tea party

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    43 Responses ttto tea party

    1. Puulaahi says:

      I prefer the Beer Party.

    2. RSIxidor says:

      Six impossible things by breakfast does not include imagining morons protests.

    3. natedog says:

      how is a redneck like a-riding dick?

    4. goatsgomoo says:

      This is quite excellent indeed.

    5. MintyFresh says:

      They were much funnier when they referred to themselves as Teabaggers.

    6. andreas says:

      Its true, in 2012 one of the main campaign issues Obama is going to run on is enslaving the white race. Now I am hearing that a lot of pollsters think this could be a little controversal even for the democratic base, not to mention swing voters. I can tell you this being enslaved does not appeal much to mainstreet (though labor unions might be split), and think of the hit wall street would take if large segment of their workface was now in chains? Still it might be a better coherent political stragety then the one in 2010.

    7. suicydking says:

      I lol’d. Why didn’t someone do this sooner?

    8. blowbags says:

      Erg Jesus send me sky patience *crawls through tar-thick stupid*

    9. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

      I believe thats from 2008.

      Signs of Madison's Tea Party: "Obama's Plan White Slavery"

    10. Tyger42 says:

      And they can’t figure out why people think they’re racists……..

      • natedog says:

        well to be fair, you cant lump them all in one box like that because of one dick with a sign/mamma grizzly with brain AIDS

        • outlanderssc says:

          You mean like they do with Muslims?

          • natedog says:

            well again, you are assuming every person in the tea party hates muslims

            people are all different, in any group. everyone has there own reasons.

            but stereotypes are fun

            • Tyger42 says:

              The problem is that it’s a dominant enough sentiment that the stereotype has been formed in the first place. It’s nearly to the point where it’s like saying “I don’t hate black people, I just belong to the KKK for the social gatherings and because I like wearing the hoods…”

        • Tyger42 says:

          It’s more than one dick with a sign, though. Signs like these are fairly common at their rallies and they seem pretty tolerant of these dicks. Which basically makes the rest of them no better than the dicks.

    11. rainman97361 says:

      When libs have nothing to say to prove their point, they cry ‘racist’. It’s the preferred fall back option that frankly, is running out of steam.
      Say what you want about The Tea Party, but we’ll see who gets the laugh laugh in 13 weeks.

      • Unemployed whites complaining about receiving unemployment un-ironically?

        Probably not them, but they have no long term memories. It’s why they get so scared every time there’s a Swine Flu, Avian Flu, Y2k, what have you…

      • The Matrix: Rebooted says:

        “who gets the laugh laugh in 13 weeks”
        You’re so retarded, you stutter while typing.

      • RSIxidor says:

        Politics are dumb. It is just as dumb for them to call teabaggers racists as it is for the teabaggers and other conservatives to say the Obama administration is socialist. It shows a misunderstanding of socialist principles. It gets even worse when they call them socialists AND communists at the same time.

        • bzo311 says:

          To say the Obama admin is socialist is to say a tadpole is a frog: it may not be a frog now, but if you leave it alone and let it grow it will be. Redistribution of wealth, cooperative business ownership, government assisted programs are just a few things that are already happening now and will expand if we let the tadpole grow. Get it?

          And why not call it socialist/communist when they share the same traits? Square is a rectangle but rect is not a square.

          • RSIxidor says:

            These types of programs have been in American society for more than a century. The name calling is just dumb politics, just like it has always been.

            • Yeah and furthermore it all depends on whose definitions they are. If Obama were a politician in Europe, we would consider him slightly right wing at best.

              “And why not call it socialist/communist when they share the same traits? Square is a rectangle but rect is not a square.”

              Probably for the same reasons why you wouldn’t compare the right wing to Nazis. It’s an exaggeration, address what people are doing, not what they could be doing.

          • Tyger42 says:

            Yeah, damn those government funded programs. Police forces, fire departments, public roads, who needs ’em!

            • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

              I thought your roads were paid for with the toll money. At least in CA they are.

              Police and firefighters could be paid with less than a half of a half of a percent of the current tax dollars in America.

              Socialist programs are not necessities. Its everything above that people try to say are necessities. Health care while necessary is not something Americans have ever been entitled to and the worst thing to do from a business perspective is take more from your consumers for a product they are polarized on the validity of.

              I know this place is a stomping ground for bleeding hearts but eventually reality forces people to use their brains.

              Have a never ending debate if you’d like. I believe that’s one of the more important parts of neoconservative politics which was of course a term coined at the university of Chicago where a certain someone who runs a certain country went to school.

            • nyoki says:

              Our history does show that we think health insurance is extremely important. So much so that most people take pay cuts to have good insurance. So far, we’ve worked it through employment, our employer subsidizes our health insurance, generally paying 1/2 to 2/3 of cost. It helps because employers can get it at a reduced cost because they guarantee that their employees will use that insurance. That gives them the ability to lower overall salary costs. It works for the employees because they can get insurance at an affordable price (which is generally 1/3 of what they’d pay on their own). It’s worth giving up a bit of salary for guaranteed health insurance (can’t be turned down due to chronic illness or age, etc…).
              This worked fine for decades, but it’s gotten so bulky and regulation so haphazard that it’s currently untenable. But still, people expect affordable health insurance and even through employer paid insurance, too many things aren’t covered. I have two separate insurance policies and still pay out $1000+ per month for my various health needs. It just kept gradually rising over a few years. So, now I pay more for my insurance and get less.

          • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

            He’s right.

            Your country isn’t designed for it either. You can’t casually shift from capitalist to socialist.

            You guys in the states can simply not afford to make a transition into a whole new political spectrum. It doesn’t work and shouldn’t be attempted.

            All I see are examples of other places where there are social programs. If you want them and already know where those places are then just go there. Come here. Whatever.

            Find me another example of a country with the kind of free market America gets.

            There are no shortage of options for the people who want the hand outs. Where will the people who just want to take care of themselves go? I don’t need the government to take care of me and yes I am healthy but I could also afford health insurance especially if it meant saving a few grand a month in taxes.

      • Tyger42 says:

        “When libs have nothing to say to prove their point, they cry ‘racist’.” Yes, yes, and conservatives brush off everything by crying “socialist!”.

        It’s not all libs or all cons doing these things. Just the idiots among them. Get over it, both sides have a bunch of vocal idiots that make the rest of them look bad.

        Of course, the cries aren’t always off base. Like in the case illustrated in the picture above. There’s no way you can reasonably deny that racism is present there.

        • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

          There’s racism present everywhere. Its just a hot button term some people still whip out to try and attack an argument they usually don’t have any other way to attack.

          Set aside what you think of the people.

          What do you think of the policies?

    12. deuce says:

      If tea partiers weren’t racist fuckwads then this guy would be a bloody heap in a ditch with the sign sticking out of his own ass.

      • Tyger42 says:

        Not quite that far…but the simple fact that he’s among them without any obvious sign from the rest of disapproval means they’re accepting what he’s saying on his sign.

        • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

          Or they just don’t agree with censorship.

          • RSIxidor says:

            The people censor themselves. It is when government takes over censorship that issues arise.

            • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

              So you think the people should tell him to put down his sign because they don’t agree with it?

              I guess thats a perpetual cycle of freedom. They can say put down the sign but he’s allowed to say no.

            • nyoki says:

              Yes. The whole point is to televise your disagreement, or agreement, w/ whatever. If they disagree, they should say so. Simple as that; as you are clearly a proponent of. Pick a side and let those w/ whom you disagree know it. It doesn’t have to be vicious; you and I disagree on many political issues, yet have no problem being civil w/ each other. I don’t need to change your mind. I see your points.

            • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

              Its true.

              Plus the operative commonality between us is we’re not fucking stupid.

              We have the illusive sense of humour lacking in so many.

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