Julian and Mark

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    War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.


    Naivety is Knowledge


    Private citizens would be thrown in prison if they acted like corporations.


    …or if they acted like the state.


    True. If I started taxing people and building an army, I’d get thrown in the loony bin.

    Super Loco


    Luke Magnifico

    Mark Zuckerberg: “His head is the same width as his neck”


    That’s how lizard overlords look.


    Here I thought Julian Assange was a villain for hiding from those rapes he’s accused of and Mark Zuckerberg was a “Man of the Year” for providing a website that half a billion people use to stay in contact and by giving $100 million dollars to New Jersey’s school.

    What a minute, like me get my conspiracy hat on … ok there … holy crap you’re right! It is about those evil, international corporations and Zuckerberg does have a weird neck/head appendage, those bastards!


    Right…It was the rape charges Assange has been hiding from.


    He wasn’t charged or even accused of rape. It was sex by surprise.

    I.e. he had consensual sex with a consenting woman, but didn’t use a condom. And, the woman dropped the charges months before Interpol wanted to question him about it.

    Congratulations for falling for it, he really is villain isn’t he?


    Yeah, the rape charges are BS.

    The biggest indicator is the fact that Interpol never pursues rapists across international lines, but suddenly chooses to in Julian Assange’s case.


    Except that he wasn’t hiding. He was just living in Britain, where the police knew where he lived. And then he made an appointment to be arrested.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    One leaked info that jeopardized multi billion dollar military operations and the other let advertisers know that you like Big Bang Theory.

    One broke many laws openly and proudly and refused to comply with legal obligations. The other found out people don’t want advertisers to know they like Big Bang Theory.

    One did what he did with a goal of disrupting civil relations with other countries while the other tried and tries to keep a free social networking system free.

    Anyone who thinks Wikileaks did things right is a moron. If he was really some avenger of free information he wouldn’t be so hell bent on painting himself out as a martyr. That info could have been distributed by other means without the headlines but then he wouldn’t feel important. Plus all the info was pretty fucking boring anyway.

    Luke Magnifico

    Nah, America should totally go to war with China, he did the right thing.


    If Wikileaks has broken laws, why haven’t they been charged with anything yet?

    Otherwise you almost wrote a post I agree with. I know, mind boggling, isn’t it?

    They have every RIGHT to do what they do. In a free and open society, people are allowed to say and repeat what they want, no matter what. Even if the information is dangerous, offensive, or whatever.

    The problem is I don’t think they are considering whether they SHOULD re post everything they do. Wikileaks tends to be indiscriminate in what they publish.

    For instance, they published the names of Afghan civilians who are working as US military informants. As we all know, the Taliban doesn’t take too kindly to that shit. In doing so wikileaks is exposing the informants and their families to violent reprisals.

    As with all Journalists, Wikileaks has a responsibility to consider what they report. Not doing that will get people killed.

    Not that I think Facebook smells like roses and buttercups.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    They leaked information designated confidential. That’s illegal.

    Why haven’t ‘they’ been charged? Its tough to penalize someone for something where the crime jumps locales every time they alter the name servers.

    Thanks for agreeing with the rest. From what I see people jump on board the free wikileaks train simply because of how they see it based on headlines with absolutely no idea what was actually leaked. Once you tell them they always sya ‘oh…really?’ and concede that yes that guy is indeed a real piece of shit.


    You’re understanding of the law leaves something to be desired.

    But I’m gonna let this slide. It’s been a long work week, and it’s well past time for beer. Enjoy this moment where we kinda-sorta agree on something.

    I’m sure we’ll be calling each other names again soon. Enjoy your weekend.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    That’s hwo you want to bullshit? Pretend you know more but not give any indication as to what this so called other perspective is?

    The law is pretty clear, asshole. There is no gray area to information designated confidential by the military. You sir are just a retard. Enjoy your beer, slick. Next week you have a whole new shift of menial bullshit work to look forward to. Probably because you’re just so smart?


    “your face” wins the thread.

    Everyone else congratulate him and promptly get off of Assange’s dick. He’d rat you out or leave you up a creek in a second for another 15 minutes of fame. He is not the hero you make him out to be.


    He’d rat me out, but only if I had something to hide.


    Who is? Mother Teresa was a piece of shit and nearly universally admired. No one is solely this or that.


    The United States can sabotage our international relations on our own, thankyouverymuch.

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