Nice piece of plastic you got there

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Nice little toy you have there. See, yours is designed to shoot little pieces of plastic, while mine fires large chunks of lead. No amount of fancy camo paint is going to change that.

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    41 Responses ttto Nice piece of plastic you got there

    1. natedog says:

      lol at the censorbars

    2. MalcoveMagnesia says:

      is there any legitimate reason for a civilian to own a “game hunting” weapon like that?

      • flagrantfowl says:

        I am all for Gun rights. In fact, I own several.

        But I see this type of thing and shake my head. I do not understand why someone feels the need to own a gun like this.

        Some say ‘Its because I’m proud to exercise my rights. They took our jobs!’

        Some say ‘To be prepared for an invasion, to defend my home, etc.’.

        Some are criminals and want the extra firepower for killin’.

        Some just have a big ego to feed, and they make up for their small dick by holding one of these instead.

        If I had to guess, I’d say he owns this because he’s proud to exercise his rights.

        BUT, if this man was really proud of his lead-giver and his right to own it, he wouldn’t be a douche with his finger on the trigger. Never point a gun at anyone. Never put your finger on the trigger (unless you plan on squeezing it).

        And never place lame censor bars on your face.

        But I give you props for fucking with Casemods. So I’ll wave that other stuff.

        • WaltherKid says:

          it’s pronounced “jerbs”, and I’m thinking one of the reasons to own it that was not mentioned is “fun to shoot”. It’s a guess, and I’ve actually never had the chance to fire any full auto weapon. That being said, out on a range and given the opportunity….you bet yer arse im gonna rack it and see how terrible my groupings are into whatever they haul to the ranges that allow it. I know the initial design and reason to develop such a weapon is probably sinister, but seeing these things in movies and games boy do I wanna give it a shot (yeah a pun). I’m halfway thinking these poses are for the response. He probably (hopefully!) has a bit of discipline when handling firearms.

    3. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

      There are two different guns shown there.

      Also inb4 trigger discipline.

    4. RSIxidor says:

      Responding to his post with another post is like responding to a stupid question.

    5. WistfulD says:

      Wow. It’s like lameness opened up and swallowed this whole thread.

    6. tesseract says:

      Never fired a full auto weapon, but it sure does look like fun.

      Also, zombies.

    7. teezy weezy says:

      People with guns at home are all morons, makes suicide easy though.

      • AndrewTheWookie says:

        Really? You’re going to stick with that blanket statement about a group of people you know nothing about?

        • fortyseven says:

          While that argument works in most other cases, replace gun with ‘dildo’ and you kinda have the same idea

          Qualified to make generalizations? Hardly
          Does the apple fall far from the tree as far as intention of usage is concerned? No

          • AndrewTheWookie says:

            Let me preface this by saying that I would like to see a gun free society. Not just stricter gun laws, but no guns at all. Then I wouldn’t need one, because if the people who want to hurt others with them didn’t have them, then I wouldn’t need one either. That being said, I’m not going to leave myself defenseless If i can help it. Does that make me a moron? Hardly

            • Guns only work if someone is banging at your door saying he wants to kill you.

              Other than that, and the possibility of another country invading us, guns are useless unless loaded and ready to go.

              Not only that, but you would need to be prepared for it.

              I myself get scared as fuck when shit goes down, heart rate goes through the roof.

              But we all like to think we would be ready for this like this huh

    8. lol y u mad tho?

      I got the airsoft for fun.

      “all the stuff you typed angrily” = cool story bro

    9. Knuckles says:

      You can’t actually think you look cool in these pictures, can you?

      Oh, and nice gun handling in that last shot, bullseye. I’d love to meet the photographer.

      • “You can’t actually think you look cool in these pictures, can you?”

        Obviously not as cool looking as me, but close.


        >hur dur everyone in a photo with a gun has it loaded and was randomly taking pictures while it was loaded.

    10. DMYTRIW WDS says:

      Are these really full auto? I don’t see any fire selection and they do make semi auto versions.

      My AR is cooler.

    11. kruuth says:

      They are the same weapon…different uppers…the longer one is called a MAX-11 and it slows the ROF on one of those down to about 650 rpm. The reason for the bars is because the guy didn’t want to have pix of him holding a F/A weapon.

      For the guy that is complaining that he has his finger on the trigger….

      If you would look at the pics, you’ll see that the bolt is locked in the shut position and there is no magazine in the held shots. We removed all the fire control parts save the bolt and the actual trigger. Not a chance that thing could fire.

      And yes, we’re messing with you casemods.

    12. kruuth says:

      The fire selection is right by the trigger. You can kinda see it in the third pic. Looks a little like a bulge by the trigger.

    13. Reaver says:

      Fucking Serial Killer

    14. sutenvulf says:

      This man has balls.

      …I like balls.

    15. slag says:

      I like my Lage slow fire upper. Switched from a MP5K (registered sear) to the Mac-11/9 for sub gun comps.

    16. njch412 says:

      Oh that’s cute, a machine pistol. “D’awwwwwwwwwwwwww”

      And you’re holding it sideways, such an efficient way to hold it.

      My M4 fires full auto, it’s soooo not cool. In fact, it’s less cool than placing well aimed rounds down range or at a target. If you want to fire a full auto anything, go get an auto nerf gun at wal-mart and chase a cat, way more entertaining than firing an auto weapon at nothing.

      • People hold guns sideways so that when the blow back/recoil hits, it doesn’t go ABOVE the targets.

        This way, when you are spraying a crowd of people (typical for these illegal machine pistols) the recoil just goes left or right, and never changes the vertical aiming.

        Now, admittedly, I didn’t always know this and did it to be cool and “gangster” but now that I know it’s just the difference of knowledge.

        • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

          You are a retard in another new and boring way.

          You really think there’s some vertical balancing that makes the gun pop up or sideways depending on how you hold it when firing?

          If you want to shoot a machine pistol straight you need a way to get both hands on it and preferably not both on the grip. There are tonnes of different ways to do it and I’m guessing you don’t know a single one.

    17. T.File says:

      Internet tough guy.
      Trigger discipline applies to all handling of firearms, real, fake, de-milled or not. Using it can only make you look cooler on the internet.
      And more:
      Fully automatic weapons would be horrible for an actual Zombie invasion. Most of you civilians loose your shit and would just spray and pray, not only harming friendlies but wasting ammo. It’s hard to control even burst fire on such a small target as a human head.
      But I digress:
      Cool story bro.

    18. SovietHolyman says:

      Its totaly Legal to own a Full Auto in the US so any one who says its not , is ignorant of the laws, a little research is required. ie “full auto gun licence” search it.

    19. “nice piece oF plastic you got there”

      btw, most of the gun is metal and it probably weighs about the same

    20. kruuth says:


      First of all, it is nigh impossible to modify a s/a mac series into a f/a weapon. s/a guns are closed bolt while the f/a versions are open bolt. Modification is an automatic $5000 fine and 5 years in the federal penn. Just being in possession of the parts is enough for conviction. Since I actually own both versions, legally, I can safely tell you that the parts do NOT interchange. They just are made to look the same.

      Oh, and since it was brought up, holding a gun sideways will not reduce climb. Some people just think it looks cool. It doesn’t. Turning it on it’s side will still make it climb up.

    21. cpnichol says:

      Slightly unrelated point.

      Similar weapons in the UK are illegal and a lot have previously been decommisioned, as in had their barrels filled. To get them working again they simply drill out the barrel, taking the rifling with it which is why they get called spray and pray weapons. They still cost £1000s to buy though.

    22. dvrdwn says:

      When you want to be a tough guy and show folks the automatic weapons you own – – you should probably also show them you’re not a tool and exhibit proper trigger discipline, tool.

      This is the kind of person that “accidentally” shoots someone.

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