun. All of which make that idea that we are here and now, MO’ BETTAH!

      Your argument leaks like our atmosphere: Full of sound and confusion… yaddda, yadda, yadda.

      Saying that; “The Sparks Fly Upward”.

    5. annihilist says:

      Yes, when humans drink water, our bodies transport the water away from the Earth and into magical Jesus land, never to be seen by earthlings again. How could the atheists not remember that?

    6. PopCollector says:

      A nice reminder that we’re all drinking dinosaurs piss. Thank you.

    7. PopCollector says:

      A nice reminder that we’re all drinking dinosaur piss. Thank you.

    8. TGGeko says:

      People don’t piss in the bible, so they didn’t take that into their calculations.

      • AustinDav says:

        Behold, I will bring evil upon thee, and will take away thy posterity, and will cut off from Ahab him that pisseth against the wall, and him that is shut up and left in Israel,
        — 1 Kings 21:21

        So and more also do God unto the enemies of David, if I leave of all that pertain to him by the morning light any that pisseth against the wall.
        –1 Samuel 25:22

    9. storminator says:

      sure- we athiests drank all the water. then it rained. any questions?

    10. SumoSnipe says:

      To quote Tuvok: “Your logic is flawed.”

    11. oneofus says:

      I don’t want to live on this planet anymore…

    12. W says:

      buttered toast

    13. 100110110110010 says:

      Oh SNAP! And this is just Proving Atheists Wrong With Science _#1_.

    14. Patchouli says:

      Human population has been increasing for hundreds of thousands of years, we didn’t just appear with a population greater than 6 billion.

    15. wookie_x says:

      Important drinking water safety note…..Fish fuck in it.

    16. Saphykitten says:

      Adults should not be allowed to have imaginary friends

    17. Korinthian says:

      Now try using this argument on the Deluge myth.

      Also: Can’t tell if joking or just stupid.

      • AgZed says:

        Indeed. If drinking water reduces the amount of total water on the planet, and there wasn’t enough to cover all the land pre-Flood, then where did the water to submerge the entire surface of the planet come from? And where did it go? Did a boat full of people & animals somehow drink several trillion liters of water in under a year? And if water can just be magically created to cause the Flood, why can’t it be magically created to keep the oceans full? In their attempts to prove atheists wrong, it seems they’ve accidentally proven the Bible wrong.

        What now fundies?
        You’re slowly proving yourselves wrong.
        What will you do when you have neither scripture nor
        fake science to back you up?
        Where can you turn?

    18. Aquaman43 says:

      Atheists don’t believe in God, so why do you have to prove anything…..D’OH.

    19. draikyn says:

      Silly, everyone knows you don’t drink SEA water! So of course the seas are the same

    20. ArabianShark says:

      It really warms my heart that we could take a stupid, flawed and infuriatingly fallacious argument and make humour out of this.

      Well done, sirs (and madams).

    21. dude you dont even have to be an atheist to know this is shit. even in buddhism we know that when you die the water from your corpse re intigrates into the ground water when you decompose…. now thats good drinkin!

    22. HoChunk says:

      Thank you, one and all, for taking the piss out of this post.

    23. zeblic says:

      Praise Jebus, I am converted.

    24. bobo says:

      yall dumb fucking libs got trolled. fucking MORONS. hahahahaha

    25. Darkhell says:

      Are they really telling people in church that water vanishes after you drink it never to be seen again? I feel so dumb for reading that, I want that part of my life back. If you believe this, I can grant you access to heaven, all you have to do is send me thousands of dollars, email me for how to make payments.

    26. DMYTRIW WDS says:

      But god refilled the planet when he told Noah to build the Ark. DUH.

    27. Carbon Copy says:

      A perfect example of Poe’s law. This comes from Landover Baptist Church I think, or a similar satirical website.

      I wonder that some of us are all too willing to believe that fundamentalist Christians are not merely wrong in some of what they believe, but also barely a member of our species, to the extent that one of them could create such a thing in earnest.

    28. FetteSau says:

      what apparently noone commented on yet is that going by their formula they expect the 6 billion people to have been alive since day 1. Then again they have no clue about evolution and growth and probably thought god blinked his eyes and “bam” there were 6 billion people

    29. Trent says:


    30. Wtf says:

      I seriously hope this is trolling. If not i feel sorry for the poor fucker cuz’ of his bad logic.

    31. mageknight711 says:

      You didn’t know? Christians don’t piss…it’s as easy as that….

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