Bears in a Pool

pool.jpg (313 KB)

“I wuvs you,Schmoopy!”
“I wuvs you MORE, Schnoodles!!!”

*Eskimo kisses*

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    23 Responses ttto Bears in a Pool

    1. TheLotusEater725 says:

      Ahahahahhahahhaha. Gay guys are hilarious because they do things that make no sense to us straight people.

    2. I’m straight and this makes perfect sense to me. I also knew what this photo was going to be about, multi_masked keeps using the term bear so I put two and two together. + 1 pool. = fucking sweet.

    3. etiii says:

      Go back to the Closet!!!!!!!!!!

    4. multi_masked says:

      I love bears, and I love red heads. I’m totally hard just looking at this picture imagining myself in between them. Hot!

      Also, this picture is horribly adorable. They look so happy together.

    5. WistfulD says:

      As a man secure in his own sexuality, I can say that this does look like a tender moment between a loving homosexual couple (that, or they are two straight guys posing like this to freak out their insecure friends). Either way I am impressed by two very impressive beards. Since I have these guys’ hairline, I wish I had their facial hair capacity.

    6. KommissarKvC says:

      if only they could get lost and do it somewhere else, FAR FAR away from humans so we dont have to worry about seeing them on the street, and very far away from warping our kids minds

    7. Demon says:

      Funny, I was gonna say the same thing about you.

    8. KommissarKvC says:

      nice, you like big hairy faggots warping kids minds and speak against those who support humanity
      Demon, dont have kids, you’ll just help the corruption of liberalism spread

    9. nyoki says:

      I like that also. You don’t? Strange.

    10. Sticky says:

      Weird. I didn’t think Liberalism was a bad thing. I mean, in Civ 4 it does give you a free technology.

    11. Demon says:

      Huh. I was positive that would be a real site.

    12. DMYTRIW WDS says:

      Once you start not taking KommissarKvC seriously it’s kind of funny. Kinda like a retard trying to tackle differential equations.

    13. sutenvulf says:

      this “spread of liberalism” is taking hold quickly but i don’t think its deconstructive…but i think i do know what you’re describing

      besides this kinda shit’s been around for quite a while now, i dont see what the big “OMFG THEY’RE SO CUTE LOLOLRAWRGAY” is about…at least oprah’s getting off the air

    14. Demon says:

      Oprah`s ending her talk show to start her OWN CABLE NETWORK.
      Oprah 24/7, bitch.

    15. stoneage says:

      2 bears 1 pool?

    16. draikyn says:

      Im gay and this kinda disturbs me…

      KVC, I think you’ve got that backwards. Would it surprise you to know that while only 2% of adult US citizens identify as gay, over 50% of youth suicides are by gay people (2002 stats). If anything, people like you are warping the minds of young people so badly they’d prefer to die than inhabit the same space as you. Maybe Nazis like you should be the ones to go far FAR away. And die.

    17. maggot5858 says:

      aw…this is cute
      go fuck yourself you insecure dick less asshole

    18. KommissarKvC says:

      well yes, those who choose to identify, yet not counting all the closet cases or those that just choose to not have themselves labeeled by what they truly are. As for fags comitting suicide, by all means let us keep the factors in life that drive them to such a choice, or for those of us within humanity who cant wait for natural selection, continue on with buying illegal firearms and speeding things along

    19. TrikYodz says:

      they were just playing a REALLY intense game of marco polo.

    20. Adrian says:

      whatever other meanings the two words “Schmoopy” and “Schnoodles” may have had in my memory, they have now been irreversibly replaced by “slightly overweight gay man with well groomed facial hair canoodling in outdoor pool”.

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