When you see it…

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    Should be titled ‘if you actually manage to see it…’


    I think it’s a BK and McD is on the right?


    Casemods, stop taking shitty phone pics.
    In fact, just stop taking pictures all together.

    teezy weezy

    .. you’ll think, casemods shouldn’t be allowed on the internet or out in public.

    Alec Dalek



    But there are no especially-dark negroes in this photograph. Meme Fail.


    I’m afraid you have a decidedly narrow view of the “shit bricks” meme, then. The meme embraces any picture where there is something unexpected or slightly hidden, and takes a bit of study to reveal. Yes, there has been instances where a “negro” as you say is the object which is the surprise, but that is a relatively small percentage of pictures people have submitted under the meme.

    So, either you’re trolling, and I took way too much time explaining it, or you should expand your understanding of the meme.

    P.S. Unless the “negro” part was a further troll, I believe the persons you’re trying to refer to currently prefer “African American”.


    Dangit, forgot to include this:



    It’s the power cord to the ceiling, duh

    And to the guy above, I rarely take or submit low quality pics


    only when you do, they’re REALLY low quality!






    big deal… he’s using a macbook and his power outlet is in the ceiling… i do that all the time… 😐


    Hate you.




    exit sign behind toy display…


    all i see is your dumbass still cant figure out how to post in the section provided just for you…crawl back in your hole, you lame 4chan reject…no one cares…

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