scientific fields arranged by purity

scientific fields arranged by purity

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    The Matrix: Rebooted

    “Purity” doesn’t have anything to do with usefulness.


    tell that to an aryan.




    is it just my memory, or have the colors been inverted here?


    You’re right. Dunno why it’s like this. I’m scared.


    i seem to be late as fuck but

    white on black is a lot less harsh on the eyes as a wallpaper

    i basically never turn on the lights in my room


    Ah. This is probably one of my favorite XKCDs. I never thought about using it as a wallpaper.


    Mathematicians are smartasses


    Isn’t math just applied reason?


    Yes, which is just applied philosophy. Booyea! Philosophy pwns all


    but philosophy is just applied bullshit… So bullshit wins?


    Not in the slightist, since it doesn’t have to be applied, it can be completely theoretical (that’s part of its’ beauty). It is reasoning within a predefined set of axioms and rules.


    Insert Engineer looking down on the group shouting “I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people! Can’t you understand that?!” A la Office Space.


    I think Psychiatry would be a better description of applied Biology. But the mathematicians definitely pwn in the purity department… 🙂


    Artists get to have fun making fun of them all though, tehee :3


    Maths is shallow and pointless. It’s linear and uninteresting, just like the people who study it.


    What’s so “shallow and pointless” about mathematics?

    without math, there would be NONE of the derivative sciences indicated here:
    no physics – which explains the physical interactions of objects from galaxies down to quarks and neutrinos

    no chemistry – which explains the chemical interactions of atoms and molecules

    no biology – which explains how living organisms function and interact with one another

    no psychology – which attempts to explain how the human brain is affected chemically by interpretations of events in the outside environment

    no sociology – which attempts to explain how a large groups of brains (inside humans) develop rules and behaviors that allow for the greatest benefit to the group as a whole

    I’ve taken classes in all of these subjects, and they’re all dependent on mathematics, they just get more dependent on mathematics as you go up this “purity” spectrum.

    I mean, there are even more things that just wouldn’t be without math; there would be no engineering, because engineering is all about designing things to precision so they will operate the way you want them to. You can’t be precise without math.

    There would be no western music. The 12-tone major scale is mathematical: octaves are logarithmic, A below middle C is 440 Hz, A above middle C is 880 Hz.

    We would have absolutely no understanding of wave motion; no sound, no light, no fluid dynamics. Hell, we wouldn’t even know about electromagnetics or that light is just part of a spectrum of electromagnetic radiation that includes radio waves, micro waves, and x-rays.

    Without math, there is no science.

    How dare you say it is “shallow and pointless”.


    Blah Blah Blah all I see is that you’re shallow and pointless
    (I’m really really sorry, trolling is literally my other self)


    Math is linear? Explain.


    He meant: “I like big butts and I cannot lie! You other brothers can’t deny…”


    Ah, well some people will never understand I suppose. 😉


    LOL… Mathematics is the polar opposite of linear, and uninteresting. And clearly you’ve been hanging around the wrong math crowd… 😛


    I think you’re all going off on a tangent. Well, sum of you are.


    It’s all about finding the tangent.


    …and if you can’t find it; derive it!

    hahahahah I crack myself up sumtimes.

    Not really.



    Ha ha ha ha… errr… *cough*


    WARNING!!!: Do not watch this video. It will get get stuck in your head.


    I fucking lol’d.


    I’m sure to get downvoted into oblivion for these.

    Q: Just where do you go to find a Tangent?
    A: You can catch a Sine of them at the beach.

    1P: I just got charged with a hate crime.
    2P: What did you do?
    1P: I went off on a TanGent.




    Math is for faggots.




    Because faggots are for maths.


    I have to hand you the victory dear Sir. I admit my pwnage.


    Fill in you favorite stereotype (Bigots are my favorite):

    Q: Why do ______ like math so much?
    A: It’s the only way some of them can multiply.


    yeah, real men want only to suck dicks


    It’s all wrong

    Mmedicine is applied biology, psychology is not science at all.

    I’m not quite sure ’bout sociology.

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