Actually, you can either make the militant Atheist on of Pol Pot’s red bandanna sporting, AK spraying 12 year-old killers, or a Maoist executioner from The “Cultural Revolution,” or any one of Castro’s murdering goons.
Communists were anti-religion. And atheistic. You can try all you want to parse things out by saying that atheism was only “part of their philosophy” but that’s a distinction without a difference. Fact is, humans can be cruel, power-hungry animals and it doesn’t matter whether they are believers or non-believers.
For perfect communism to work, all must be dedicated to the tenets of the system, not dedicated to a god or religion with contradictory or opposing tenets. Communists are anti-religion only because religious faith is competition for Communistic faith. Atheism isn’t really the desired outcome so much as the transfer of prior religious commitment/fervor/dedication to the ideals of the Party, etc. Dedication to Communism, not dedication to antitheism, is the motivator.
This is an important distinction. These people never excused their wrongdoings with the excuse of Atheism; they excused themselves of their crimes in the name of Communism, the Greater Good, the Will of God, the Mercy of Allah, the Favour of the Great Teapot, etc etc increasingly insulting examples.
“parse things out”?!? That’s some good book learn’ there.
You’re missing the point. Someone that is just an Atheist (no add-ons like communism) doesn’t have anything to be militant about. But hey, if you want to link communism to being Atheist, then in all fairness, christianity is fascist and cannibalistic.
I’ve always loved the creative accounting that theists always use when counting who is an atheist and who isn’t. When it’s time to talk about human-right violations, all communists are atheists, bar none (they even throw the Nazis in that mix). But when it’s time to count what proportion of the human population doesn’t believe in a god, suddenly, everyone in communist countries becomes a catholic, christian, jewish, confusionist, hinduist, buddist, etc. etc.
And, of course, calling Fidel Castro as “militant Atheist” is as silly as calling him a militant left-handed-ist (yes, Fidel is a leftie in every sense of the word), or a militant beard-ist. Same thing for Pol and Mao. Unlike militant islamists and christians, none of those guys ever did anything in the name of their religious beliefs and/or lack thereof. They are/were just tyrannical assholes who did what they did because they wanted absolute power and weren’t about to let anyone get in their way. They didn’t care about spreading their religious beliefs (unless you count communist/anti-capitalism as a religion), they didn’t care about defending their beliefs from the “infidels”/”sinners”. They just wanted power. And they managed to get enough of it to do quite a few atrocities with it.
Yes, because militant Christinists are JUST like militant Islamists. They blow people up, cut of their heads, and fly planes into buildings just like those crazy Presbyterians.
Didn’t Bush say “god” told him to invade Iraq? That would make the body count from christian millitants several magnitude higher than what a few sand people did?
He only said that because Gog and Magog were in the Middle East and we had to destroy them to prevent Revelations. The way you say it makes him sound crazy.
If you don’t think Militant Christians blow things up and cut people’s heads off, you need to visit Northern Ireland sometime.
13 years ago
Though they wrap their militant atheism in such high-minded, intellectual terms as “dialectical materialism,” the fact of the matter is that a Communist takeover of practically anywhere begins with killing every religious leader they can get their hands on. The only exception is where potential backlash makes it not feasible. I could go on with comparing the numbers of people who needlessly died under these regimes, but usually that had more to do with the blithering incompetence of Communism than actual purges (200 million for the “Great Leap Forward,” for example). The fact. and it is a fact, is that atheism is central to Communism, and especially Maoism (which even goes after Confucians, and there’s debate if that even IS a religion).
I’m sorry, I don’t buy in on the fallacious argument that all atheism ever did was put a bunch of excruciatingly clever people together to have a sip PBR and fix the world.
Look to my post above: communism embraces atheism only as a means to an end, not as a philosophical foundation. The kind of dedication, faith and obedience to authority to that mark most theistic religions are also traits shared with Communism; I would argue that communism may be atheistic, but it is not irreligious. Again, the motivation is not the philosophy of Atheism, but the philosophy of Communism/Maoism that is the motivation.
Humm…as an atheist non Anarchist I found this very funny…
The obvious take is the Atheist is having a beer while the others are busy killing.
But do go on with your COMMIE vs FASCIST vs WTF nonsense…
13 years ago
So then would an Atheist Anarchist BE a militant atheist? Whether it be philosophical or physical rock-throwing, the original image fails on the merits. People are not inherently moral. The point I’m making bringing up Communist/Maoist atrocities is that people who believe there will be no consequences for their actions immediately fall into a “the end justifies the means” approach to anything they feel passionate about. The don’t even need a “deus vult,” because they have “ego vult.”
Sure people are inherently moral. I submit to you: civilization.
blackdog33 (#17955)
12 years ago
Pros and cons: Alcoholics have to go to meetings. Beer swilling atheists just bar hop. Christians have to give money to uselessass bible parrots. Atheists tip waitresses. Islamists get on their knees to grovel to a mythical dude called Allah. Atheists walk on their knees from bar to bar. Christians snivel about an unreal dead Jew carpenter. Atheists snivel about hangovers. Very real!Christians and Islamists have to defend their religions against about 12 other religions around the world. Atheists are just glad they never have to hear about Oral Roberts any more.
Actually, you can either make the militant Atheist on of Pol Pot’s red bandanna sporting, AK spraying 12 year-old killers, or a Maoist executioner from The “Cultural Revolution,” or any one of Castro’s murdering goons.
No. Those would be militant communists. Atheism was just part of their philosophy not the motivation for their actions.
Also, boobs (ok, back on track now).
Communists were anti-religion. And atheistic. You can try all you want to parse things out by saying that atheism was only “part of their philosophy” but that’s a distinction without a difference. Fact is, humans can be cruel, power-hungry animals and it doesn’t matter whether they are believers or non-believers.
For perfect communism to work, all must be dedicated to the tenets of the system, not dedicated to a god or religion with contradictory or opposing tenets. Communists are anti-religion only because religious faith is competition for Communistic faith. Atheism isn’t really the desired outcome so much as the transfer of prior religious commitment/fervor/dedication to the ideals of the Party, etc. Dedication to Communism, not dedication to antitheism, is the motivator.
This is an important distinction. These people never excused their wrongdoings with the excuse of Atheism; they excused themselves of their crimes in the name of Communism, the Greater Good, the Will of God, the Mercy of Allah, the Favour of the Great Teapot, etc etc increasingly insulting examples.
“parse things out”?!? That’s some good book learn’ there.
You’re missing the point. Someone that is just an Atheist (no add-ons like communism) doesn’t have anything to be militant about. But hey, if you want to link communism to being Atheist, then in all fairness, christianity is fascist and cannibalistic.
Don’t forget zombie worshipers!
I’ve always loved the creative accounting that theists always use when counting who is an atheist and who isn’t. When it’s time to talk about human-right violations, all communists are atheists, bar none (they even throw the Nazis in that mix). But when it’s time to count what proportion of the human population doesn’t believe in a god, suddenly, everyone in communist countries becomes a catholic, christian, jewish, confusionist, hinduist, buddist, etc. etc.
And, of course, calling Fidel Castro as “militant Atheist” is as silly as calling him a militant left-handed-ist (yes, Fidel is a leftie in every sense of the word), or a militant beard-ist. Same thing for Pol and Mao. Unlike militant islamists and christians, none of those guys ever did anything in the name of their religious beliefs and/or lack thereof. They are/were just tyrannical assholes who did what they did because they wanted absolute power and weren’t about to let anyone get in their way. They didn’t care about spreading their religious beliefs (unless you count communist/anti-capitalism as a religion), they didn’t care about defending their beliefs from the “infidels”/”sinners”. They just wanted power. And they managed to get enough of it to do quite a few atrocities with it.
“militant beard-ist”
I think you hit the nail on the head.
Nazi’s were christian:
Fucking nailed it. That’s why the US prison population is so predominately atheist. Oh wait, they’re only .2%. Well somebody’s bullshitting.
You forgot compulsive posting pics (like this) on interwebs.
Yes, because militant Christinists are JUST like militant Islamists. They blow people up, cut of their heads, and fly planes into buildings just like those crazy Presbyterians.
Militant is the key word here.
Buddhism is mostly a peaceful religion that teaches introspection and reflection – but you still get some that go blowing themselves up.
I bet many troops we send out are Christian. Yet they do a hell of a lot of killing. But its for a good cause. We call them military. Not militant.
Didn’t Bush say “god” told him to invade Iraq? That would make the body count from christian millitants several magnitude higher than what a few sand people did?
He only said that because Gog and Magog were in the Middle East and we had to destroy them to prevent Revelations. The way you say it makes him sound crazy.
If you don’t think Militant Christians blow things up and cut people’s heads off, you need to visit Northern Ireland sometime.
Though they wrap their militant atheism in such high-minded, intellectual terms as “dialectical materialism,” the fact of the matter is that a Communist takeover of practically anywhere begins with killing every religious leader they can get their hands on. The only exception is where potential backlash makes it not feasible. I could go on with comparing the numbers of people who needlessly died under these regimes, but usually that had more to do with the blithering incompetence of Communism than actual purges (200 million for the “Great Leap Forward,” for example). The fact. and it is a fact, is that atheism is central to Communism, and especially Maoism (which even goes after Confucians, and there’s debate if that even IS a religion).
I’m sorry, I don’t buy in on the fallacious argument that all atheism ever did was put a bunch of excruciatingly clever people together to have a sip PBR and fix the world.
Look to my post above: communism embraces atheism only as a means to an end, not as a philosophical foundation. The kind of dedication, faith and obedience to authority to that mark most theistic religions are also traits shared with Communism; I would argue that communism may be atheistic, but it is not irreligious. Again, the motivation is not the philosophy of Atheism, but the philosophy of Communism/Maoism that is the motivation.
“…killing every religious leader they can get their hands on.”
Sounds like a good start to me.
No book is better than your book.
Humm…as an atheist non Anarchist I found this very funny…
The obvious take is the Atheist is having a beer while the others are busy killing.
But do go on with your COMMIE vs FASCIST vs WTF nonsense…
So then would an Atheist Anarchist BE a militant atheist? Whether it be philosophical or physical rock-throwing, the original image fails on the merits. People are not inherently moral. The point I’m making bringing up Communist/Maoist atrocities is that people who believe there will be no consequences for their actions immediately fall into a “the end justifies the means” approach to anything they feel passionate about. The don’t even need a “deus vult,” because they have “ego vult.”
Sure people are inherently moral. I submit to you: civilization.
Pros and cons: Alcoholics have to go to meetings. Beer swilling atheists just bar hop. Christians have to give money to uselessass bible parrots. Atheists tip waitresses. Islamists get on their knees to grovel to a mythical dude called Allah. Atheists walk on their knees from bar to bar. Christians snivel about an unreal dead Jew carpenter. Atheists snivel about hangovers. Very real!Christians and Islamists have to defend their religions against about 12 other religions around the world. Atheists are just glad they never have to hear about Oral Roberts any more.