Which Puppy?

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Which puppy should I get? Solely based on looks, which is more attractive to you? I have to put a deposit down on one or the other. Both are female.

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    25 Responses ttto Which Puppy?

    1. karms says:

      aww. the darker one. <3

    2. The darker one/last 2 pics

      1. the pictures of the face are clearer

      2. Just looks like a more radiant and healthy color, not to mention she will look less dirty.

      Try using a digital camera with the timer on and set the camera down

    3. Kik Dogg says:


      plus case has a good point about the dirt

    4. perpetualweirdo says:

      The second. Is that a Labradoodle? Looks like mine when they were pups.

    5. Tiggle Bitties says:



    6. Stolid says:

      Doesn’t matter, they’ll both taste like chicken.

    7. hvymetal86 says:

      The second one.

    8. crewmanguy says:

      Or you could adopt a pet from a shelter. Much better then giving money to a breeder or puppy mill. There are rescue groups for most breeds, so if you do a Google search, you should find a group that can help you adopt a breed your interested in.

      • Dooood says:

        I’m in agreement. In fact, I was coming here to point that out. However, if you must choose between the 2 presented, I’d also vote for the darker one, despite being in agreement with Casemods. Ohhhh how I cringe having to admit that….

        I will say, however, that my reasons are different. I just think it is a much cuter pup.

      • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:


        go to a breeder

        get a healthy dog with records

        shelters will pass off anything onto you and make it your problem

    9. dekay46 says:

      The second one.

    10. PathogenAntifreeze says:

      Really, the decision is best based on its diet up until this point, and how that will allow it to compliment ginger and a white wine sauce.

    11. richgone says:

      i agree with the adopting. best thing i ever got was a rescue dog.

    12. Bushman says:

      Between the two, the second. But I agree with the shelter idea. Mutts from the pound are genetically superior (less inbreeding), and they will forever look upon you as the hero that rescued them. These are the dogs that drag you from a fire and rescue kittens from drowning.

      • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

        thats exactly wrong

        dogs from shelters are more likely inbred and you have no way of finding out otherwise

        always always always go to a breeder and only by registered animals

        shelter dogs could be from a breeder and have behavior issues
        or health issues from an injury

        breeder dogs: you know what you’re getting

        • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:


        • nyoki says:

          It must work differently in Canada. Here you buy an animal from the Humane Society, both you and the animal are fully checked out. All their animals are medically, behaviorally and personality-wise tested to make sure they’re an appropriate pet for you and your family. If, for any reason, you can’t keep the animal, you can return it
          (Too many commas in that last sentence I think)

        • Bushman says:

          Spoken like a dog breeder. A mutt or “mixed breed” dog has the best sampling of from the gene pool. A “pure bred” comes from a very SMALL gene pool. Yes, there can be issues with shelter animals, just like there can be from breeders.

          All domestic dogs come from the same genetic origins in Europe. It’s a fact. Every breed was selectively bred from a limited supply hundreds of dogs, hundreds of years ago. In dog breeding, sons mate with their mothers, aunts, cousins more often than they do in Alabama and Arkansas combined.

    13. Chenoan says:

      This entire discussion feels mean to me, either way one will remain homeless.

      also the brown one.

    14. Queensly says:

      When i read “Which puppy should I get? Solely based on looks, which is more attractive to you?”, I instantly scrolled back up praying it wasn’t a casemods post.

    15. the_duck says:

      Get both.

      It sounds like you would take care of either one really well, so why not give 2 of them a better life TOGETHER, so they don’t end up at a home where they would be the only dog.

      I’m lucky my dog gets along with my 2 cats and actually enjoys their company or else I’d get a 2nd one to keep her company during the day (especially during those where I work especially late and she’s sitting there by the door waiting for me).

    16. We have two shelter dogs already. We do rescues constantly, and are getting a small poodle puppy for my 1 year old daughter to play with. She plays with her grandma’s all the time, and always cries when time to go home. We decided on the White one. Mostly because she had a better temperament and she didn’t mind my daughter a bit. Loves her in fact. Also, I didn’t take those pictures, the breeder did.

      • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

        good call

        especially with small dogs NEVER go to a shelter. ever. or a pet store.

        they have health issues you can avoid by looking at their paperwork

        ps: i’d have gone with the first one as well

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