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    44 Responses ttto The Arizona law in crayons

    1. Puulaahi says:

      Wow a Chinese made it in there.

    2. natedog says:

      are there even any humans besides Powder who are that freakin white?

    3. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

      This is cause in Arizona its legal to ask for proof of citizenship when detaining someone who fits the profile of an illegal immigrant right?

      • Flickerdart says:

        I should illegally immigrate to Arizona, and hang around police stations all day. They’ll never know!

      • rainman97361 says:

        Well, considering it’s been federal law that every non-citizen in the United States is required to carry their green card on them since Congress passed the Alien Registration Act in 1940, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith_Act, and also considering that Arizona wrote in this new law that the contact has to be made after other laws have been broken, and also considering that Arizona anticipated legal challenges on a ‘racial profiling’ basis. They wrote in language aimed at avoiding this profiling charge altogether.
        Read the law yourself, it’s only 17 pages… www.azleg.gov/legtext/49leg/2r/bills/sb1070s.pdf

      • Caio says:

        Speaking as an immigrant in China, I have to say I love it when a first-world country does something less free than the people’s republic.

        • rainman97361 says:

          So you’re saying that China has immigration laws more lax than America ?? I find that hard to believe.

        • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:


          China wouldn’t even allow foreign ownership of businesses until about 3 years ago AND you live in an area designated for non chinese. If you don’t you’ll be arrested.

          So bullshit elsewhere you confused little wreck of a human being.

          btw 3 downvotes for a question? lol

          way to be transparent, faggots

    4. rainman97361 says:

      Geez, all this noise about people wanting existing laws to be enforced. It’s not like Arizona made this up all by themselves. They used current, existing federal law to craft their own law.
      None of this would even be necessary if the feds had only enforced their own laws, and all immigrants had respected those laws and abided by them.

      • nyoki says:

        Bullshit. They keep trying to make laws that are unenforceable and cannot work. They’ll never stop coming as long as their country is a festering shit-hole and Arizona isn’t…comparatively.

      • WistfulD says:

        Dude, way to try and pretend a complicated situation is simple. You’re no better than the morons who stand on street corners shouting, “what part of ‘illegal’ don’t you understand?!”

        The problem with immigration is that every part of the American economy is predicated on having access to illegal immigrant workers. Every large corporation profits greatly from their presence. Every consumer goes to the grocery store and contributes their support towards a system that wants illegal immigrants in our workforce. Yet when people write laws to limit illegal immigration, the only way they do it is to try to make life more miserable for illegal immigrants. Do they make the corporations who employ them suffer? No. Do they make the citizens who bought their groceries knowing full well that their purchases supported illegal immigration pay some sort of fine? No. We as a nation want all of the benefits of illegal immigration, but want the immigrants to pay all of the consequences. Can you really be so stupid that you can’t understand that very simple disparity?

        Besides, how can you not see the racial issue here. Yes, non-citizens are required to carry their green card on them, duh. Who are the non-citizens? If you, me, and our buddy Pedro are walking along and we jaywalk, a police officer can issue us a citation. Given that he doesn’t know ahead of time which of us are citizens and which of us are residents, who does he ask if they have their paperwork with them? You, whatever your race and creed are, me, or Pedro? I may be a redheaded Irishman here on a student visa, you are a Canadian national whose visa ran out years ago and you never bothered to renew it because no one ever asks to see it anymore, and Pedro is a fifth generation immigrant whose ethnically Mexican family was living in Texas before it became a state. Who is going to be asked to prove that they have the right to be here? Got any quick rejoinders that obfuscate that moral hazard in this deeply flawed legislation?

        Stupid fucking racists trying to pretend they have the moral high ground!

        • KommissarKvC says:

          I say leave the mexicans alone but keep profiling blacks

        • Kishi says:

          Say your scenario takes place. You know how it plays out? So the police officer decides to issue us a citation. As part of that, he’s going to ask for some ID. So you and I hand over our expired visas and get deported, while Pedro hands over his driver’s license, which is valid proof of residency. That’s what happens in 50 of 50 states.

          The moronic aspect of this law has little to do with that, but more to do with the fact that the original phrasing of the law was “any legal contact”, which meant not only during any sort of stop for a crime, but if you were a witness to something, if someone complained about your dog, or possibly even if the cop walked up to you on public property. They’re trying to pass through a revision of the bill that would limit to to only when someone has been stopped for another crime, which is pretty much what the current status is anyway.

          • fracked again says:

            Unless Pedro left his house without his wallet.

            • Kishi says:

              Then they’ll take him down to the station, and do whatever they have to do to establish his identity. Same thing they’d do to anyone. It’s not like the law makes it so that anyone with any skin color darker than ivory that isn’t carrying a birth certificate and passport is going to be drugged and wake up 15 minutes later in Mexico.

        • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

          For every irish and canadian there are thousands of illegal immigrants who look like pedro.

          So he has to show his ID? Big fucking deal.

          FYI in Canada the first thing an officer does is get your ID.

          The stupid thing is you dumb fucks think counterfeit IDs are hard to come by?

        • TheLotusEater725 says:

          [quote]he problem with immigration is that every part of the American economy is predicated on having access to illegal immigrant workers. [/quote]

          The restaurant, landscaping/farming, Construction and janitorial industries represent every part of the american economy? Or do you mean to tell me that Intel, Raytheon, Microsoft, American Express, State Farm and the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of other privately owned and operated businesses (not just the major market players) completely rely on Illegal immigrants? www.transnationale.org/countries/usas.php Please read that website, and then please realize why what you just said sounds incredibly stupid.

      • DMYTRIW WDS says:

        What about the law forbidding people who talk with any sort of accent to not be able to teach English? That’s a pretty small portion of our population. The south and east coast are certainly fucked.

        And what about not being able to teach about students heritage, equivocating it to hate speech?

        And WHY BAN HUMAN ANIMAL HYBRIDS?! That shit’s retarded.

    5. rainman97361 says:

      The Bracero Program (from the Spanish word brazo, meaning “arm”) was a series of laws and diplomatic agreements, initiated by an August 1942 exchange of diplomatic notes between the United States and Mexico, for the importation of temporary contract laborers from Mexico to the United States. After the expiration of the initial agreement in 1947, the program was continued in agriculture under a variety of laws and administrative agreements until its formal end in 1964.
      There is no sense in NOT enforcing current immigration law, in addition to the new Arizona law, which won’t take effect until in August sometime.
      Current polls show approx 73% of Americans favor Arizona’s new law. Approx 12 states, or more, are considering their own immigration laws.

      Go here to see another reason to enforce current immigration laws: republicbroadcasting.org/?p=8419 Warning: graphic content.

      • nyoki says:


        Could they not find dastardly enough deeds on this side of the border. That’s what the Mexicans are fleeing from. What can we do that would dissuade that? Nothing.

        Also, regardless of the % of Americans support the new law, it’s wrong. Not everything is decided by majority opinion.

        • Kishi says:

          I don’t understand the dumbfucks who point at the violent drug gangs in Mexico and act like this bill is going to keep them out. “Well, shit, I was okay taking my assault rifles and drugs across the border into Arizona, but not if they’re going to check my immigration status if I get caught!”

    6. Chenoan says:


    7. HoChunk says:

      This box of crayons does not accurately represent my collodial-silver-ingesting blueish skin hue.

      • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

        gotta say she makes sense

        though you haven’t lost your language. we print everything in french up here still but everyone speaks english. its just wasted money.

        • Kishi says:

          No, she doesn’t. She talks about the drug trade, the lack of security at the border, and the state’s budget problems. What is this bill going to do to stop the drug trade? Nothing, because those idiots are already breaking the law by, you know, bringing in illegal drugs. How is this going to secure the border? It isn’t, because instead of focusing on the border, this bill is focusing on people who are already in the country. Is this going to help the state budget? I doubt it- she admits the law doesn’t add anything, so why does she act like it’s going to make a huge difference?

          “Maybe it’s too late to save America”? I’m glad someone bought her a “Catchphrases to Invoke the Right” page-a-day calendar.

          • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

            She said there are reports of people walking across from Mexico who are armed right? You read that too?

            Those people then stay and make use of your roads, social programs, and all other publicly funded programs and services without paying into the funds they all draw from.

            Its focusing on the border by kicking people back across it and calling on the federal government to protect the national border.

            You did read the whole thing right?

            Either way you’ve been brainwashed severely. I’m not American and speaking from a third person perspective the idiocy of not seeing how expensive cheap labour is is incredible. You’ve never heard the expression ‘cheap labour is the most expensive thing in the world’? Odd because its a very old saying.

            So you have people walking in armed with drugs and staying until the money is drained and then moving on and you think that’s okay?

            The American media really has done a wonderful job of messing up its own people’s heads, turning the world against its own country, and in general bullshitting Americans and the world every chance they get.

            I’ve read up your demonized Fox News boogie man and for every stupid story or fabrication I see on there I can show you 10000 leftist BS fake news reports that are infinitely more vile.

            summary: you’ve been lied to and had misplaced guilt forced on you to the point that you’re now thinking its okay that you’re being robbed.

            • Kishi says:

              I am American, and actually live in Arizona, so I’m speaking from a first-person point of view. I know, it’s a crazy theory that someone might have their own thoughts. I’m sure the global media has brainwashed you severely into thinking that every American just watched Fox news all the time and worships at the altar of the Republican Party- hey, stupid over-generalization is fun, I see why you do it.

              But here’s why her whole point, and yours by extension, is bullshit- she’s taking two very, very different categories of people, and pretending they act the exact same way. The people who are crossing the border while heavily armed? They’re not staying around. They’re bringing in drugs, selling them, and then going back to Mexico to repeat the process. The people who are coming in to be extremely cheap labor and drain our social systems? That’s who this bill is aimed at. The drug cartels don’t give a shit about this bill, so her first point is a complete waste of space.

              As for her second point, if she’s going to complain about how the border patrol isn’t actually set up at the border, then why isn’t she pushing for a bill that would put more focus on the border? Her whole complaint is that the enforcement is set too far back from the actual entry point, and she’s using that as a reason to emphasize enforcement *further* back?

              And her last point. She specifically says “nothing new has been added to this law.” So why is it going to make a difference at all? She’s spent the whole time arguing why we need border security, and then suddenly changes topics to say that’s why we need to enforce immigration standards. The same standards that she admits already exist. She’s arguing two completely different topics.

              Summary: You’re wrong and you’re making huge guesses about what I think about this bill.

    8. kkattfish says:

      as an arizona legal citizen i must say we did it all for the lulz

    9. Jesus Christ says:

      I’d throw out a whitey if they were illegal. Fuck all illegals.

    10. rainman97361 says:

      Standing on a street corner with a sign that says “what part of ‘illegal’ don’t you understand”?! I don’t stand on street corners with signs, although I do go to every Tea Party I can.
      BTW, I do like that sign, think I’ll carry it at the next Tea Party rally I go to.

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