Ouija Board Wallpaper

ouija.jpg (1 MB)

Have you ever?
Tried it with a friend. Asked, “Who killed Brian?”
It spelled out NOONE.
The thing sure seemed to move on its own.
Police report later said it was suicide.

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    19 Responses ttto Ouija Board Wallpaper

    1. natedog says:

      it was wrong.

      brian was the killer

    2. Puulaahi says:

      Never tried it. I don’t believe in heaven or hell. But I do believe in the supernatural, spirits and shit like that. Their may be no hell, but there sure is an absolute evil.

      • How can you be so sure. How does one go about measuring evil? Oh wait let me just grab my evil-o-meter real quick. And I’m not saying it can’t exist because we can’t measure it but there is no system that could even scientifically describe “evil.” I think nyokki said this somewhere, nothing can exist outside of nature therefore everything is natural, even the unnatural. Let’s take a virus for example, it kills people but has no motif or conscience, I’m sure you agree. Now if you take a murderer, who may appear to have no motif which would lead one to believe, oh this guy is pure evil, while a psychologist would tell you that there is always a reason. Either a psychological one, which could be as natural and primitive as a virus or a physical defect in his brain that he was born with.

        • Puulaahi says:

          Just saying evil is possibly innate in nature itself. Doesn’t have to be scientifically proven. Just like people of faith believe in their god or gods without any scientific proof.

          • TGGeko says:

            Possibly, but we don’t consider hurricanes to be “evil”. The only things to which we attach “evil” to is to other people. People can be evil, but nature isn’t as people have free will.

            • So are you saying people are not a part of nature? And how exactly do you think “free will” works out, because a scientist would tell you that you have no control over the chemicals in your brain whatsoever. That your environment and the people around you form you from birth, which you obviously can’t control either and that every “decision” you make is an effect of everything that happened to you prior to that, not some magical centre in your brain that magically lets you choose what to do without being affected by the laws of physics.

            • TGGeko says:

              Well then in that case what I wrote was just a produce of chemicals and not actually conveying ideas as chemicals don’t have mental processes; same with what you wrote, and therefore we are not talking but just playing out extremely complex chemical reactions, and not exchanging immaterial ideas.

              So why bother arguing with me? You can’t affect the chemical reactions going on in my brain.

          • fracked again says:

            I wouldn’t say evil is innate in nature, but that nature is indifferently cruel.

          • But you make fun of people who believe in god all the time, Puulaahi.

    3. Sticky says:

      The guy who made the Ouija board had his own. His Ouija board told him to increase production of the boards. Not one to question his Ouija board, he did. World War I broke out a month later and Ouija boards were selling out because people wanted to talk to deceased soldiers and loved ones.

    4. justonemango says:

      I love Ouija boards just because it’s pronounced like “Weegee”

    5. WaltherKid says:

      i tried to ouiji with a squeegee and i got the heebie jeebies

    6. WaltherKid says:

      the “comments” section on this particular post appears to be buggy (dissapearing), hmm…..hmm….

    7. fracked again says:

      Ah, Ouija, was there ever a better mingling of the ideomotor effect and clever kids moving the pointer on purpose?

    8. This one time, we were at a party, and we found that this girl was raped in the bathroom.

      We don’t know how it worked but it did.

    9. Maxwell Edison says:

      Ouija board
      Would you work for me ?
      I have got to say Hello
      To an old friend

      Ouija board, ouija board, ouija board
      Would you work for me ?
      I have got to get through
      To a good friend
      Well, she has now gone
      From this Unhappy Planet
      With all the carnivores
      And the destructors of it

      Ouija board, ouija board, ouija board
      Would you help me ?
      Because I still do feel
      So horribly lonely

      Would you, ouija board
      Would you, ouija board
      Would you help me ?
      And I just can’t find
      My place in this world

      She has now gone
      From this Unhappy Planet
      With all the carnivores
      And the destructors of it

      Oh hear my voice (“hear my voice”)
      Oh hear my voice (“hear my voice”)
      Hear my voice (“hear my voice”)
      Hear my voice (“hear my voice”)
      The table is rumbling …
      The table is rumbling
      The glass is moving
      “No, I was NOT pushing that time”
      It spells : S.T.E.V.E.N

      The table is rumbling
      The glass is moving
      “No, I was NOT pushing that time” :
      P.U.S.H.O. double F.

      Well, she has now gone
      From this Unhappy Planet
      With all the carnivores

    10. DMYTRIW WDS says:

      Did it once in college. It said I was going to die in 2010, then my friend got sick, other friends freaked and tried to burn the thing, it wouldn’t burn but one of their sweaters did, then they dosed it with lighter fluid, went up in flames. When it was all over the friend that was sick jumped up, laughed, and called us dumbasses. He was puching it the whole time.

    11. sickmindedone says:

      My friend was skeptical to join in one time. So we made him think of a color. Then we asked the board. He stood there and watched and you could see him get pale as the board spelled out y-e-l-l-o-w. I know I wasn’t thinkin’ that he’d be thinking that, but dude looked scared as hell. I think we stopped then.

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