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    12 Responses ttto I Have A Dream, Within A Dream

    1. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

      Happy marchin lootin killin day nigas!

      Lets see if that holiday stands after the 50 year gag order on his file with the FBI his wife had put on in 1977 is lifted and everyone finds out he was a communist and a career criminal.

      • DMYTRIW WDS says:

        I always appreciate your insightful comments. You’re so knowledgeable and can be easily approached. Your vast intellect knows no boundaries. Thank you for being here, otherwise this website would be mistaken for fun and entertaining instead of being a bastion for some of the internets greatest retards.

      • sambo78 says:

        Hey Navi, you know what they call it when you just make something up out of thin air?


        Thanks for repeatedly proving my point about you.

    2. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

      Happy marchin lootin killin day nigas!
      Lets see if that holiday stands after the 50 year gag order on his file with the FBI his wife had put on in 1977 is lifted and everyone finds out he was a communist and a career criminal.

      foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/king.htm <<– that's for the knob sambo or whatever the fuck his name is with the weird/creepy movie naming thing he keeps doing where he calls me that James Cameron shit.


      Hey don't call yourself a retard, little guy. I mean everyone else who knows you probably does but don't let it get to you. Just keep eating your Legos.

      • sambo78 says:

        Of course they have a file on him. That’s not the point, Navi.

        The point is you don’t know what’s in them, but that doesn’t stop you from making up bullshit and spreading lies. Again.

        You’re just repeating already debunked garbage from an anonymous email that was spammed a while back. Don’t you know better than to trust information from an anonymous source? Are you really that dumb?


        Navi, it’s ok to have a political position. But you seem to be incapable of doing anything other than lying compulsively to promote your agenda. You seem to have the mentality of a teenager and the honesty of a sociopath.

        Is it even possible for you to discuss something using facts? Or are you too scared?

        Here’s a challenge for you, Navi. It’s January 19th, 2011. I challenge you to NOT LIE in any political over the next year.

        You don’t seem to know what a lie is, so I’ll explain it to you. A lie is false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive. For instance, let’s say you don’t like Obama. You want to say something bad about him, but you don’t know what to say, so you just make something up. That’s a lie.

        If you can NOT LIE over the next year, I’ll vote republican in the next presidential election. Even if it’s Sarah Palin.

        The catch is you still have to post. You can’t just sit this one out and win. You must still be involved in political discussions on this board.

        So are you up for a challenge? Can you be honest for a year?

        • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

          Are you fuckiing retarded?

          Your link doesn’t say a fucking thing in reference to closed elements of his file.

          Nobody cares who you vote for, faggot.

          What the fuck is wrong with your head?

          Cling to hoping that that fucking nigger wasn’t a complete crook if you’d like. His speeches were completely plagiarized and yes that was debunked…until the debunking was debunked.

          The guy was the fucking protege of a an admitted communist who paid for the good fake doctors rise to…death.

          Can you shut the fuck up all together?

          What kind of a complete asshole has the audacity to assume he lays down rules?

          A left wing nutcase that’s who.

          Thanks for agreeing with me by way of being a complete loser you fucking retard.

          Oh and again…golf clap for referencing avatar. That’s been real effective for you and doesn’t make you look like even more of a fucking loser.

          Vote for whoever you want.

          It won’t change the facts about that gangster nigger up there who will eventually lose the holiday and be remembered for the piece of shit that he was.

    3. sambo78 says:

      God you’re stupid. You didn’t even read the link. Here, I’ll copy paste the relevant information for you, Navi.

      3. King was under FBI surveillance for several years (until he died) due to his ties with communist organizations throughout the country. King accepted money from the organizations to fund his movements. In return, King had to appoint communist leaders to run certain districts of his SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), who then could project their communist ideas to larger audiences. A federal judge in the 60’s ruled that the FBI files on King’s links to communism to remain top-secret until 2027. Senator Jesse Helms appealed to the Supreme Court in 1983 to release the files, so the current bill in the Senate to create the Martin Luther King Federal Holiday could be abolished. He was denied.

      Claim #3: King was under FBI surveillance for several years (until he died) due to his ties with communist organizations throughout the country. King accepted money from the organizations to fund his movements.

      False. While it’s true that the FBI wiretapped Martin Luther King and other members of the SCLC during an ongoing investigation of alleged Communist ties, no evidence was ever found that King was a Communist sympathizer or that the SCLC received funding from Communist sources, according to King biographer David J. Garrow, who examined FBI documents released under FOIA.

      How do you know the closed elements of his life? They’re closed. You’re just making shit up.

      Not that you have a lot of credibility anyway.

      I also like how you admit you can’t go a year without lying. I knew you’d bitch out.

      • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

        Bitch out? I just don’t care about rules of ultimatums set by some faggot on the internet.

        Sure I’ll take the retard challenge. Happy, retard? Are you a happy little retard?


        Go ahead and read up yourself. His mentor was at the top of the communist party trying to gain ground in America.


        That’s the source of your debunking that does in no way debunk anything?

        My fucking God you’re a dumb little fucker. I read your link and all it says is a biographer with a pretty long history of being wrong stated that he didn’t find any evidence. Well that sure sounds like a case closed…or not at all.

        How do I or anyone know the contents of the files? I don’t but I know his mentor was a full blown communist and convicted criminal and that’s who taught the good fake doctor everything he knew about lying and cheating.

        Now defend your bullshit some more. You sure have done a great so so far?

        • sambo78 says:

          “What kind of a complete asshole has the audacity to assume he lays down rules?
          A left wing nutcase that’s who.”

          When did I lay down any rules? I challenged you to be honest, and you accepted. It was completely optional on your part.

          You’re in your own little world. You can’t even keep straight what I have and haven’t done in this thread.

          And you call me a nutcase.

          “Bitch out? I just don’t care about rules of ultimatums set by some faggot on the internet.

          Sure I’ll take the retard challenge. Happy, retard? Are you a happy little retard?”


          So you don’t care about the rules, but you’re accepting the challenge? Wow, you can barely think straight, can you?

          Go ahead and read up yourself. His mentor was at the top of the communist party trying to gain ground in America.”

          Your “source” is an anonymous posting on liveleak. Any idiot can post to liveleak.

          Look at this bullshit someone posted:


          That’s the source of your debunking that does in no way debunk anything?”

          You’re criticizing this source based on…what exactly?

          Seriously, the source you posted was an anonymous person going by the name “theklansman”. I’m sure “theklansman” is a completely unbiased and honest source of information.


          The only places that repeat your information is anonymous postings on other sites, usually message boards. Most of the sites were white power and end-of-the-world Christian conspiracy sites.

          In fact the ONLY piece of information saying Dr. King’s wife sealed his records is the same text posted on LIVELEAK.

          There is no corroborative information on the entire goddamn internet. It’s just a vicious lie to smear someone’s name.

          That is NOT reliable information, at all. It’s all more of the baseless lies and rumors you try to pass off as facts.

          I see you couldn’t go one post without lying. Loser.

          “My fucking God you’re a dumb little fucker. I read your link and all it says is a biographer with a pretty long history of being wrong stated that he didn’t find any evidence. Well that sure sounds like a case closed…or not at all.”

          Well, you still don’t understand what a “fact” is. If you say he’s wrong, show a specific fact he was wrong on.

          At least this source is a real person with a name, and not an anonymous white-power Nazi slanderer like you.

          “How do I or anyone know the contents of the files? I don’t but I know his mentor was a full blown communist and convicted criminal and that’s who taught the good fake doctor everything he knew about lying and cheating.”

          But you claimed earlier to know what was in the file. Quote from earlier in the thread:

          “Lets see if that holiday stands after the 50 year gag order on his file with the FBI his wife had put on in 1977 is lifted and everyone finds out he was a communist and a career criminal.”

          You lose. Liar.

    4. Caio says:

      Maggie thread. Owe me a new pgdwn etc

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