Sarah Palin’s Ugly Ass Feet


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    28 Responses ttto Sarah Palin’s Ugly Ass Feet

    1. Drewlicious says:

      Who cares?

    2. Puulaahi says:

      Too many cold ass Alaskan winters will do that.

    3. DMYTRIW WDS says:

      That’s just nitpicky. Hate her for her dumbass fundamental core values, her xenophobia, her witchcraft fighting pastor, her belief that abstinence only education really works even after her kid had a kid, her refudiation of Islam, her belief that the earth is 6,000 years old, her unrelenting hypocrisy, her screwing the people who elected her by quitting, for being the catalyst that turned the GOP into a bunch of slack-jawed hillbillies, for making TLC even worse (which is pretty amazing), for contributing to FOX News, her homophobia, for continuously holding the “death panel” torch, for supporting racial profiling, for thinking she can be president, for believing in the rapture, wanting to take away women’s rights, or her horrible geography skills, against the moratorium on offshore drilling when no standards are set for that depth, for misquoting/misinterpreting the founding fathers, and for generally being a vacuous twit.

      But don’t hate her for her old lady feet. That would be superficial and mean.

    4. bstaples says:

      I think it’s cute…

      that they gave her something to read to take a picture with.

    5. storminator says:

      this 2nd place beauty queen will not stop until she wins another contest!

    6. Reaver says:

      I dislike feet in general

    7. W says:

      WOW! You guys hate her as much as I hate obama, reid, and pelosi!

      • sambo78 says:

        The distinction is we tend to dislike her for what she has actually said or done.

        People on the right tend to hate Obama for invented bullshit.

        Remember how the Tea Party was protesting over taxes right after Obama lowered taxes? That’s some industrial level stupid there.

        • W says:

          Wow, you do have your blinders on don’t you.

          • sambo78 says:

            In what specific way, Timmay?

            • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

              He didn’t lower taxes at all. He adjusted them so other people paid more while poor piece3s of shit like you got more free money.

              People hate Obama because he’s useless. All he’s doing is the most damage he can before being ousted and cited throughout history as the only black president of the US ever and a total fucking mistake.

              There are no excuses for him anymore. He’s simply inept and suffers from all the flaws everyone said he would before he won a popularity contest based on bullshitting.

            • W says:


            • sambo78 says:


              8===========>——- your face, you’re a liar. You don’t know me from Adam, and you don’t know what I earn in a year.

              You’re just a liar, compounding a lie with another lie.

              Here’s the facts:


              And Timmay, you say I have blinders on? This perfectly illustrates my point. I don’t like Sarah Palin for what she’s said and done, rather than made up bullshit, whereas your criticism is fiction.

              Think about it. When pressured, 8===========>——- your face’s knee jerk reaction was to blatantly lie about me.

              This is why we have so many problems in this country. Everyone complains about the politicians, but it’s circle jerking ass clowns like you that are the problem.

              You don’t have the basic character to NOT lie in a political discussion. You can’t use facts, you can’t use reason. Use just fabricate whatever you can to smear whoever disagrees with you.

              Timmay, one day you may find yourself complaining about the dishonesty of the elected officials in this country. Before you do that, you need to take a look in the mirror. You’re the reason these crooks get elected.

    8. nyoki says:

      Geez people, it’s just some ugly ass feet. I’ve never seen feet that look like that before. Is there actually something wrong w/ them?

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