Imaginary Friends

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    48 Responses ttto Imaginary Friends


    2. fortyseven says:

      You’re a little late for Draw Muhammad Day

    3. RazirFyre says:

      I had this as my background for my laptop for awhile. Brought it to school, pissed a lot of people off. My science teacher approved, though.

    4. przxqgl says:

      i disagree. adults without imaginary friends are dull and uninspired.

    5. TheLotusEater725 says:


    6. AY! Eat Ya Veggies! says:

      Shouldn’t it be “an imaginary friend” since all religions pictured are monotheistic?

      • gx5000 says:

        That depends on how you view them….
        Christians actualy could be seen as believing in many gods…
        Some Pray to God, then Jesus, or Mary, or St-(insert name here).
        If christians were monotheists it would be God period.

        This melding of the trinity, three gods into one (which wasn’t part of the original scriptures anyways) is an attempt to redress this….
        I still can’t understand why middle America accepts Jesus as God when he was God’s only son, the messenger, self described man, not diety.

        • driver01z says:

          Jesus told the Samaritan woman that he is the Messiah (Jn 4:25-26)
          Jesus affirmed Peter’s statement that he is the Messiah and Son of God (Mt 16:15-17, see also Mk 8:29-30, Lk 9:20-21)
          Jesus told the high priest that he is the Messiah and Son of God (Mk 14:61-62, Mt 26:63-64, Lk 22:70)
          Jesus told the Jews, “I and the Father are one.” (Jn 10:24-38)
          Jesus told the disciples, “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am.” (Jn 13:13)
          Jesus forgave sins, which only God had the authority to do (Mk 2:5-11, Lk 5:20-24)
          Jesus said that he had seen Abraham and that he is eternal: “‘I tell you the truth,’ Jesus answered, ‘before Abraham was born, I am!'” (Jn 8:57-58)
          Jesus said that he had seen God, which no one else could do (Jn 6:46)

    7. Erin says:

      lol. The basic statement is there, and it’s true. The need for religion is a fundamental human weakness passed on by generations. Blind faith is identical to ignorance. Religion and money is the source of all world conflict. I’d rather be a soulless heathen than be apart of any money-whoring culture-destroying fellowship of morons patting eachother on the back, so consumed with existential validation that they’ll ignore logic and facts because they can’t fathom just being another organism.
      I believe in science. brb, going to get a DNA strand pendant and wear it on a necklace as a sign of my beliefs.

    8. Chenoan says:

      I used to have an imaginary friend, we used to scare chickens together and play in the mud but he disappeared when I was about five.

    9. Soong says:

      When did this board go so pro-religion. Uhg.

      • MikeBabaguh says:

        I was introduced to the site when it was around 600 pages (it’s over 2200 now), a few years ago. A few months after I joined we were suddenly invaded by a bunch of right-wing nutjobs, which led to a wave of gun and sports car pics and a great deal of stupidity in comments.

        I am a much less active commenter now than I was when I first joined.

        • TheLotusEater725 says:

          WTF are you guys talking about? MCS has never been overtly pro-religion. There’s maybe been 3 or 4 users (including myself) that have been outspoken in defending peoples right to believe.

          Christ talk about a persecution complex.

    10. Acriticalgent says:

      Christ Jesus is not imaginary.

    11. ian356094 says:

      Religion is fine and all so long as it doesn’t impede on human rights and freedom.

      Unfortunately, that is impossible.

    12. fracked again says:

      Stupid is the incorrect phrase.

      Delusional is more appropriate.

      • gx5000 says:

        Which means of course that we have many “Delusional” individuals “at the switch” as it were, Nuclear and otherwise…scary huh.

    13. GrandAdmiralThrawn says:

      Except that almost all freedom that exist in the world today exists because of Christianity(Protestant), but that would require you to have an accurate understanding of both History, & the Christian Religion.

    14. bstaples says:

      Adults who think we came from apes who came from fish who came from ??? who came from ooze are stupid.


      • TheLotusEater725 says:

        It’s pretty hard to combat dogma with dogma.

      • KommissarKvC says:

        you are in fact right, when you look at living things, how they work seems too engineered to be ‘evolution’
        organs in certain places, some specially protected by the skeletal structure, some creatures can live solely on meat and get their required nutrients, while others do that with solely plants

        what science tries to tell us is that living things evolve over thousands of years, and that all these bones they dig up are the earlier species of man……well, homo sapiens has been around for many thousands of years and so far theres been no changes to our kind, so science will just tell us it takes longer, so those scientists will be dead before they get called to account for anything

        In truth, the Gods designed us and put us on this earth, all animals that died before humans were here, were earlier designs the gods got bored with and wiped out to hand the world to us

        Praise Odin and the Gods of Valhalla

      • DMYTRIW WDS says:

        The simple choice to not be preoccupied with supernatural divinity does not automatically make the same person believe in certain science.

        The study of evolution, the big bang, string theory did not come in hand in hand with atheists. I could simply give a fuck about the afterlife and any divine teachings, and also and scientific teachings, and that would still make me an atheist.

        So- your strawman argument has nothing to do with the debate between theology and non-theism. Discuss.

    15. Silverwolf says:

      Imaginary friends are just fine, as long as you don’t treat them as real and by doing so justify being a major douchebag to other people. Now excuse me, I wanna go and have a debate on evolution with my friends Dr. Doom, Cthulhu and Hobbes.

    16. natedog says:

      Jesus still loves me, so fuck you fags

    17. Just This Guy, You Know? says:

      Humans are such egotistical, arrogant creatures that they can’t take good advice unless they think it comes from someone with a higher authority than an earthly pedigree can supply. Claiming to be a god or a messenger from them is like having the best street cred ever.

    18. 100110110110010 says:

      I think this T-shirt is completely valid and humorous, except the center symbol should be removed.

      By the way, I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.

      By the way, please don’t kill me.

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