
This reminded me of a lot of episodes of Cops I’ve watched lately. It would be racist if it wasn’t accurate.

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    43 Responses ttto Brutality

    1. Jonathantrott says:

      Oh, great.

    2. HoChunk says:

      Got news for ya, slick: it’s still kinda racist.

    3. storminator says:

      This must be an old comic. People haven’t worn their hair in straight corn rows for years now.

    4. gx5000 says:

      Well to be PC it would have helped if the Cops hadn’t been white.
      Storm, I still see some people with hair like that, men and women, everyday downtown.

      • storminator says:

        I know- it was a joke. But I have noticed that most corn rows are done with some kind of design now- not just rows going straight back.

    5. Lashik says:

      Society has given minorities of all types a veritable “get out of jail free” card. It’s human nature to take advantage of whatever you’re given. If I was indicted for the gigs of downloaded music I have, and I could cry “racism” or.. More accurately: “nerdism,” you better believe I’d do it if I thought it would get me out of paying for it. That being said, yeah.. this is kinda racist AND kinda true. Sucks, don’t it? To be balance it out, we need a comic about white guys screwing you out of every cent you will ever have via banking fees and interest payments and then crying about how they have to pay taxes on it. Despite what the PC activists want you to believe, the world is not made of foam rubber and feelings are *supposed* to get hurt to prepare you for the mental breakdown you’ll have when life inevitably slaps you upside the face with a dirty chainsaw. Yeah yeah.. TL;DR. What do you expect? I’m bored at work.

    6. DrTal says:

      MCS is onto White Supremacy now? Wow, now I actually miss all the Tea Party trolling.

    7. Korinthian says:

      I don’t like the message of this picture.

      A society shouldn’t treat criminals as the criminals would treat their victims (Suck it, Jesus). Surely we’re better than that?

      Even an alleged criminal’s rights matter; remember this as they drag you off to jail for downloading that Justin Beaver song that you were too embarrassed to buy.

      • dallasalice says:

        “A society shouldn’t treat criminals as the criminals would treat their victims (Suck it, Jesus). Surely we’re better than that?”

        His wrists being pinched a bit is the same as the bloody murder scene in the cartoon?

        And it appears there is plenty of reasonable suspicion for this guy to be dragged off to jail. No rights violated as far, again, as this cartoon goes.

      • tara says:

        Bieber. Justin Bieber.

    8. jadechimera says:

      Tell me when this has ever happened.

    9. Z says:

      Can someone explain racist to me? What makes this cartoon racist?
      Where is the racial prejudice or discrimination? Where is the racial superiority or inferiority in this image?

      • You obviously don’t know much about black culture!

      • Lashik says:

        Racism/prejudice/discrimination/stereotyping/profiling. It all means the same thing in our culture. This is seen as bad simply for the fact that it’s a negative portrayal of someone that happens to be a minority. Whether the sentiment is right or wrong, it’s the immediate conclusion of just about everyone who sees something like this. This would be a completely different discussion if everyone in the picture was portrayed as the same race, any race.

    10. Puulaahi says:

      This would be more accurate if it was about a white banker stealing a middle class families money. No cops. Just the banker getting a raise while the bank gets saved by the government.

      Usually when cops put cuffs on really tight. The criminal deserved it. This cartoon is pretty stupid.

    11. js says:

      what makes y’all raciest isn’t the fact that you justify the police officer hurting the black man, but the fact you assume the black man was not a bystander or a victim that just had his good shirt all bloodied up ’cause some nigga’ just blow the brains of that clerk right next to him and made a run for it.
      hell, maybe that black dude went all hero and pulled that knife – he just bought for eating his watermelon and drinking some hard liquor in a fine Thursday afternoon – to defend himself 😀

      Clarification: To those not getting it, I wanted to sound equally crazy-racist and crazy-liberal. I think I got it just right 🙂

    12. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

      I love all the douchebags in here on the moral high road saying its racist and white supremacists are big bad boggie men etc and they’re everywhere yet if you were walking down the street and 3 black guys walked up to you you would shit your pants.

    13. bstaples says:

      I’ve seen white cops tackle an unarmed black perp, punch the shit out of him, press down on his chest til he stopped moving and then shoved him into a squad car leaving a pool of blood on the floor.

      Fuck you all for thinking cries of brutality stem from this weak shit.

      • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

        What was he running for? Probably for something horrible and I bet he started out with a gun.

        Cops suck but niggers are WAY worse.

      • Lashik says:

        I don’t doubt that you’ve seen such a thing. (Ok.. I kinda doubt it… But only because most of us here rarely leave our respective chairs, much less witness a brutal beat down, cop-style.) Viewing cops as human beings though… What would you want to do if you just saw someone beat the crap out of someone (presumably innocent), try to injure you on the way by, then run from you when you try to stop him? You’d want to beat him down too; it’s human nature. (I said stop resisting, you dickwipe! *Commence beat-down) The shocking thing is that this doesn’t happen more often. I’m sure the white-on-black brutality happens more often, just because of the added racism tint, but I’m equally sure that white-on-white brutality happens quite a bit too. Anger and indignation are just too strong in a lot of people.

    14. djethex says:

      >episodes of Cops I’ve watched lately

    15. blowbags says:

      It’s just another drop in the “people will be people” ocean. Dickheads abusing their job as a cop, dickheads abusing their rights. Not very complex is it.

    16. 100110110110010 says:

      This cartoon is completely racist. And anyone who doesn’t see this
      after some examination is either an idiot, self-delusional, or a troll.
      Why didn’t the “artist” just say “I hate [n-word]s” and be done with it.

      Trosley gets away with these racists cartoons for Hustler, because next
      to tits, white guys jerking off in trailer parks like nothing more than a good n-joke.

    17. Death_to_Dude says:

      I guess that nothings ever good enough, is it!

    18. th3rmite says:

      This is the coolest picture EVER. It sums up American culture in so many ways.

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