Different types of male bodies

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    i am builtfat. with a little bit of skinnyfat fat thrown in good measure.


    Swimmer working my way to being cut.


    Then you’ll get all the guys you want!


    Skinnyfat FTW!

    casemods UID# 667

    >he still takes images from 4chan and posts to M[C]S

    >girls laughing.jpg


    I am fat, but thankfully nowhere near the guy in the picture. On my way to builtfat.


    Hubby and youngest are builtfat, very Irish stocky. Every summer when they’re out doing physical labor (in the yard, house fixes) the muscle just piles on fast. Half way thru winter they get chubbier. The other two are somewhere between skinny and swimmer. They’re much leaner, both long distance runners.


    built fat, from skinny fat about 3 months ago. Dunno bout reaching bearmode, i’m 6 ft zero so wouldn’t consider myself tall enough to pull it off.


    I am approximately skinny fat also. I aspire to be builtfat. What should I do?


    Eat a lot more, exercise a little more.


    Hrm, needs Huttese.


    My body is not here.


    Skinnyfat since grad school started. Just don’t have the time to work out as much anymore, and with my slight frame, every extra pound just shows up quickly. Used to look like swimmer build (maybe a little less shoulder and some crazy ripped legs, cycling 60 miles a day will do that to you). Hopefully will again.


    Interesting that the male counterpart was in SFW, while the female counterpart was in NSFW.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    Suck it.


    Hello there lol

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